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New Folgers coffee containers

Dana and Cocoa

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I have one in the Fridge and until you mentioned it I never thought of using it for a Cache. It is sturdy and seals well, but it's kind of bright red, might want to dull it up a bit.


Take Care,


''The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train and now he's walk'in!'' Jean Shepherd

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I mentioned in another thread about finding one of the new coffee cans this weekend.


Lordy did that thing stink. It was colder than cold out, my nose was running and largely non-functional, and yet, when I opened that thing up, DANG.


I also can't imagine they'd hold up well to some of the more serious battering cache containers can handle with that particular lid, but the one I found was sitting in a little cubby that was out of the elements. The lids are still flimsy like regular coffee can, I think.


I suspect they'll have their place if you can get it to be smell free and hide them out of harsh weather!





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I bought one of these simply because it looked like great cache container. I agree that the lid is flimsy and does not seal tight after a few openings. Probably end up in the garage holding nails. Unless of course, one of you creative types can rig up a better lid.


Understand what? My purpose? You know that. To find the Tower is my purpose. I'm sworn.

-Roland, The Gunslinger

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I have used one for a cache that I hid. I glued tree bark around the outside of the can and leaves and ground litter to the lid. Looks just like a stump. As a matter of fact it is setting right next to a trail, in the open, completely unnoticed by those passing by.


It has no smell. I used it first to hold paint thinner while I cleaned brushes.I guess the thinner kinda cleaned out the coffee smell and the thinner itself left little or no smell.

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We have a birch in the yard....hmm wonder if Ani would be upset if I skinned it. The bark would be perfect to wrap a cache with.


Naneki- Of course I have Calla, trying to read it fast and slow at the same time...waited so long. I don't want the series to end, but I have to know how it ends. Clearly I am crazy.


Understand what? My purpose? You know that. To find the Tower is my purpose. I'm sworn.

-Roland, The Gunslinger

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I bought a can of Folgers (ok, um bucket, no, container of Folgers) because it was on sale for $4 @ Top Foods, The lid isn't tight at all. I checked a few at the store, all were the same. I figured the foil seal was causing it, But I just opened it today, and the lid was tighter with the foil on. I would never use it for a cache.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

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I've got a great use for the new Folgers coffee containers: throw in your spare change every day. It makes a good bank. When you've saved 3 or 4 dollars, go buy an ammo can for your next cache.


That's a great one. I think I'll steal it.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm

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If you were unemployed since January, you might buy what's on sale, if it works, and not for the container, (I use ammo cans). It's not that bad, but I sure wouldn't buy it at full price.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

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Originally posted by Johnnie Stalkers:

We have a birch in the yard....hmm wonder if Ani would be upset if I skinned it. The bark would be perfect to wrap a cache with.



I don't think you are going to want to strip the birch tree, doing so will kill it. That would be a bummer. I'd go into the woods and find a dead one laying on the ground and strip that. Glue a thin gut off the end of a log on the top of the container and you've got a really convincing stump when you glue the dead bark on the outside.


Cache on

Brian D.

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Why in God's name would you buy Folgers!

Just for a container?!

Folgers is more like weak tea. It sure isn't coffee.


I thought that the best part of waking up was Folgers in your cup.


"The rainbow is more beautiful than the pot at the end of it, because the rainbow is now and the pot never turns out to be quite what I expected." - Hugh Prather

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