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Analyze Your Nearest 20


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My 20 closest unfound caches: Constantly changing as I keep doing them. Three are on a longish hike that is waiting for cooler weather. One is in a direction I rarely travel - need to plan others in the same area. The rest are being done as I get to them. Not much happening there recently - 3 day gaming con, picked up a few near by; two days in a lava tube helping film a home version of LOTR, grabbed a few (not even close to my closest 20, outside my nearest unfound PQ of 500); trying to find a new hide for my multi that got muggled; etc. I'll get them, but then they get replaced by others, so once I get out to 10 miles cleared I'll just do whatever strikes my fancy.

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I've found all but one of my nearest 20. That one is a multicache that has cursed me at each stage. I know where stage 3 is now, but I haven't had the time to go get it and move on to stage 4.


If I filter finds, 11 of the nearest 20 have been disabled for some time, partly due to fire danger. Out of theactive 9, one is that multi I already mentioned, another I posted a DNF for. 4 of them are relatively new. 2 are very time-consuming multis. The last one requires a long hike through sand. It's not that it's too far, but it's monsoon season. It's in an area where there can be flash floods. When the weather isn't an issue, it's too hot to hike out to it. I'll wait until summer in the desert is over (of course, I said the same thing last summer)

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The 20 closest to my house that I have not found:


2 are ones I helped hide.


5 are temporarily disabled.


3 are puzzle caches that I haven't gotten around to trying yet.


1 is in an area so nasty that I refuse to go back there.


9 are ones that I haven't gotten around to yet. I've been caching in another city a lot lately and haven't searched for any caches close to home in a few weeks.

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My nearest 20 unfound:


Range from 6 to 27 miles from home

-3 aircrash virtuals (long hikes)

-5 other virtuals

-2 regular caches that involve fairly long hikes

-2 on the other side of the river

-1 roadside micro

-1 picnic in September

-4 new caches that I will get to soon

-1 crypto that I can't figure out.

-1 temporarily unavailable.

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12.3 to 33.6 miles away.


(1) is in a barber shop available only during hours I am out of town at work

(2) are puzzles caches that require math (ugh)

(1) is a devil micro that I have 3 DNFs on


The rest all involve long hikes that are too close to poison oak for me (very prone and currently recovering from a bout) or too long of a hike for the spouse to do (she has lupus).


Soooo...over all we have done most if not all the doable ones close,


Ed (& Julie)

The Badge & the Butterfly

Edited by The Badge & the Butterfly
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:P Just kidding. Indeed, nearly 300 caches under your belt - must have a gazillion miles on your odeometer. Shoot, maybe there should be a handicap for cache-dearth areas - yo-oh, Jeremy?

Heh - I can assure you that I'm quite used to having to drive at least 35 miles (or 50 if we go south to Vicksburg) about once a week to "shop". It's the price I pay for not leaving home and not having to live with overcrowding. Privacy is a nice thing to have.




Incidentally I think I screwed up my analysis. I'll redo it after I log my nearest 7 unfound.



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For me it is simple. When I was a hunter, I never shot anything close to home. Always leave that for a time when you NEED it, and don't have time to travel.


Well, there are still not a lot of caches here. Whe I started there were less that 25 in the area. We are now approaching 200. Still, it is the same as hunting. I want to leave some close ones to do for the times when I want to cache, and don't have a lot of time.

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There! Just put three of them away.


We've got thunderstorms coming in New England, so a nice long hike in the woods didn't sound like fun. The air is heavy and horrible. Figured I'd pick off a few new park and grabs close to home (or "drive by shootings" as my SO calls them). Got two and one DNF of the "thankyouverymuchIwon'tbecomingback" variety.


Wait! What do you mean those slots just fill up with new caches I haven't found?!

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I live in a small town that borders a large river, so 14 of my "nearest 20" are actually at least a mile across the mighty Ohio as the crow flies --and therefore at least 5 or 6 actual driving miles away. Since it is a metro area, there are literally dozens of other caches along the driving route before the "nearest" from my home.

Of the others:

1) there are a cluster we are saving for an evening that we feel like running down a few caches but don't feel up to a long drive

2) there is a virtual that I already know what it is, but haven't visited in so many years that I would enjoy it again--and plan to get it sometime when I have to drive that way anyway

3) there is one that I actually looked for once --without finding it--while showing a teacher buddy how to use the GPSr. It tends to disappear from time to time when found by children playing nearby, so I am just going to have to find it one of those times when it is there.

4) one is in a busy skate park where most of the kids know me because my youngest is one of the local boarders who hang there--so I need to go there when the kiddies aren't there if I don't want to attract attention to myself (Hey Alex, why is your Mom looking around in those bushes with her cell phone?)

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MOCs are elitist rolleyes.gif laugh.gif


Um, NO. Exclusionary but not elitist. {wink}



2 are still those puzzles (I *WILL* get to them, Randy!)

1 I gotta climb a tree (That's still on the list to do too, Randy)

1 is the Mtn Bike cache (whew, not Randy's)


Hehe! LOL... Sounds like I don't need to hide anymore at this rate! (Although adding a biking cache would expand the repertoire nicely...)






PS: This thread prompted me to eliminate 2 of those previous unfounds today!

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"Unfound" closest 20 with distance and real reason for not logging yet.


1. 2.7M - Hint indicates you must be at least 6' tall.

2. 3.6M - Micro on a busy sidewalk in a tourist town.

3. 6.9M - Just placed yesterday. YESTERDAY!!! Excuse me. I'll be back.


(*^)*&% hydro-caches.


4. 7.7M - Webcam

5. 8M - Hydro-cache. I don't do hydros. You go to the trouble to get there and the cache has washed away.

6. 8.3M - Hydro that has a total of 3 visits. The FTF (1 month after placed) indicated the container was destroyed and the log unusably wet. 2 identical follow-ups in the past 2 months. No response from owner.

7. 8.9M - Hydro with wet contents and missing log.

8. 11.5M - Hydro in a marsh.

9. 16M - Tough multi near the top of my to-do list.

10. 16.4M - 30M drive. 6M round trip hike through 2'-3' deep black water guarded by yellow flies and mosquitoes. #1 on my to-do list because this isn't a hydro. :blink:

11. 16.7M - 30M drive. $4 entrance fee to a non-descript location.

12. 17.8M - Already seen but not logged because I want a trifecta with #10 above.

13. 18M - Same as #12.

14. 20.7M - Mystery cache. Clue 1 hasn't been found since March. Clue 2 60M away on an air force base that requires a permit to enter. Clue 3 is 1100M away. Clue 4 is not in cache where it was left and hasn't been seen since April.

15. 21.8M - Tried for this one yesterday. $8 entrance fee to a "public" park when there is a free park with more facilities and a better view just down the beach. The idea here is that you can pay to go to the private "public" beach where no one goes or you can go to the crowded free public beach. I chose the latter and so much for caching. ;)

16. 23.3M - Virtual that I've visited many times in the past. I'll log it one of these days.

17. 23.3M - Micro that requires a ferry trip.

18. 23.6M - same as #16.

19. 23.7M - Requires ferry trip.

20. 23.9M - same as #16.

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(14) The Haunted Hospital - 3.6 miles - From the cache description: "I THINK THERE IS ENOUGH IN THE REAL WORLD TO KEEP ME SCARED, LIKE ASBESTOS, BROKEN GLASS, JAGGED METAL AND PAINT HUFFERS AND OTHER PEOPLE TO BE WARY OF."  Not in a hurry to find this one.

#1: that spot sounds right up my alley.

#2: how in the hell is this cache possibly meeting approval requirements? Isn't one of the requirements that it not involve trespassing which this sounds like it has to be.

Actually this one is worth a visit, despite the cache description. Nope, no trespassing required that I could tell. Here's my log of it, one of the more interesting stops on my very enjoyable Tallahassee caching expedition a few weeks back:




-Dave R.

Edited by drat19
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Of the closet 20 to my house they are anywhere from 6 miles to 30 miles.


I've placed 2 of them

Found 10 of them

2 are too far to walk in the Ga heat. (one is 9.3 miles round trip the other will be 7 miles round trip)

2 too tough for my phyical condition at this point

1 virtual just has come up on the schedule

3 that will require most of the day between driving time and caching time


So for someone doing this for only 2 months I don't think that's too bad!

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The twenty closest to me are from ½-mile to 19.3 miles from me.


~ 4 of them are mine

~ I have found 8 of them

~ 5 of them are planned as part of a caching trip I want to take my Dad on, to introduce him to the sport

~ 1 is a new one that I drove right past last week, and didn't know it was there, or I would have done it

~ 2 are in the opposite direction of the rest, and I just haven't gotten around to doing those yet

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For me it is simple. When I was a hunter, I never shot anything close to home. Always leave that for a time when you NEED it, and don't have time to travel.


Well, there are still not a lot of caches here. Whe I started there were less that 25 in the area. We are now approaching 200. Still, it is the same as hunting. I want to leave some close ones to do for the times when I want to cache, and don't have a lot of time.

I do the same. I leave them in Manhattan, which is close by, when I have to drop ,my wife of a her sister's to go shopping. Then I cache with our dog.


There are also urban micros though that I won't do. I hate those.


By the way, why did ya give up hunting? Didn't you leave anything?? :blink:


(just kiddin' But I am interested?)

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10 are in a direction that I very rarely go. I've been waiting for a lazy Saturday afternoon to go get them. But with two kids, a house, rental property, etc., I never have lazy Saturdays. My next 9 Saturdays are already spoken for. Bleah.

Thanks to this thread, I decided I was going to have a "me" day. So, I packed some cold beverages in a cooler and grabbed a buddy who needed a break. We wandered down dirt roads and found three interesting places that we never knew existed. We had a few beverages, told stories about friends that we've known for more than 30 years, and enjoyed ourselves doing absolutely nothing. That, to me, is the real joy in geocaching.


I still have 8 or so caches in that direction to track down some day, but I'll bet I don't have as much fun finding them as I did today.



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The nearest 20 that I haven't found range from 18.3 to 50 miles away:


- 1 is a DNF on Friday due to excessive bees in cache vicinity

- 3 are archived

- 1 is an event cache

- 1 I attempted today but the road was closed for repair

- 1 I am saving for when I go to the event above

- 1 I got near but was afraid I would get my vehicle stuck

- 1 is located in a MN State Park which is illegal

- the rest are scattered in areas I rarely visit

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My nearest 20 unfound range from 12.7-22.3 miles away. I haven't found them because...


1 I DNF'd on and haven't gotten back to yet.

4 are just out of the way enough that it hasn't been worth it to get them yet.

5 are terrain ratings of "4" or higher, and I hope to get them when it cools off.

1 is disabled.

1 is a multi with a missing stage, but the owner hasn't disabled it.

5 are new ones (within the past month) that I haven't gotten around to yet.

3 are longer hikes on unfamiliar trails; I'll have to do those too when it cools off.


I have found or own the closest 169 caches, though, so I think I'm doing all right.

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My nearest 20 not found range from 10.1 to 33.7 miles. Four are DNF, one is describes as "thorny" so I'll wait till fall, one is a five star difficulty--- the rest, I'll go after. I have found 61 to date (57 local) and I'm already looking at a 26 mile jaunt to get more. This part of Indiana needs more caches!

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My nearest 20 not found range from 10.1 to 33.7 miles. Four are DNF, one is describes as "thorny" so I'll wait till fall, one is a five star difficulty--- the rest, I'll go after. I have found 61 to date (57 local) and I'm already looking at a 26 mile jaunt to get more. This part of Indiana needs more caches!

Go east, young man! The Fort Wayne area has a BUNCH!

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Okay, I counted. Of the first 20, 7 are mine and I have found the rest. Moving up to 40 puts two more mine and all are found. At 60, one has been disabled for a long time and two are off road and up a mountain that would require more than three hours of driving each way. By 80 at Mopar's rules, I have a cam camera that I haven't figured out how to do, more disabled and a few that I just haven't gotten to but are 25 miles away, off by themselves in the mountains and just don't seem interesting enough to devote a whole caching day to claiming.

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Okay back to the original post:


20 nearby caches, nearest is 5.2 miles furthest is 12.1 miles


* 3 are in a state park you have to pay money to enter, will save those for when relatives are here

* 3 are high on to do list but isolated and require planning

* 1 is in a cool spot, but the Republican National Convention is in town next week

* 3 I post DNF for and haven't gone back yet

* 6 are new caches I haven't got around to scooping up

* 1 is in totally the opposite direction than I ever go!

* 2 are stupid and a waste of my time

* 1 is a traveling photographers cache


If my math is correct, then that is twenty. <_<

Edited by avroair
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This thread got me thinking--Why haven't I done these?


3 are caches that I just haven't gotten to yet.

2 are multiple-try DNF's

The other 15 require arduous hikes in the desert heat (105 degrees yesterday), mostly straight up and down. I may do those this winter, or I may never get to them. One requires going up a very steep moutain twice. That one I may just bag. Besides, there are many, many other caches that are more interesting.


Are there some caches that are just not worth the effort?

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Nearest 20 are from 1.2 to 34.6 miles away.


12 of these have been placed in the last 2 weeks and I've been busy watching the Olympics instead of caching.


2 are previously DNFs, but I will go back and find them.


1 is a multi where the parking location for the final cache is currently a construction area (replacing a bridge.) I tried to get there during the week but it is impossible. I'm waiting until the end of construction, or a weekend when I think it might be OK.


None of these 20 will be permanently ignored. :lol:

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Closest not found is 3.5 miles and it's a regular cache. There are just three out of the 20 that are regular caches and we just have not gotten around to them. The one closest looks pretty cool.


Two virtuals. One costs money--though I still want to it because it's a good museum. The other requires pictures from at least for different places. A multi-virt.


One multi that is a very long walk. Actually it is a virt as well. We'll do it once the weather is cooler.


The rest are micros in parking lots and similar venues. I doubt we'll make special trips for these.


11.5 miles is the one with the greatest distance from us.

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My 20 closest unfound range between 1.2 and 5.3 miles away.


-I've logged a DNF's on two of them- I shall return!

-The two closest are disabled.

-10 are in one big state park that in addition to requiring an admission fee, makes for some tough hiking as well (I've found 4 there already). One of the 10 is brand new.

-One is a virtual that has only been found 3 times in 2 and a bit years of existance because it requires emmence amounts of bushwacking in swampy areas (for a virt!) I might do that someday...

-3 are in a iffy part of two (maybe okay during morning hours...)

-2 I legitimently haven't gotten around to yet


I've only found 109 caches so I still have a lot of close-by ones to go...




Edit to clarify

Edited by Enspyer
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Since moving to this area a little over a month ago, I wiped pretty much the city out already. That being said...


My nearest 20 range from 1.5-60.6 miles.


The 3 within 5 miles I haven't done because:


1 is a puzzle I haven't solved (wife is working on that as I type...hey, she wanted to)

1 is the recent event meeting I was out of town for

1 is disabled and I'm waiting for it to be replaced for a FTF attempt


The next closest is 10.5 miles and I haven't driven to it yet

The next beyond that (24.2 miles) I attempted yesterday and logged a DNF


Caching is a growing concept around here, so aside from the 30 or so caches in town, it's a bit of a drive, but the others are pretty awesome from what I gather.

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My nearest 20 are from 29.5 to 55.2 miles.


I hope to get the nearest two this weekend when I go do maintenance on one of my own. The third closest is a major league multi I'm halfway finished with.


Those three will take care of everything within 45 miles. All the rest will have to wait until I'm in that general area.


Counting the 20 closest unfound, found, and placed, I placed 9 of em and found the other 11.

Edited by pater47
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Yes, there was actually a thread about it some time back. I'm sure someone will post a link. Not sure you would be able to tag me by my finds though. :lol:

A little late - but here's the markwell.


Dang that's an old thread.


I actually put forth that you could zero in on a person using some psychology as well. Create an average of their coordinates of finds, but weight the first 5-7 finds heavier (maybe 3:1) in the likelihood that people find their first caches close to home. In the olden days when you could place vacation caches, I also said to weight people's earliest hides more too, but heck - if nowadays with the prohibition on vacation caches, you know pretty much where people are by averaging the coordinates of their hides.

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Seriously, I don't even know what my closest 20 are, but I can categorize them with the following statement.


Having just moved to my favorite city to visit, while I can find touristy spots, I don't know about local parks and am still unsure of my way around town. If I think the cache rating is too difficult to do myself, I'll put them off until I can get someone to go with me, the same goes for if I'm unfamilliar with the roads.



I think when it starts cooling off, I'm going to start maintaining going caching once a week, but for now, caching just isn't fun when you emerge from the woods with sweat running down your shoulder blades from a cache rated 2 or less.

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I didn't analyze it carefully, but my nearest unfound are for varying reasons. The biggie is one that requires climbing up a strange thing made of railroad ties and steel that is over a rather smelly creek. I have been there twice and chickened out both times since I have a pretty serious fear of heights. I might give it one last shot though.


The others fall into one of three categories:


(1) I just haven't got around to it yet. I have a tendency to enjoy country drives and travel, so I often go further away before hitting caches close to home. I will get to those eventually.


(2) They are easy urban caches that I am purposely saving for winter when rural caches might be inaccessible. Also by waiting for snow, the difficulty and adventure of those is increased which I think is fun.


(3) They are on a hiking or bike trail and I am saving them for nice weather days. I have been clearing some of those out over the summer.

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Nearest 20 Unfound:

1.8mi Currently disabled, never attempted

2.2mi Driven by once at night, will get when I need to

2.6mi Long hike that I've done once before, just need to allocate the four hours or so to get it.

2.7mi Longish hike in a park that charges a fee unless you can get there by 7am when the kiosk isn't manned.

3.6mi Haven't attempted (haven't been in the area yet)

4.9mi Don't even recognize this one

5.6mi Haven't attempted (haven't been in the area yet)

5.7mi Marky & Joani puzzle I just couldn't figure out the 3-D coordinates for this one, but somebody reading this forum figured it out for me.

6.0mi Not sure where this is, I probably don't even have the waypoint in my GPSr

6.3mi Multi probably in an area that you don't want to be, haven't attempted yet

7.1mi Haven't been in the area yet.

7.3mi DNFed once. Will try again someday.

7.4mi Long hike up a mountain in a park that charges a fee

7.5mi Probably an easy virtual, just in a direction away from where I normally go

7.5mi Don't recognize this one

7.5mi Long hike up a mountain in a park that charges a fee

7.7mi Currently disabled

7.7mi Multi that goes all around the valley. Fourth in a series of multis. Haven't even finished the Third in the series yet.

7.8mi Long hike up a mountain, will have to allocate a day to get this and a few others

8.0mi Long hike up a mountain, will have to allocate a day to get this and a few others

Edited by kablooey
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Yes, there was actually a thread about it some time back. I'm sure someone will post a link. Not sure you would be able to tag me by my finds though. :lol:

A little late - but here's the markwell.


Dang that's an old thread.


I actually put forth that you could zero in on a person using some psychology as well. Create an average of their coordinates of finds, but weight the first 5-7 finds heavier (maybe 3:1) in the likelihood that people find their first caches close to home. In the olden days when you could place vacation caches, I also said to weight people's earliest hides more too, but heck - if nowadays with the prohibition on vacation caches, you know pretty much where people are by averaging the coordinates of their hides.

I always thought that you should give higher weight to caches based on how long it took from when the cache was first found to when it was found by the cacher. My theory being that the average cacher is more likely to find new caches that appear in the Nearest List rather than ones 200 miles from home.


Anyway, if I recall correctly, Choberiba's original estimate of my location was about 25 miles off, even though he was ignoring my finds in France. Of course, the industriously bored person could probably get a better idea of my location by analyzing the nearest 20 list I just posted.

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Of 20 closest, 18 found; the other 2: 1 is mine and the other is a lame puzzle micro I'll do someday.


Of 20 closest unfound, 6 require a boat, 3 are DNF's, and the others I'll wait for cooler weather. Nearest is 5 miles, furthest is 12 miles.

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of my nearest 20 the closest at .01 miles is mine as well as the next 4... I have found all but 2 of the next nearest and they are both preferred, one of those disabled for a couple weeks now the :lol: . the furthest of the 20 is abt 1.4 miles away.


of the nearest 20 UNFOUND caches, all but one are either preferred or virts. Closest at 1.4 miles, furthest at 13.6 miles.


--nuff said

Edited by virgo91967
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This is fun...


My 20 closest unfound caches are between 24 and 29 miles from home.


All 20 are in Allegheny County (greater Pittsburgh) because I prefer rural caches to urban and suburban ones.


13 of the 20 are on my "must miss" list. 11 of these are crummy micros. I will get to the other seven evenutally.

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This is fun...


My 20 closest unfound caches are between 24 and 29 miles from home.


All 20 are in Allegheny County (greater Pittsburgh) because I prefer rural caches to urban and suburban ones.


13 of the 20 are on my "must miss" list. 11 of these are crummy micros. I will get to the other seven evenutally.

Very interesting. Way back on page one, I described my nearest 20 unfound, all of which are in Allegheny County. Eight of them were micros. In addition, in order to make my schedule work so that I could find my 1000th cache with my daughter along for the hunt at a time when I had custody of her, I found it necessary (due to DNF'ing some better caches) to find three guardrail caches as numbers 997, 998 and 999. 8 plus three equals 11.


I wonder if they are the same 11?

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This is fun...


My 20 closest unfound caches are between 24 and 29 miles from home.


All 20 are in Allegheny County (greater Pittsburgh) because I prefer rural caches to urban and suburban ones.


13 of the 20 are on my "must miss" list. 11 of these are crummy micros. I will get to the other seven evenutally.

I like the concept of a 'must miss' list. But frankly, while I avoid caches I'm not eager to do, once they hit my 'nearest 20 unfound' list I'll do the anyhow, if I happen to be in the area.

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20 caches nearest my home:


5 are mine

1 was placed on an island in the reservoir near my home last month and will get as soon as I can extract the boat from the garage

the rest (14) I have already gotten.


Now of the 20 caches I havent gotten nearest my home:

Besides the one on the island in the lake ($3 entry/launch fee)

there is another lake/reservoir 15 miles away with approximately 12 caches on the property that charges $6.50 to hike their trails and $15 or more to launch a boat. $15 is alot for the one island cache in this lake, maybe I should place another on another island, of course this time of year the island is probably a penninsula and not an island.

Then there are 2 more on a moderate hike I plan on doing this fall after it cools down.

The rest of the 20 are approximately 40 miles away in a city. Urban Micros Ugh!



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Nearest 20? Good question.


The nearest 20 range from 30 m outside my livingroom window (yes, it's ours) to 4.5 km away. Yes, it's fairly cache rich around here and, except for our own, I have logged all of them.


Nearest 20 that I have not found (aside from our own)? 7.3 to 12.5 km away. Most I just haven't had time to go hunt for. One is a fairly new puzzle that I haven't taken time to figure out yet. One is a cache that is supposed to be an easy 1/1, has been logged by many as an easy find, and I have been humbled by it twice!!!! All the rest just haven't been hunted yet because life includes other activities, darn it anyway.


But, we're moving in a couple of days to Oregon. Our new home is not nearly as cache-rich an area, but there will be lots of fun for a few days finding all the caches that are around there. There, the nearest 20 are 5 - 14 km away. I'll miss the livingroom window cache. That has been fun, and we won't be overlooking a park in our new home to allow us the same oportunity.

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my nearest 20 range from 5.3 miles to 17.4 miles.


#1 on my list is technically close but it is actually more like a 50 mile round trip


#3 I went to look for last week and I was stopped by muggles


#5 is temporarily disabled and was missing when I went to look for it


#6-8 are caches I have been saving for a rainy day. They are all close together and I stopped to find them once but I had no print outs and it was 104 degrees so I gave up fast


#16 was another cache I had to give up on due to muggles and have not been back since


#18 and 19 are missing and need archived

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