+tobsas Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 I think it would be very useful if states outside of the US could be added to the system, so we can also search by state or know in which state a TravelBug is located. Here is a begining with the german speaking countries, I hope that people from other countries can provide their states too. Germany (in alphabetical order) Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Sachsen-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen Switzerland (in the official order from de.wikipedia) Zürich Bern Luzern Uri Schwyz Obwalden Nidwalden Glarus Zug Freiburg Solothurn Basel-Stadt Basel-Land Schaffhausen Appenzell Ausserhorden Appenzell Innerhorden St. Gallen Graubünden Aargau Thurgau Tessin Waadt Wallis Neuenburg Genf Jura Austria (in alphabetical order) Burgenland Kärnten Niederösterreich Oberösterreich Salzburg Steiermark Tirol Vorarlberg Wien Greetings from Germany, Tobias
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 (edited) List of Finnish provinces: - Province of Southern Finland - Province of Western Finland - Province of Eastern Finland - Province of Oulu - Province of Lapland But in fact I'd prefer to see them in Finnish: - Etelä-Suomen Lääni - Länsi-Suomen Lääni - Itä-Suomen Lääni - Oulun Lääni - Lapin Lääni In addition to those we have naturally Province of Åland, but here in geocaching.com it's part of Aland Islands, so it's not necessary to add it to system. edit: added finnish names Edited August 13, 2004 by Captain Morgan
+Divine Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Australia (Internal States and Territories) Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory (Other Territories) Jervis Bay Territory Norfolk Island Christmas Island Cocos and Keeling Islands Coral Sea Islands Territory Heard and McDonald Islands Australian Antarctic Territory Canada (Provinces and Territories) Alberta Nunavut British Columbia Ontario Manitoba Prince Edward Island New Brunswick Quebec Newfoundland and Labrador Saskatchewan Northwest Territories Yukon Nova Scotia
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 (edited) In Romania, the biggest administrative units (below the nation/state) are called Judeţul: Judeţele sunt (în ordine alfabetică): Alba Arad Argeş Bacău Bihor Bistriţa-Năsăud Botoşani Braşov Brăila Buzău Caraş-Severin Călăraşi Cluj Constanţa Covasna Dâmboviţa Dolj Galaţi Giurgiu Gorj Harghita Hunedoara Ialomiţa Iaşi Ilfov Maramureş Mehedinţi Mureş Neamţ Olt Prahova Satu Mare Sălaj Sibiu Suceava Teleorman Timiş Tulcea Vaslui Vâlcea Vrancea Great idea by the way, Tobsas! BS/2 Edited August 13, 2004 by BalkanSabranje
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 (edited) Estonian provinces: Harjumaa Hiiumaa Ida-Virumaa Jõgevamaa Järvamaa Läänemaa Lääne-Virumaa Põlvamaa Pärnumaa Raplamaa Saare maakond Tartumaa Viljandimaa Valgamaa Võrumaa Edited August 13, 2004 by Captain Morgan
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Counties of Sweden: Blekinge Dalarna Gotland Gävleborg Halland Jämtland Jönköping Kalmar Kronoberg Norrbotten Skåne Stockholm Södermanland Uppsala Värmland Västerbotten Västernorrland Västmanland Västra Götaland Örebro Östergötland
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 (edited) Counties of Norway Akershus Aust-Agder Buskerud Finnmark Hedmark Hordaland Møre og Romsdal Nord-Trondelag Nordland Oppland Oslo Rogaland Sogn og Fjordane Sør-Trøndelag Telemark Troms Vest-Agder Vestfold Østfold Edited August 13, 2004 by Captain Morgan
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Provinces of France: Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardy Normandy Brittany Pays de la Loire Poitou-Charentes Aquitaine Pyrenees Languedoc Roussillon Provence Corsica Rhone-Alpes Auvergne Limousin Loire Valley Bourgogne Franche Comté Champagne Ardenne Ile de France Alsace Lorraine
+Captain Morgan Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Counties of Denmark Frederiksborg Fyn København Nordjylland Ribe Ringkjøbing Roskilde Sønderjylland Storstrøm Vejle Viborg Vestsjælland Århus In addition to above also island/municipality called Bornholm has county privileges.
Gert Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 I think it would be very useful if states outside of the US could be added to the system I second that!
+RuffRidr Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Great idea! I hope TPTB implement this for you. --RuffRidr
+Ole og Susanne Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Norway: Akershus Aust-Agder Buskerud Finnmark Hedmark Hordaland Moere og Romsdal Nordland Nord-Troendelag Oppland Oslo Rogaland Sogn og Fjordane Telemark Troms Vest-Agder Vestfold Oestfold Ole
Digitale Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Captain Morgan, I would rather use regions. Finland is divided into 20 regions (maakunta/landskap in Finnish/Swedish). Regions grouped by province Lapland Province 0. Lapland (Lappi/ Lappland) Oulu Province 1. Northern Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa/ Norra Österbotten) 2. Kainuu (Kainuu/ Kajanaland) Eastern Finland 3. North Karelia (Pohjois-Karjala/ Norra Karelen) 4. Northern Savonia (Pohjois-Savo/ Norra Savolax) 5. Southern Savonia (Etelä-Savo/ Södra Savolax) Western Finland 6. Southern Ostrobothnia (Etelä-Pohjanmaa/ Södra Österbotten) 7. Ostrobothnia (Pohjanmaa/ Österbotten) 8. Pirkanmaa (Pirkanmaa/ Birkaland) 9. Satakunta (Satakunta/ Satakunda) 10. Central Ostrobothnia (Keski-Pohjanmaa/ Mellersta Österbotten) 11. Central Finland (Keski-Suomi/ Mellersta Finland) 12. Finland Proper (Varsinais-Suomi/ Egentliga Finland) Southern Finland 13. South Karelia (Etelä-Karjala/ Södra Karelen) 14. Päijänne Tavastia (Päijät-Häme/ Päijänne Tavastland) 15. Tavastia Proper (Kanta-Häme/ Egentliga Tavastland) 16. Uusimaa (Uusimaa/ Nyland) 17. Eastern Uusimaa (Itä-Uusimaa/ Östra Nyland) 18. Kymenlaakso (Kymenlaakso/ Kymmenedalen) Åland 19. Åland Islands¹ (Landskapet Åland²) I think the best long-term solution would be to use counrty specific 'state search' with selectable region options, For example for Finland, searh by: Provinces - Regions - Municipalities(communities)
+Divine Posted August 13, 2004 Posted August 13, 2004 Captain Morgan, I would rather use regions.Finland is divided into 20 regions That's what I had in mind too.
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Captain Morgan, I would rather use regions.Finland is divided into 20 regions (maakunta/landskap in Finnish/Swedish). I agree, that's better, but in Finnish only: 0. Lappi 1. Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 2. Kainuu 3. Pohjois-Karjala 4. Pohjois-Savo 5. Etelä-Savo 6. Etelä-Pohjanmaa 7. Pohjanmaa 8. Pirkanmaa 9. Satakunta 10. Keski-Pohjanmaa 11. Keski-Suomi 12. Varsinais-Suomi 13. Etelä-Karjala 14. Päijät-Häme 15. Kanta-Häme 16. Uusimaa 17. Itä-Uusimaa 18. Kymenlaakso And the following belongs under Aland Isles in geocaching.com 19. Åland Islands¹ (Landskapet Åland²) By the way, Aland Isles should be Aland Islands... IMHO, there's no need to use english names of regions, as it's mainly Finns who would make queries from Finland.
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Provinces of China: Anhui Province Beijing Municipality Fujian Province Gansu Province Guangdong Province Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Guizhou Province Hainan Province Hebei Province Heilongjiang Province Henan Province Hubei Province Hunan Province Jiangsu Province Jiangxi Province Jilin Provinceenan Province Liaoning Province Nei Mongol Autonomous Region Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Qinghai Province Shaanxi Province Shandong Province Shanghai Municipality Shanxi Province Sichuan Province Taiwan Province Tianjin Municipality Xinjiang Autonomous Region Xizang Autonomous Region Yunnan Province Zhejiang Province Sorry, can't provide those in chinese...
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Regions of Italy: Liguria Piemonte Lombardy Lazio Tuscany Umbria Campania Sicily Calabria Puglia
Jeremy Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Thanks. I'll keep this bookmarked. The challenge will be categorizing the previous cache listings so they will come up on the correct province/state search.
team_tar Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 (edited) Well, actually the italian "regions" are 20... and the complete list is: Abruzzo Basilicata Calabria Campania Emilia-Romagna Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lazio Liguria Lombardia Marche Molise Piemonte Puglia Sardegna Sicilia Toscana Trentino-Alto Adige Umbria Valle d'Aosta Veneto Regarding the categorization problem, maybe the most practical way would be to email the cache owners asking them to edit their listing to add the region/province information, as soon as it will be implemented. Acaro of Team TAR Edited August 15, 2004 by team_tar
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Thanks. I'll keep this bookmarked. The challenge will be categorizing the previous cache listings so they will come up on the correct province/state search. Yep. That is a (small?) challenge. In our case (Austria, 536 caches by yesterday) this could be easyily done either by the cache owners (in this case, a tenth possibility "not yet allocated" would be needed for the time being) or by volunteers (in that case, count me in). BS
+MarcB Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Wouldn't mind the English counties here too. MarcB
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Iceland is divided into 23 counties, sýslur: Árnessýsla Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla Austur-Húnavatnssýsla Austur-Skaftafellssýsla Borgarfjarðarsýsla Dalasýsla Eyjafjarðarsýsla Gullbringusýsla Kjósarsýsla Mýrasýsla Norður-Ísafjarðarsýsla Norður-Múlasýsla Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla Rangárvallasýsla Skagafjarðarsýsla Snæfellsnes-og Hnappadalssýsla Strandasýsla Suður-Múlasýsla Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla Vestur-Ísafjarðarsýsla Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Latvia is divided into 26 counties (singular - rajons): Aizkraukles Rajons Aluksnes Rajons Balvu Rajons Bauskas Rajons Cesu Rajons Daugavpils Rajons Dobeles Rajons Gulbenes Rajons Jekabpils Rajons Jelgavas Rajons Kraslavas Rajons Kuldigas Rajons Liepajas Rajons Limbazu Rajons Ludzas Rajons Madonas Rajons Ogres Rajons Preilu Rajons Rezeknes Rajons Rigas Rajons Saldus Rajons Talsu Rajons Tukuma Rajons Valkas Rajons Valmieras Rajons Ventspils Rajons Counties of Lithuania: Alytaus Kauno Klaipėdos Marijampolės Panevėžio Šiaulių Tauragės Telšių Utenos Vilniaus
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Russia is a federation which consists of 89 subjects (Russian: субъект(ы); English transliteration: subyekty, sing. subyekt). These subjects are of equal federal rights in the sense that they have equal representation - 2 delegates each - in the Federation Council (upper house of the Russian parliament). However, they do differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy. List of federal subjects of Russia by area Here is a list of the 89 federal subjects of Russia in order of size. Values are given using SI (metric) units. 1. Sakha Republic 3,103,200 km² 2. Krasnoyarsk Krai 2,339,700 km² 3. Tyumen Oblast 1,435,200 km² 4. Taymyria 862,100 km² 5. Khabarovsk Krai 788,600 km² 6. Irkutsk Oblast 767,900 km² 7. Evenkia 767,600 km² 8. Yamalia 750,300 km² 9. Chukotka 737,700 km² 10. Arkhangelsk Oblast 587,400 km² 11. Khantia-Mansia 523,100 km² 12. Kamchatka Oblast 472,300 km² 13. Magadan Oblast 461,400 km² 14. Chita Oblast 431,500 km² 15. Komi Republic 415,900 km² 16. Amur Oblast 363,700 km² 17. Buryat Republic 351,300 km² 18. Tomsk Oblast 316,900 km² 19. Koryakia 301,500 km² 20. Sverdlovsk Oblast 194,800 km² 21. Novosibirsk Oblast 178,200 km² 22. Nenetsia 176,700 km² 23. Republic of Karelia 172,400 km² 24. Tuva 170,500 km² 25. Altai Krai 169,100 km² 26. Primorsky Krai 165,900 km² 27. Perm Oblast 160,600 km² 28. Vologda Oblast 145,700 km² 29. Murmansk Oblast 144,900 km² 30. Bashkortostan 143,600 km² 31. Omsk Oblast 139,700 km² 32. Orenburg Oblast 124,000 km² 33. Kirov Oblast 120,800 km² 34. Volgograd Oblast 114,100 km² 35. Rostov Oblast 100,800 km² 36. Saratov Oblast 100,200 km² 37. Kemerovo Oblast 95,500 km² 38. Altai Republic 92,600 km² 39. Chelyabinsk Oblast 87,900 km² 40. Sakhalin Oblast 87,100 km² 41. Leningrad Oblast 85,900 km² 42. Tver Oblast 84,100 km² 43. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast 76,900 km² 44. Kalmykia 76,100 km² 45. Krasnodar Krai 76,000 km² 46. Kurgan Oblast 71,000 km² 47. Tatarstan 68,000 km² 48. Stavropol Krai 66,500 km² 49. Khakassia 61,900 km² 50. Kostroma Oblast 60,100 km² 51. Novgorod Oblast 55,300 km² 52. Pskov Oblast 55,300 km² 53. Samara Oblast 53,600 km² 54. Voronezh Oblast 52,400 km² 55. Dagestan 50,300 km² 56. Smolensk Oblast 49,800 km² 57. Moscow Oblast 47,000 km² 58. Astrakhan Oblast 44,100 km² 59. Penza Oblast 43,200 km² 60. Udmurtia 42,100 km² 61. Ryazan Oblast 39,600 km² 62. Ulyanovsk Oblast 37,300 km² 63. Yaroslavl Oblast 36,400 km² 64. Jewish Autonomous Oblast 36,000 km² 65. Bryansk Oblast 34,900 km² 66. Tambov Oblast 34,300 km² 67. Permyakia 32,900 km² 68. Kaluga Oblast 29,900 km² 69. Kursk Oblast 29,800 km² 70. Vladimir Oblast 29,000 km² 71. Belgorod Oblast 27,100 km² 72. Mordovia 26,200 km² 73. Tula Oblast 25,700 km² 74. Oryol Oblast 24,700 km² 75. Lipetsk Oblast 24,100 km² 76. Mariy El 23,200 km² 77. Ust-Orda Buryatia 22,400 km² 78. Ivanovo Oblast 21,800 km² 79. Chechnya 19,300 km² 80. Aga Buryatia 19,000 km² 81. Chuvashia 18,300 km² 82. Kaliningrad Oblast 15,100 km² 83. Karachay-Cherkessia 14,100 km² 84. Kabardino-Balkaria 12,500 km² 85. North Ossetia-Alania 8,000 km² 86. Adygeya 7,600 km² 87. Ingushetia ca 4,000 km² 88. Saint Petersburg 1,400 km² 89. Moscow 1,091 km² All the above and more about subdivisions of Russia can be found from http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Subdivisions_of_Russia
+Captain Morgan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 States of Mexico: 1. Aguascalientes 2. Baja California 3. Baja California Sur 4. Campeche 5. Chiapas 6. Chihuahua 7. Coahuila 8. Colima 9. Durango 10. Guanajuato 11. Guerrero 12. Hidalgo 13. Jalisco 14. México 15. Michoacán 16. Morelos 17. Nayarit 18. Nuevo León 19. Oaxaca 20. Puebla 21. Querétaro 22. Quintana Roo 23. San Luis Potosí 24. Sinaloa 25. Sonora 26. Tabasco 27. Tamaulipas 28. Tlaxcala 29. Veracruz 30. Yucatán 31. Zacatecas 32. Federal District
+MarcB Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Wouldn't mind the English counties here too.MarcB And English counties are...? Please don't ask them if you want them, but write a list of them here.... Keep your hair on! Bedfordshire Berkshire Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham East Riding of Yorkshire East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Greater London Greater Manchester Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Wight Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Merseyside Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland North Yorkshire Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Rutland Shropshire Somerset South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Tyne & Wear Warwickshire West Midlands West Sussex West Yorkshire Wiltshire Worcestershire
+cachew nut Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 (edited) Ukraine 25 oblasts Cherkasy Chernihiv Chernivtsi Crimea Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytskyi Kirovohrad Kyiv Luhansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Vinnytsia Volyn Zakarpattia Zaporizhia Zhytomyr Edited August 16, 2004 by cachew nut
+tobsas Posted August 16, 2004 Author Posted August 16, 2004 Thanks. I'll keep this bookmarked. Thanks for considering to add the states outside of the US! :-) The challenge will be categorizing the previous cache listings so they will come up on the correct province/state search. Well, as sooner as we have the states available, lesser cache descriptions have to be "overworked" ... ;-) I think the only way that makes sense is that all caches have to be set to "not yet allocated" as proposed by BalkanSabranje. Than the cache owners have to update their listings. If you make this feature -whenever it's ready- known with the new caches-eMail, I think most cache owners will be happy to update this information quickly. However, if you need volonteers for Germany and/or Switzerland, count me in. (I don't have detailed enough maps and knowlede of other countries.) Greetings, Tobias
+hedberg Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 dadgum, I never knew there were so much energy in a LEGO toy... Problem sleeping?
+Cymbaline Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 "Countys" or "Counties" begs a secondary question, or perhaps a clarification: As different countries/nationalities use different "breakdowns", "counties" throws an error to me. A least common demonenator is needed, it would seem, for "universal translation" of the site. For instance: I'm in the USA, state of Georgia, county of Cobb, city of (suburb of Atlanta). USA = 1 country Georgia = 1 of 50 states Cobb = 1 of 169 counties in Georgia. Within Cobb County, there are at least 7 munincipalities, not to mention a dozen more nonincorporated. So when one says "county", what do they mean? state? county? munincipality? other? "State" would be as low as I'd wanna go, but that differs... (scratching head).
+hedberg Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 In Sweden do we have a lot of things, and the most people doesn't really know what it is called. For example: Norrland/Svealand/Götaland. Sweden is divided in these three parts. But then we have the different landscapes (and we are still not talking about precise definitions about what is what). For example are the landscapes in my area based on old traditions, that are not actual anymore. "Bohuslän" = "Bohus County" and that is not the truth anymore. Then we have countys. Then we have kommun, then we have which church you belong to (even if you not are belonging to it ). It is easier to use zipcode than geographic names.
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 So when one says "county", what do they mean? state? county? munincipality? other? "State" would be as low as I'd wanna go, but that differs... (scratching head). As stated above, I'd suggest the "biggest administrative units (below the nation/state)". In Austria's, the whole would be called a state, and the nine (old) parts forming the federal republic are called "Länder", which equals "countries". BS/2
+Captain Morgan Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 I think it does not matter how those areas are called, they can be states, counties, regions or what ever, but the main thing is that we can split whole countries to smaller areas, so we can make local searches instead of country searches.
team_tar Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Regiones in Chile, North to South: I Region de Tarapaca' II Region de Antofagasta III Region de Atacama IV Region de Coquimbo V Region de Valparaiso Region Metropolitana (has no number) VI Region Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins VII Region de Maule VIII Region de Biobio IX Region de Araucania X Region de Los Lagos XI Region de Aisen del General Carlos Ibanes del Campo XII Region de Magallanes y Antarctica Chilena Some of these should have accents on some vowels... but I have an english keyboard here. Acaro of Team TAR
thorin Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Nice job everyone, it'll be great if we can manage further categorization of this type. Thorin
+tobsas Posted August 19, 2004 Author Posted August 19, 2004 (edited) Just to sumarize a little bit: We now have lists of the states (or regions or ... you name it) in these countires (in alphabetical order): Australia Austria Canada Chile Denmark England (or is that Great-Britain? Post of MarcB, Aug 16 2004, 12:41 AM) Estonia Finland France Germany Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Mexico Norway Romania Russia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine BTW, I copied and pasted them without any numbers into one file, so no need to do that again, just drop me a note, if you want to have them. Greetings, Tobias Edit: No need for the message, just click. Edit2: link corrected Edited August 19, 2004 by tobsas
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 No need for the message, just click. Any chance of getting the correct romanian letters into that text file (don't ask me how to do this)? Thanks, BS/2
+hbrx Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Counties of Norway Akershus Aust-Agder Buskerud Finnmark Hedmark Hordaland Møre og Romsdal Nord-Trondelag Nordland Oppland Oslo Rogaland Sogn og Fjordane Sør-Trøndelag Telemark Troms Vest-Agder Vestfold Østfold Counties of Norway Actually, Svalbard is a county of Norway. Sort of. Anyhow, it is a part of Norway. Today Svalbard & Jan Mayen is counted as a separate country by geocaching.com. Any chance of adding them to Norway instead? As for matching counties and caches in Norway; count me in as volunteer. hbrx.
team_tar Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 ... And here comes Argentina too, where they are called "Provincias": 1. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2. Provincia de Buenos Aires 3. Catamarca 4. Chaco 5. Chubut 6. Córdoba 7. Corrientes 8. Entre Ríos 9. Formosa 10. Jujuy 11. La Pampa 12. La Rioja 13. Mendoza 14. Misiones 15. Neuquén 16. Río Negro 17. Salta 18. San Juan 19. San Luis 20. Santa Cruz 21. Santa Fe 22. Santiago del Estero 23. Tierra del Fuego, Antártida, e Islas del Atlántico Sur 24. Tucumán Since I cut-pasted it, here they have the accents... hope they will create no problems with other charsets... Ciao Acaro of Team TAR
+tobsas Posted August 19, 2004 Author Posted August 19, 2004 (edited) No need for the message, just click. Any chance of getting the correct romanian letters into that text file (don't ask me how to do this)? Sorry about that, I have to upgrade to rtf as I can't convince my Notpad to use the correct charset (didn't notice the failure when I c&p-ed). The link in my first posting is now corrected (also in this quote of you), but here is the link again: click. ;-) BTW, Argentina is also added to the rtf, the txt will vanish now. Greetings, Tobias Edit: rtf is Rich Text Format, can be opend with for example MS Word, Wordpad or various other editors. Edited August 19, 2004 by tobsas
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Croatia is subdivided in 20 županije (singular: županija) and the capital city of Zagreb: 1 Zagrebačka županija 2 Krapinsko-zagorska županija 3 Sisačko-moslavačka županija 4 Karlovačka županija 5 Varaždinska županija 6 Koprivničko-križevačka županija 7 Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija 8 Primorsko-goranska županija 9 Ličko-senjska županija 10 Virovitičko-podravska županija 11 Požeško-slavonska županija 12 Brodsko-posavska županija 13 Zadarska županija 14 Osječko-baranjska županija 15 Šibensko-kninska županija 16 Vukovarsko-srijemska županija 17 Splitsko-dalmatinska županija 18 Istarska županija 19 Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija 20 Međimurska županija 21 Grad Zagreb Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroatien BS/2
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Slovenia is (commonly, but inofficially) subdivided in eight historical landscapes: Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) Štajerska (Styria) Prekmurje (Mur valley) Koroška (Carinthia) Notranjska (Inner Carniola) Dolenjska (Lower Carniola) Bela krajina (White Carniola) Primorska (Coastside) BalkanSabranje
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Bosnia and Hercegovina consists of two entities: Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina Republika Srpska BS/2
+BalkanSabranje Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Hungary consists of the following megyék (counties): Bács-Kiskun, Baranya, Békés, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Csongrád, Fejér, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hajdú-Bihar, Heves, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Komárom-Esztergom, Nógrád, Pest, Somogy, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tolna, Vas, Veszprém, Zala and the city of Budapest. BS/2
+JedlaTeam Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Czech republic/Česká republika: Jihočeský kraj Jihomoravský kraj Karlovarský kraj Královéhradecký kraj Liberecký kraj Moravskoslezský kraj Olomoucký kraj Pardubický kraj Plzeňský kraj Praha kraj Středočeský kraj Ústecký kraj Vysočina kraj Zlínský kraj
+Toniczech Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Thanks to Jedla for the map and list of regions of the Czech Republic and to BalkanSabranje for adding of this topic to our local forum. As for me, I prefer the division into 77 former districts (okresy) than 14 new regions (kraje). (You can see both on the map above.) The older division into districts (though unofficial now) is still quite living and common among people in CZE.
+TeamG Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 All of Great Britans Counties: Aberdeenshire Anglesey/Sir Fon Angus/Forfarshire Argyllshire Ayrshire Banffshire Bedfordshire Berkshire Berwickshire Brecknockshire/Sir Frycheiniog Buckinghamshire Buteshire Caernarfonshire/Sir Gaernarfon Caithness Cambridgeshire Cardiganshire/Ceredigion Carmarthenshire/Sir Gaerfyrddin Cheshire Clackmannanshire Cornwall Cromartyshire Cumberland Denbighshire/Sir Ddinbych Derbyshire Devon Dorset Dumfriesshire Dunbartonshire/Dumbartonshire Durham East Lothian/Haddingtonshire Essex Fife Flintshire/Sir Fflint Glamorgan/Morgannwg Gloucestershire Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Huntingdonshire Inverness-shire Kent Kincardineshire Kinross-shire Kirkcudbrightshire Lanarkshire Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Merioneth/Meirionnydd Middlesex Midlothian/Edinburghshire Monmouthshire/Sir Fynwy Montgomeryshire/Sir Drefaldwyn Morayshire Nairnshire Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Orkney Oxfordshire Peeblesshire Pembrokeshire/Sir Benfro Perthshire Radnorshire/Sir Faesyfed Renfrewshire Ross-shire Roxburghshire Rutland Selkirkshire Shetland Shropshire Somerset Staffordshire Stirlingshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex Sutherland Warwickshire West Lothian/Linlithgowshire Westmorland Wigtownshire Wiltshire Worcestershire Yorkshire
+Captain Morgan Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Regions of Portugal There are five Regions (regiões, singular - região) in mainland Portugal: Algarve Alentejo Centro Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Norte In addition to those, there are two Autonomous Regions (regiões autónomas, singular região autónoma) in the Atlantic Ocean: Açores Madeira
+Chiroptera Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 In our case (Austria, 536 caches by yesterday) this could be easyily done either by the cache owners (in this case, a tenth possibility "not yet allocated" would be needed for the time being) or by volunteers (in that case, count me in). BS The idea is great and I agree with BalkanSabranje. If another Austrian volunteer is needed - here i am Dunja
+tobsas Posted August 24, 2004 Author Posted August 24, 2004 I updated the file. Regions of these states are now listed Argentina Australia Austria Bosnia and Hercegovina Canada Chile Croatia Czech republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Great-Britain Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Mexico Norway Portugal Romania Russia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine Greetings, Tobias
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