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Mt Townsend


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Planning on doing Mt. Townsend on Sunday, 9am show, 9:30 departure. FRS 02

If I won't be tiring myself out between tomorrow and Saturday in the San Juans, I'll be there too.


I haven't yet decided if I'll start from the same trailhead or from another one (there's 4 ways to get to the top!). Don't wait for me...


Mt. Townsend is a beautiful hike under any conditions. It is one of my family's favorites. But I must warn you, she won't be a virgin on Sunday. There is a seeker heading out tomorrow. Probably. Guess we'll see if the coordinates are Ok. Never met him, but love this guy who's going......

Posted (edited)
Mt. Townsend is a beautiful hike under any conditions. It is one of my family's favorites. But I must warn you, she won't be a virgin on Sunday. There is a seeker heading out tomorrow. Probably. Guess we'll see if the coordinates are Ok. Never met him, but love this guy who's going......

OH! And I love you guys as well! Don't have to be first; if you go in good weather the view is the only reward you could possibly need. I love it up here.


Edited by bumblingbs

Honestly, I like having people find my caches at least as much as, and probably more, than finding others. My toes are tingling, waiting for reports to come in. If I show you a good time, I'm all aglow.



I would like to find Mt.Townsend with you guys on Sunday. Is anyone going to be going across the Edmunds Ferry? If so I love to hitch a ride with you. My truck get’s 10 MPH and would be silly for me to drive all that way for only one person.


Or would someone be willing to pick me up at the Kingston side of the ferry landing. I could park in Edmunds and walk on the ferry and ride it across. I have the GMRS radios as well. I can kick in a few $$$ for fuel.


Please E mail me if you can help me out.


My in-laws aren't coming on Sunday for sure. (Hooray! Whoops, did I say that out loud?)

So it's 50-50 I'll be there, depending on a bunch of other things, like what the home boss has planned for me on Sunday, if anything.


I might be there early and start up so I can reach the peak at the same time as those starting an hour later. If you see my car at the trailhead but not me. That's what happened. I'll be on FRS 02 in any case.


Got it from the cache owner that there will be little water along the trail, so if we bring our dogs, we'll (or they'll) have to carry sufficient water for the trip.


Hoping for clear skies...

Darn and double darn! My wife just got us a permit to Cape Alava this weekend. Argh! Peace, Nolenator

The furthest western point in the contiental US. I've been there many times. I was there during the indian village excavations a few times in 70' 71'. I wonder what they have done with the site. It's been years and years. Hope to make it back soon.


Mt Townsend! I'm jealous! I've always wanted to do that and never have. Boy, I'll bet it's a great view.

Got it from the cache owner that there will be little water along the trail, so if we bring our dogs, we'll (or they'll) have to carry sufficient water for the trip. 


Hoping for clear skies...

Well, yeah, there is water, just not in the higher reaches. And, if you get a bad forecast for Sunday, maybe screw it. This is not the hardest trail in the world, not by far, but do it when it is at it's best. We had incredible wildflowers and no view. I've been there with incredible views and no wildflowers. If you can get both, you're blessed. It's a beautiful place. I won't be thinking of anything else Sunday, except the group heading up. Wish I could be along.

Posted (edited)


Mt Townsend! I'm jealous! I've always wanted to do that and never have. Boy, I'll bet it's a great view.

I don't know how your recovery is coming along-I hope well. I have been asked to lead a SLOW group up Mt Townsend in a couple of months, the end of the hiking season, really. It would be a slow, supportive group that would stick together and support each other, as opposed to spreading out according to ability. If you want to join, we'll pick a date.


Edited to say that I know you are normally a strong hiker who could run circles around me.......but, if you're in a personal space where you want a little challenge without a lot of pain, join us......


Edited by bumblingbs


Mt Townsend! I'm jealous! I've always wanted to do that and never have. Boy, I'll bet it's a great view.

I don't know how your recovery is coming along-I hope well. I have been asked to lead a SLOW group up Mt Townsend in a couple of months, the end of the hiking season, really. It would be a slow, supportive group that would stick together and support each other, as opposed to spreading out according to ability. If you want to join, we'll pick a date.


Edited to say that I know you are normally a strong hiker who could run circles around me.......but, if you're in a personal space where you want a little challenge without a lot of pain, join us......


Sounds good. I'll have my cast off about aug 30. I had aurthoscopic knee surgery a few days ago. I'll have to see how strong and stable my legs are by then.

I would like to find Mt.Townsend with you guys on Sunday. Is anyone going to be going across the Edmunds Ferry? If so I love to hitch a ride with you. My truck get’s 10 MPH and would be silly for me to drive all that way for only one person.


Or would someone be willing to pick me up at the Kingston side of the ferry landing. I could park in Edmunds and walk on the ferry and ride it across. I have the GMRS radios as well. I can kick in a few $$$ for fuel.


Please E mail me if you can help me out.

Check your e-mail.

Posted (edited)
Planning on doing Mt. Townsend on Sunday, 9am show, 9:30 departure.  FRS 02



The driving instructions are confusing to me when I try to put them down on the map. Do you have the coordinates of the trailhead you plan to be at? That'll help in an immense way.


Actually... I think I have it figured out... I have the TH coordinates at N47° 51.237'

W123° 0.330'.

Edited by TotemLake
Posted (edited)

I don't have the coords for the TH, they wouldn't help me as I doubt the V will autorout me there. I am familiar with Penny Creek Road, it's the same one you take to get to Tubal Cain. I'll have the FRS/GMRS antenna on the roof so shout out if you get lost.


EDIT: If I remember right, there is NO cell coverage once you hit Penny Creek road and the FS roads.

Edited by Criminal

Cool! Then I have it about right. I'll give a yell on the radio when we get close. 4chin seeker and I are hooking up at the Edmonds Ferry to shuttle across at 7:10.




Cool! Then I have it about right. I'll give a yell on the radio when we get close. 4chin seeker and I are hooking up at the Edmonds Ferry to shuttle across at 7:10.




I'll be at the ferry terminal at 6:30 - 6:45am with the GMRS radio in Ch2.

I need to see if Edmunds has a park and ride so I can leave the truck in the parking lot.


OMG - Totem Lake! I'm SO excited you'll be there for the hike...


The TH coordinates I have are, roughly:


n 47 51.381

w 123 02.115


You don't want to know where your coordinates plotted out on my topo map. Um... Good luck.







OMG - Totem Lake! I'm SO excited you'll be there for the hike...


The TH coordinates I have are, roughly:


n 47 51.381

w 123 02.115


You don't want to know where your coordinates plotted out on my topo map. Um... Good luck.







CGal, Thanks for the coords! All my maps don't show a road going up that way.


Bullmoose, Sorry you won't be making it out this morning!


A perfect day with fabulous company - 4Chin Seeker, Totem Lake (hooray!) and Criminal - as well as Snickers and Patch. A beautiful summit to spend a significant amount of time just being... and a cache with... well, if you must know, a helluva lot of flying bugs around it. (Great spot for lunch and a nice rest, away from the masses - wow!)


I couldn't have come up with a better way to spend my Sunday. (I can think of better ways to spend my Monday than to clean the left-overs out of the back of my truck though... at least I didn't get stuck with all those beer bottles!)


THANKS guys!






I couldn't have come up with a better way to spend my Sunday. (I can think of better ways to spend my Monday than to clean the left-overs out of the back of my truck though... at least I didn't get stuck with all those beer bottles!)


THANKS guys!





What a great time!!! The weather was great and the company was spectacular!

You should not have missed the hike. :anibad:


The beer was a nice touch......

What a great time!!! The weather was great and the company was spectacular!

You should not have missed the hike. ;)


The beer was a nice touch......

I aim to please.


Thanks for sharing it with me. (I can see out of both eyes equally as well this morning so it wasn't permanant drain bramage or anything.)








Reading Criminal's log it sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. I'm bummed I couldn't make it, especially since that because we DNF Mt. Ellinor I had a grand total of zero (0) finds this weekend. :(

Posted (edited)

It was in a word SPECTACULAR!


I finally met a long standing goal to meet up with CurmudgeonlyGal and the hike certainly had me asking myself "What am I doing here?" The question was easily answered when we reached the cache location and the OMG summit view.


Great company and a wonderful time!


Btw, that flat cost me $415. It was too big to patch and just in case you didn't know, when you replace one tire on an all the time all wheel drive, you have to replace them all. That donut tire? History! It's replaced with a full-sized tire now.




Edited by TotemLake
It was in a word SPECTACULAR!


I finally met a long standing goal to meet up with CurmudgeonlyGal and the hike certainly had me asking myself "What am I doing here?" The question was easily answered when we reached the cache location and the OMG summit view.


Great company and a wonderful time!


Btw, that flat cost me $415. It was too big to patch and just in case you didn't know, when you replace one tire on an all the time all wheel drive, you have to replace them all. That donut tire? History! It's replaced with a full-sized tire now.




Yeah I have that crappy spare in my jeep. Need to replace that before I need to fix a flat in the outback. When I get back, I've gotta do those hikes you all are doing.





Yeah I have that crappy spare in my jeep. Need to replace that before I need to fix a flat in the outback. When I get back, I've gotta do those hikes you all are doing.

When you get back. Where in the world are you?

Where is Mt.Townsend at? I would like to go, I am up for a hike. :(


Shunra, maybe we can car pool.


It will be only me, no kids....

Sorry, I didn't read this before leaving for a cache & camping trip to the San Juans. We did some great caches out there with Half-Canadian and Tolmaus, and had so much fun that we extended our trip by one day and decided to do the hike to Mt. Townsend another time.


Sounds like you guys were having fun. Great pictures, Criminal!

Where is Mt.Townsend at?  I would like to go, I am up for a hike.  :(


Shunra, maybe we can car pool. 


It will be only me, no kids....

Sorry, I didn't read this before leaving for a cache & camping trip to the San Juans. We did some great caches out there with Half-Canadian and Tolmaus, and had so much fun that we extended our trip by one day and decided to do the hike to Mt. Townsend another time.


Sounds like you guys were having fun. Great pictures, Criminal!

Yah - 4chin seeker and I saw you getting off the ferry in Kingston. ;)



Btw, that flat cost me $415. It was too big to patch and just in case you didn't know, when you replace one tire on an all the time all wheel drive, you have to replace them all. That donut tire? History! It's replaced with a full-sized tire now.


Sorry to hear about the tires! "Ouch" is all I can say. :)

Posted (edited)

I think I actually maybe like hiding caches better than finding them. What a pleasure it has been, watching the logs roll in. Well, except for the flat tire and getting lost bit.

Everyone who has been to this cache (just a cheap rubbermaid box, mind you) has written incredible logs. If one cheap rubbermaid box spurs on adventure and fellowship, hurrah for geocaching! And by the way, thanks for visiting. I only kinda wish I could have been there, too!


Edited by bumblingbs

In retrospect, your driving directions were good, it's just that you didn't take into account geeks like me would prefer map styled instructions. It might be a better idea to put up the trailhead coordinates in addition to the driving directions or take out the driving directions and just put in the trailhead coordinates and let folks find their own way up. We did have our GPS's on and even CGal had her laptop running so we are to blame for our own misdirection.


Anyway, all is well. We had a great adventure, great vista views, and in my own personally humble opinion, equally great company to hike with... and I got new tires in the process! :P You can't beat that now can ya?


Ah, I did not take trailhead coordinates. In fact, when there was the difficulty with the map showing my cache to be 3 miles from where I said it was, the approver said, "It looks like you're coordinates are at the trailhead".

No, the GPSr had never been turned on, I had to sheepishly admit to her, and, that about halfway up the mountain, I had a moment where fear gripped my heart and I thought that I might have left it in the car. It was in my pack (thank God, or poor MR B. :P would have had to run back down to get it).

Anybody want to post trailhead coordinates, fine with me. I'll add them to the cache description. The first time we hiked MT. Townsend, we did get a bit lost, but the second time it seemed like a straight shot and we had no trouble. Guess it's always easier the second time.....



I waypointed the trailhead and just now downloaded it from the GPS.


I have them as:




...and CGal gave them as:




That's only 158 feet between them so take your pick.


My coords are taken from TOPO so it's just a point on the map. I, too, have my track, but haven't off-loaded it to see where anything is.




I'll get the dadgum thing...


Looks like I started tracking at


n 47 51.394

w 123 02.128


Really, anywhere in there should get you to the right spot.


Also, my tracklog from parking to cache shows 3.83 miles... Kind of odd, that.


Hey, Criminal, what were the coordinates for the swampy, mucky froggy pond?




Posted (edited)

I got our big rest stop time at N47°51.454', W123°03.464', 5315 ft.


I also have the track from the trailhead to cache at 3.1 miles, but during the second 1/2 mile of the start, I was in 2D reading.

Edited by TotemLake
I got our big rest stop time at N47°51.454', W123°03.464', 5315 ft.


I also have the track from the trailhead to cache at 3.1 miles, but during the second 1/2 mile of the start, I was in 2D reading.

Thanks TL - I was looking at the topo and got to thinking today that the trail split was where the rest was, but it is actually exactly where I figured it was on the topo map when I was looking at it on Sunday.


"Camp Windy"


It also shows another 'lake' a little further south east. It would have been interesting to waypoint that one priorly and have ferretted it out while we were there. What would one more 'rest' have cost us? A ferry ride home, maybe.




Much appreciated!


Also, I'll have to have a look at the track and see what was going on there. It only shows about 3 miles from TH to cache so that would be 3.4 to the summit. Hm...







"Camp Windy"


It also shows another 'lake' a little further south east. It would have been interesting to waypoint that one priorly and have ferretted it out while we were there. What would one more 'rest' have cost us? A ferry ride home, maybe.




Much appreciated!


Also, I'll have to have a look at the track and see what was going on there. It only shows about 3 miles from TH to cache so that would be 3.4 to the summit. Hm...





No problem.


I think I'm ready to push to another map program as my Delorme Topo v3.0 just doesn't show that water detail.


As it was, we had one more ferry we coulda caught. We got there at 9:15 for the 9:20 boat, but had to wait for the 10:40 instead. I think we might've been able to get onto the 11:20 if that was the case, but I also believe we would have missed dinner at that little roadstop... they closed after we got in. :D


N47° 51.366 W123° 02.143 was my first track point

N47° 51.362 W123° 02.148 was my last


N47° 51.444 W123° 03.470 was the spot at Camp Windy where Patch wiped his muddy paws on Cgal's backpack


I show 8.04 miles, but I also lost signal a couple times.

N47° 51.444 W123° 03.470 was the spot at Camp Windy where Patch wiped his muddy paws on Cgal's backpack

It's nice to know that my dog is not the only cachin' hound that torments CGal.

N47° 51.366 W123° 02.143 was my first track point

N47° 51.362 W123° 02.148 was my last


N47° 51.444  W123° 03.470 was the spot at Camp Windy where Patch wiped his muddy paws on Cgal's backpack


I show 8.04 miles, but I also lost signal a couple times.

Geez, you guys are all GOOD. I have no idea how to work the maps on my GPSr, I usually have no idea where I am, and, for 6 months the directional arrow on my GPSr didn't work, so I just had to walk and walk until the numbers started getting bigger, then i'd walk and walk a different direction. Fortunately, I only had to do this for 6 months, until somebody spent 3 seconds of their time to change some setting which made it all good again. Track logs? Breadcrumbs? Laptops in the car? Waypoints for parking and Camp Windy and every turn on the trail? I'm impressed!

Good Lord, it's not for nothing we're Bumbling B's. B)

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