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Geo Baby Shower


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Mrs. Bull Moose is expecting a little bundle of joy (and long spindly legs and stuff), and we are going to be having a baby shower for her. I believe the agreed upon date is Sunday, November 7, and the location will be Tony Roma's in Silverdale.


Other than eat, drink and be merry, patting Mrs. Moose's tummy a few times, and maybe having cake, I'm not coming up with any bright ideas of how to make it geo-special.


Anybody want to loan me some brain cells, or send suggestions :rolleyes: , you know where to find me.


The event page will be up, sooner or later.


Excellent! Date has been noted.


The only thing I can come up with is perhaps trying to get a new cache placed that would be a cache of baby clothes. I know I've got tons of stuff that I don't know what to do with that I could easily stock the cache with. My daughter wasn't in them for very long!


Finding a good spot might be a challenge, but fortunately it wouldn't have to be too big since we're talking baby clothes! :rolleyes:

Excellent! Date has been noted.


The only thing I can come up with is perhaps trying to get a new cache placed that would be a cache of baby clothes. I know I've got tons of stuff that I don't know what to do with that I could easily stock the cache with. My daughter wasn't in them for very long!


Finding a good spot might be a challenge, but fortunately it wouldn't have to be too big since we're talking baby clothes! :rolleyes:

OK,so I'll bring a big box and a bow. Anyone who wants to contribute outgrown baby clothes or presents meets me before dinner, all goes into the box, into my car.

Sometime between dinner and cake, I slip out and hide the box in a pre-selected spot nearby in the parking lot. Mrs. Moose is given a GPS with the coordinates on it, and whoever wants to can follow her as she "searches" for her cache. Not everyone, please, or they'll clear our tables. Then she can open presents and stuff while we all have cake. Sound OK?

I was also considering the "baby food" game. You get 8 or 10 jars of baby food, things like prunes and squished ick. Take the labels off, and number them, so somebody can keep score. Then, everyone gets a spoonful, and tries to figure out what kind of food it might actually be.

Somehow, this has not met with the enthusiastic response I was expecting. :rolleyes:

I'm still open to more ideas.


Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Moose (and Chewie). This sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm trying to remember all of the games we did at my shower but I'm coming up blank. All I can remember is the pregnancy itself and dealing with the complications that can come up with having twins (thankfully there wasn't much). Wouldn't that be great - having calves? :rolleyes: Oops, hope I didn't scare anyone. Of course twins are the best way to have kids! I'll try to keep our calendar open for the date. Looking forward to meeting everyone. :rolleyes:

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Moose (and Chewie). This sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm trying to remember all of the games we did at my shower but I'm coming up blank. All I can remember is the pregnancy itself and dealing with the complications that can come up with having twins (thankfully there wasn't much). Wouldn't that be great - having calves?  :rolleyes:  Oops, hope I didn't scare anyone. Of course twins are the best way to have kids! I'll try to keep our calendar open for the date. Looking forward to meeting everyone.  :rolleyes:


PS Your girls are twins? I had no idea.

Well, I've been to a couple of showers and know some shower games, but how well will baby-bingo, or the aforementioned baby food roundup work at a geo-event? I'm thinking, not very well. Any geo-baby ideas, let me know, and you can e-mail me privately if you want, so we can spring a surprise or two on the Mooses.

Or not. If it's a friendly group of geocachers getting together to welcome another to the geo-family, and give them our love, that's probably enough.

(Still, if you have a stellar idea, e-mail me)

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