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Mt. Ellinor

Bull Moose

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I need to correct a no find I had last November due to snow and am thinking about seeing if Criminal's Mt. Ellinor Cache survived the winter.

I'm gauging interest to see if anyone wants to come along.


However, rather than making it an all-day thing I want to get up and down before 1. This means leaving from the upper trailhead early. Thinking of FOT (foot-on-trail) time of 8AM.


It's only 1.6 miles, but, with a 2444 foot elevation gain, is rather intense.


I'm in.


I spent 6 weeks looking at that mountain covered in snow last Feb. when I was working on the dam at Lake Cushman. I wanted to go up there soooo bad!


When are we leaving?


If Chewie is way the hell in front of me, I am, quite possibly in on this one. It will depend on what day I can get free as to when I'll go.


i.e. if I can't get free the day y'all go, I'll be up there the other weekend day.




If Chewie is way the hell in front of me, I am, quite possibly in on this one.

I'll keep him with me this time - on a leash if need be.

I'm afraid he's learned some bad manners because I let him roughhouse with me. He hasn't figured out that not everyone weighs 200 pounds more than him. <_<

Posted (edited)

LOL That's a funny picture Criminal!


I would love to come along, but until late August (at the earliest), I'm tied up on the weekends now.

Edited by TotemLake
I woke up X-TREMEly sore today. I'll really have to talk myself into a hike on Saturday.

You could always do Mt. Townsend instead. Granted it's longer, but not as steep, and the footing is great.

And the cache hasn't been found yet.

Not approved yet, either, but it's sure as shooting sitting there. <_<

And the cache hasn't been found yet.

Not approved yet, either, but it's sure as shooting sitting there. <_<

Cool! I was going to put a cache up there earlier this spring but had to turn back. I was going to try again, but now I don't have to.

(Next candidate: Mt. Jupiter)

Posted (edited)
And the cache hasn't been found yet.

Not approved yet, either, but it's sure as shooting sitting there. <_<

Cool! I was going to put a cache up there earlier this spring but had to turn back. I was going to try again, but now I don't have to.

(Next candidate: Mt. Jupiter)

Uh, oh! Jupiter was on my list too, but not until the end of the summer. It'd kill me now. Race you? Or, go with you? :huh:

Edited by bumblingbs
Posted (edited)

On second thought, YOU put the cache on Mt. Jupiter, maybe by fall I'll be able to go up and find it. One time up Jupiter. But, MAINTAIN a cache there? Uh, probably not. <_<

Edited by bumblingbs
Uh, oh! Jupiter was on my list too, but not until the end of the summer. It'd kill me now. Race you? Or, go with you? :huh:

No need to race. If you get there first, I'll be happy to get a find, if I get there first, I'll be happy to get a hide. <_<


I don't think there's any shortage of trails to put a hide in the Olympics.

I woke up X-TREMEly sore today. I'll really have to talk myself into a hike on Saturday.

Maybe Sunday you'll feel better? Sunday I might be able to join!

And the cache hasn't been found yet.

Not approved yet, either, but it's sure as shooting sitting there. <_<

Cool! I was going to put a cache up there earlier this spring but had to turn back. I was going to try again, but now I don't have to.

Same intent, same sentiment :huh:

I'd be interested depending on the day. I'm going to try Marmot Pass tomorrow so I better see how that goes before commiting myself.

Ooohh... Marmot Pass.

Wish I could go along on that. That is still probably my favorite hike I've done in Washington.


Marmot is much tougher than Ellinor.


Just let me know so I can pass it on to IronMan114. He just couldn't stand staring at that mountain knowing that there was a cache up there when he was working on Cushman Dam.

Even when I don't see him only on the weekends I still let him go and do something he really is looking forward too.



As it stands, it looks like I'm out for anything on Saturday... (can't suck up too many Saturday's from the babysitter, you know.)


Sunday, however is a different story.


Still no definite plans. I'm hiking. Just don't know where.





Can someone Please find out I have a hubby who is just dying to know if Mt. Ellinor is a go for Saturday?


There's nothing like being married to a impatient Ironworker (aka Ironman114)

Can someone Please find out I have a hubby who is just dying to know if Mt. Ellinor is a go for Saturday?


There's nothing like being married to a impatient Ironworker (aka Ironman114)

I, for one, would like to know what the hell you did with Ironmen 1 through 113. :rolleyes:

Can someone Please find out I have a hubby who is just dying to know if Mt. Ellinor is a go for Saturday?


There's nothing like being married to a impatient Ironworker (aka Ironman114)

I'll let you know in the AM Maiden. If I do go I'm going to hit the trail pretty early.

Can someone Please find out I have a hubby who is just dying to know if Mt. Ellinor is a go for Saturday? 


There's nothing like being married to a impatient Ironworker (aka Ironman114)

I, for one, would like to know what the hell you did with Ironmen 1 through 113. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Oh, Lord, that made me laugh! :)

Can someone Please find out I have a hubby who is just dying to know if Mt. Ellinor is a go for Saturday? 


There's nothing like being married to a impatient Ironworker (aka Ironman114)

I, for one, would like to know what the hell you did with Ironmen 1 through 113. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Oh, Lord, that made me laugh! :)

Simple I off'd them and hid them in the SHRUBBERY. :)



I'm doing Mt. Ellinor on Saturday AM for sure. I'm leaving from the upper trailhead at 8 AM.

I'm slow, so if anyone comes later they can catch up with me. I'll be on FRS 2.


I'm not sure if I can do Townsend on Sunday, but if others are going that day I'll try to make it there, too.


These old bones (and muscles) are not in the kind of shape needed for 3000 feet in three miles called for at Mt. Townsend. I do intend to do Rocky Brook Falls and Donkeypond Falls on Sunday. I will have my FRS and hope to meet up with you folks on your way out. I have had those two on my list for awhile and had plans to do them this weekend anyhow. I had planned on Saturday, but have shifted to Sunday. I will be in Tahuya State Forest on Saturday doing some 4grays caches that I somehow missed.


I will keep my ears open for the group.


I'm doing Mt. Ellinor on Saturday AM for sure. I'm leaving from the upper trailhead at 8 AM.

I'm slow, so if anyone comes later they can catch up with me. I'll be on FRS 2.


I'm not sure if I can do Townsend on Sunday, but if others are going that day I'll try to make it there, too.

Thank You I will tell Ironman and I know he will be there at 8am on Saturday. :o


I'll be there in the morning!


Too bad I can't do Mt Townsend too! But we get to have the granddaughter over sat night and sun morning for the first time.


Family comes first!


there was one gent I talked to at 7:45 am he was just returning. He left at 1:00 am to get to the top and watch the sun rise.


On another note, I did col bob twice on consecutive weekends and my feet were fine . But on this trip I got blisters on my big toe. Go figure. At least I did get a FTF later in the day to boost my sagging spirits!

and again and again?


I may head up next Saturday. Early.


I don't know if I can go up a third time without confirmation that it's there.


Early is better, as it got awfully warm. I ran through 2 L of water and Chewie went through 1.5 L on a short 3 mile hike. He ran from shady spot to shady spot and even got in an argument with one dog over just who one particular shady spot belonged to.


Leatherman and I couldn't find this cache with almost 400 finds between us. Today a newbie with 4 finds bagged it.

AHHH!!!! :ph34r:


Hats off to Johnny Onthespot for confirming it's there.

I have no idea where we didn't look....

Posted (edited)

Yeah when I tell Ironman he won't believe me. Until he reads the post. Then he'll be to busy kicking himself.


I think it was the "blond in the bikini" was a distraction. Especially the pictures of her that Ironman brought home. He told me he was "pretending" to take pictures of the view. :unsure: Yeah like after 24 1/2 years of marriage I'm going to believe that one. :ph34r::blink::blink::blink:


Edited by IronMaiden........... cause she hasn't had enough coffee.

Edited by IronMaiden

Has anyone emailed Johnny onthespot, to see if he actually found it on the 19th?


He could have found it long before you went and logged it on the 19th. Not knowing how to adjust the date on the log.


Lets make Criminal run up there and check on his cache. :ph34r:


I'd like to do Elinor. However I'm busy ever Saturday 'till September. Maybe the 4th?

I'd like to do Elinor. However I'm busy ever Saturday 'till September. Maybe the 4th?

Keeping the 4th on the table (and open) for Ellinor.


I was going to go tomorrow, but I'd like to do something longer so will hold off on that for now.


Still waiting patiently for your Col.Bob log, Leatherman!




I think it was the "blond in the bikini" was a distraction. Especially the pictures of her that Ironman brought home. He told me he was "pretending" to take pictures of the view. :ph34r:

He got pictures? Tell him to e-mail me some copies. For... uh... rememberance of the hike.

I'd like to do Elinor. However I'm busy ever Saturday 'till September. Maybe the 4th?

I won't be able to go on the 4th - family in town. But if you guys do go and find the cache, I want explicit photos of where the darn thing is.

I think after two trips up, I've earned that much. :ph34r:



That's priceless.


Sorry y'all didn't find it last weekend... maybe it was the blonde in the bikini and her 'Tool' distracting you.



Yah I could see where she would've been a distraction. That's what dark shades are for. :unsure:

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