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Toys-sock Puppets Or Just Personality Extensions?

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Have you seen people take pictures of a stuffed toys with each cache found or at cache events & say '(insert Geo-stage name)' at such & such a cache?


Just a couple of samples



Dr. Webe & the Ski Bum



Me & Bucky


Having read the thread about 'What gender are Geo-cachers', I started to wonder how many cachers &/or benchmarkers use a stuffed toy as a mascot. There are plenty of forum avatars that seem to be stuffed toys (ours included, but we don't have a sock puppet or a mascot).


So, what is up with this? Personality extensions? Or just people having fun taking pics of toys instead of other people? Or a joke? Or what? Are we missing out on a special feature of Geo-caching? It is really tough to determine the gender when all people post are the these pictures, so maybe that is the true reason?


Your thoughts & your wise words of wisdom are welcome....


Have fun.....



Having read the thread about 'What gender are Geo-cachers', I started to wonder how many cachers &/or benchmarkers use a stuffed toy as a mascot.

What stuffed mascot? My GeoPooch is a real creature, a female BTW (and ISO small males), with her very own geocaching account and a few finds, but no hides yet. She is mostly active in the local cache games, whenever the rules and penalties preclude me from doing weird moves through my human account. But only at cache locations where the dogs are legal :blink:


Great pictures!


CarleenP- cute badger & the one of you getting all cuddly with the badger & beer is fun. :blink: What is the badger's name? :lol:


MOCKBA (need to see a pictureof your Geo-pooch) & marmetion, I did not mean to belittle the 'LIVE' mascots. I wish we still had our Tweety Pie around (a pound hound from years past).


Rusty T_LC- We met Dr Webe & The Ski Bum AND 'Me & Bucky--although we were not sure which we met.....Me or Bucky?' Since I started this thread & I posted their pictures for all to see....NO, they do not look like the real people at all!...I do not want to get into trouble & have cachers with as many finds as they do mad at me! But, maybe they would like to look more like them?? ;)


Oh, dear. You know, so many caches have disposable cameras in them, and I've seen owners get upset because nobody was taking pictures. Only, I cache alone so...what am I supposed to take a picture of? I've been mulling making a sock-puppet weasel for photo ops.


Then I thought that was really insane.


Then I thought it wasn't.


Then I read this thread.

Posted (edited)

Snoogatola gets around. (The Snooganator (in back) has been in a private cache of mine for over a year.) I use them for caches that require a picture.




9Key and Snoogatola:




Snoogatola and Grrlfrog:




Oh, they get better......



Edited by Snoogans

Hey fellow cachers, it is NOT insane to have a non-human sock-puppet account for either a mascot or travel bug....I knew I was missing something!! I just have the other old fart to play with :o ...oh my, did I say that??


Boy, am I glad that we don't have warn meters anymore! :o


Nice pics there Snoogans....interesting....




Here is another example, Tootsie4 is a travel bug that has traveled 0 miles & is owed by Hook Dawn Cache. We first found out about Tootsie4 because he logged our 'Boobie Bug' ,here is a picture of Tootsie4 with John's Boobie Bug. Then here is the link to the Usuer Gallery,


it is interesting to me that so much effort has gone into posting seperate logs & all of these pictures for a Travel Bug....but the owner must be having a blast doing so.


Have you seen any others such as these?



Hey Saxman, I checked out your gallery, Great pics! I never would have connected your avatar with the 'real' finder of the caches! :huh:

It's something I started doing some time ago. I usually (but not always) take a picture of Sax Man at each cache. I have hundreds of pictures on my computer that I haven't uploaded. Some are spoilers, so I don't post those.


So, what is up with this? Personality extensions? Or just people having fun taking pics of toys instead of other people? Or a joke? Or what? Are we missing out on a special feature of Geo-caching? It is really tough to determine the gender when all people post are the these pictures, so maybe that is the true reason?



We do have a Mascot.. It would be our "Pets" Gimpy & No-name (Peking Ducks).. But since you cant stuff live animals into caches (Plus they wouldn't like it), we use little yellow rubber ducks as our Trademark.. (Like the ones in our Avatar).. We always leave a little yellow rubber duck on all Regular caches.. Even our labels for log only caches have ducks on them.. What can I say.. Were nuts about our ducks..


The only time I involve them, when it comes to caching would be when we bring the TB's home to log them.. I try to take a picture of all the TB's on their adventures.. Sometimes the Ducks are willing to help out with the pictures, sometimes they dont want anything to do with it.. But now with them nesting, they are very picky about who can get around them.. (Mainly, no-one but me).. Anyways..


Take a Peek at Our Profile To See Them..


Lehigh Mafia

Posted (edited)

Lehigh Mafia,


These guys are so cute....pet ducks? Sure. why not,




The pictures of the boys racing around are great also.


Thank you for sharing.




P.S. I had to add, when you said they were 'Peking Ducks', all I could think of was....a meal...sorry, :D

Edited by 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)
So, what is up with this? Personality extensions? Or just people having fun taking pics of toys instead of other people? Or a joke? Or what? Are we missing out on a special feature of Geo-caching? It is really tough to determine the gender when all people post are the these pictures, so maybe that is the true reason?

My wife doesn't really want me posting pictures of the kids all over the internet, so I use Sax Man instead.

Posted (edited)
Hmm, we dont have any pictures uploaded............but we take cheesy shots of our mascot at the various benchmarks we go to: Olaf the garden gnome. He is also in locationless photos (not yet logged since we cant scan the photos).


Thank you for confessing. :D


Note that is off topic... Before we bought our digital camera, I bought a HP picture scanner at COMPUSA for only $29.oo. You can scan all of your pictures into your computer that way (I even was able to save the very old poleriod ones that had yellowed & cleaned them up with Photo-Shop). These will also upload to the site very well.


Hope to see your photos soon in your gallery. :D


Quote = GPSaxophpne

"My wife doesn't really want me posting pictures of the kids all over the internet, so I use Sax Man instead. " :D:D


On second thought .... that IS a very serious reason to have either a mascot or a non-human item to take pictures of at the caches. HMMMMM ....


I don't think I have to worry about my oldfart, do I? This picture was taken at Yee Haw cache site in Utah. p.s. There is a benchmark at John's feet that was a bonus feature of the cache,



Edited by 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)

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