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For Those Cachers Outside Of Ca

The Dillon Gang

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Just a note to fellow cachers throughout the world who collect geocoins. there currently is a new order being put in for Oregon and California geocoins.


Check the Northwest forum for Oregon Geocoins or email Bazzle for information or check this link:


Oregon Geocoin Site


Check the West and Southwest forum for California Geocoins. or go to the one of the following links:


California Geocoin Site


Ca Geocoin Order Form

So when is California switching over to the new design?

If we did that then we would have put something like "No girly men cache!" on it somehere, too.


Just too much work.... <_<


Well...I have great news....we have met our goal of 500 coins to be ordered and then a few more.


if no one minds...i'll see if i can push up the date for orders...perhaps friday of this week.


for those who have yet to hear from me regarding your order




if you are planning on sending an order


Send an email to me at cageocoin@earthlink.net right away indicating how many and the check is coming soon or you are using Paypal.


Howdy all!


Giving you a chance to pick up the last 95 California geocoins to be made. bob and i are not planning on ordering these again....


price on the coins is 2.60 per coin


shipping is

1 to 15 Geocoins ordered - $4.15

16 to 30 Geocoins ordered - $6.00

31 to 45 Geocoins ordered - $8.80

or email me to arrange a different method/price


send an email with your intentions and info to



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