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Springfield, Il - Yellow Jeep Mia


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So I brought a couple of Yellow Jeeps to Springfield last month, thinking that I'd jump-start the Yellow Jeep scene in Central IL.


I put one of them in my Paul Powell's Shoebox geocache. Someone promptly picked it up. That's great! The problem is, they did not log it out.


PLEASE, if you are the geocacher who has it, please log it. Even if you are not going to pass it along to another geocache (which you should, since it's a TB and there are not many of them in the area), please do log it out of the geocache.


Other geocachers are going there expecting to find it. Leaving it logged into the geocache isn't very fair.


Thank you,



Since you are the cache owner, why not remove the YJTB from the cache yourself, and place it into an "unknown location" so that future seekers are not disappointed? It's just a couple of mouse clicks to use this relatively new feature. And, unlike a "Travel Bug Graveyard," if the bug ever reappears, its mileage isn't screwed up.


Anyways, I hate to say it, but after more than a month, it is a pretty good bet that someone just wanted a YJTB as a souvenir. :rolleyes:


Yup. We got a souvenir hunter here, too. Of the 4 YJTB's that I know of that got to the Wichita area, I found one and moved it along, a souvenir hunter cobbed another, and the person that brought all 4 of them gave one to a friend, and they are keeping them and using them as personal TB's, apparently. :rolleyes:

Since you are the cache owner, why not remove the YJTB from the cache yourself, and place it into an "unknown location" so that future seekers are not disappointed? It's just a couple of mouse clicks to use this relatively new feature. And, unlike a "Travel Bug Graveyard," if the bug ever reappears, its mileage isn't screwed up.


Anyways, I hate to say it, but after more than a month, it is a pretty good bet that someone just wanted a YJTB as a souvenir. :laughing:

Lep, my thought was that I would post here first, to see if I can get the person to jump in and log it. A long shot, I realize. If that hasn't happened by tomorrow, I will log the Jeep out of the geocache.


for the Springfield IL folks - my mom came over this weekend passed and left a Jeep TB in one of the caches we found. I think it's been snagged up - but we'll see where it finds itself (I want it to drop soon so I have a chance at getting it - no, I did not grab as she dropped, just seemed 'wrong' to do that).


just.. an FYI for you folks to know another is in the area!

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