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Washington State


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So there will be no "WA" on the number field? Just room for four numbers?

Sorry, I wasn't clear: let's keep the "WA" prefix and expand the numbers that follow it from 3 to 4 digits. The prefix will keep the tracking IDs unique from other coins out there should we use a tracking system like travelertags.com.

What, just one coin for Navdog for all the work he's done? And one other for Pepper? Hmm. What about splitting all the single-digit coins between them? Or should someone else (Moun10Bike) be in the running for the single-digit coins?

How about we spread the single digit coins across all those that place an inital order? I would be willing to do the sorting work. I can also help with the distribution.


And I'll buy #2 for Pepper and #3 for Jon.


Well, MA, I just don't think that idea will work. Why? Just consider how many folks are already waiting with bated breath to order these beauties! It's *far* more than 9, I'm sure. :D As for helping to defray the cost of these first nine coins (or *possibly* 10, if we want to be computer geeks and start with zero) I owuld be willing to help with one or two if we pick some deserving souls. Offhand I can think of four people who might qualify: Navdog, Pepper, Moun10Bike, and Jeremy.


I just thought of some potentially "deserving" people. There is a small group of people who (normally) call the State of Washington "home" that have each found in excess of 1000 caches. In a post in the Northwest Milestone Page thread LucyandRickie had listed 9 such users. Well, that's too many, and there could be some duplication that way. However, there are fewer to have reached the 1500 mark, or 1750, or 2000. I think of Wienerdog, evergreenhiker!, LucyandRickie, Team SuperGenius, Hazard... (The post there was dated June 12, 2004.)


Anyway, just an idea, but perhaps I am the only one considering such a thing.


Now this is starting to sound silly. Make it simple. The first ten coins go to those that helped put it together free of charge, cost absorbed by the rest of us as a way to say thanks. The rest, first to pay, first on the list. If I had a thousand finds in Chicago then moved here and found several hundred more should that put me higher on the list. How many people can say they were born in this lovely state? I am not singling anybody out just making a point. Peace, Nolenator

How many people can say they were born in this lovely state?

I'm 3rd (maybe 4th) generation Washingtonian. Do I get a low number coin? :smile:


I like Nurse Dave's method. Don't like the number of caches found method.


Sorry to ask questions that have probably already been asked. I have been pretty much out of the loop due to family commitments the past few weeks. I don't want to miss out on the initial ordering of the coins. Is there a list someone is keeping track of for those who have said they want to order? I don't want to miss the deadline for placing my order. Was it decided we are using Paypal? I love the design and would like to see the coins numbered and dated, even if they can’t be tracked. I also really like the sleeves to place them in.


If there is a list somewhere, please add my name and email me when the time comes, so I can place my order.

Cach-cadians. I am willing to take that responibility. I would be happy to make the trip and bring the coins home and I am sure my partner in crime (oops caching) would happily volunteer to help me.  Wouldn't ya, Robinego?


Uh, yeah, assuming I get to drive and cache along the way (duh). -R-

Posted (edited)

Final Revision?

  • Changed number field. Actual submitted design will just have the "WA" and a blank space for the four numbers.
  • Added more detail (relief) to the hiker, the rock, and the eagle.
  • Adjusted front side colors.
    Five colors as allowed per quote: Blue, White, Green, Light Brown, Dark Brown.



Edited by Navdog
Final Revision?
  • Changed number field. Actual submitted design will just have the "WA" and a blank space for the four numbers.
  • Added more detail (relief) to the hiker, the rock, and the eagle.
  • Adjusted front side colors.
    Five colors as allowed per quote: Blue, White, Green, Light Brown, Dark Brown.


NavDog you da-man!


They look awesome, and I'm ready to by lots and lots of coins.


Well WA state I think we've out done ourselves our coin will be the envy of all across the land. <_<



Final Revision?
  • Changed number field. Actual submitted design will just have the "WA" and a blank space for the four numbers.
  • Added more detail (relief) to the hiker, the rock, and the eagle.
  • Adjusted front side colors.
    Five colors as allowed per quote: Blue, White, Green, Light Brown, Dark Brown.


That is one awesome geocoin. I'm really going to need to get one.

Final Revision?

  • Changed number field. Actual submitted design will just have the "WA" and a blank space for the four numbers.
  • Added more detail (relief) to the hiker, the rock, and the eagle.
  • Adjusted front side colors.
    Five colors as allowed per quote: Blue, White, Green, Light Brown, Dark Brown.


Looks great! These should go like hotcakes! The only thing I'd suggest is adding a little more color (perhaps some of the browns?) around the river. Seems a little lonely down there.


I would also say no to tracking of any kind. If it can't be done on the Geocaching website, there's not much use in tracking them at all. If you want one to travel, attach a regular travel bug to it. I'd estimate that 80-90% of them will only see one cache and then they are relegated to tropies.


I would have to agree that NavDog gets #0001. So much hard work needs to be rewarded. Second, the remaining single digits should be randomly given to people who placed orders. If you put in an order for 1 or 100, your names goes in the hat to get one of the remaining 8 coins.


Can't wait to see these in real life!


I will agree with Crimson Wrath up to a point. I think #2 should go to Pepper and #3 to Jon. The rest should be given out randomly. Those three people did an awesome job and deserve the low numbers.

I will agree with Crimson Wrath up to a point. I think #2 should go to Pepper and #3 to Jon. The rest should be given out randomly. Those three people did an awesome job and deserve the low numbers.

A grand idea!


Yeah, will you be holding an Event to distribute them?


If so, I may be able to arrange a work trip around it so I can pick them up in person and meet some of the WA folks.


I promise I don't really look like this. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Yeah and if he gets his hands on the precious who knows if we'll ever see them again :rolleyes:


The coins can't be minted until the order book is opened and the funds are collected.


Pepper are you still going to do that? Do you need some help?

Edited by MarcusArelius
Yeah and if he gets his hands on the precious who knows if we'll ever see them again ;)


The coins can't be minted until the order book is opened and the funds are collected.


Pepper are you still going to do that? Do you need some help?

I've got help and I'm hoping this thing will get rolling by the first of next week!


I want them just as bad as ya'll do but these things really can't be rushed.


The art work still has to be sent in color detail has to be worked out and a digital copy of the coin needs to be made so all can put a seal of approval on it before it goes to mint.



Should we consider a 2005 date on them?

Ooo... Didn't Jeremy say that next year is the 5th Anniversary of Geocaching? Since it looks like were still a couple of months from distribution, I kinda like this idea.


Sheesh, don't they have cars out for next year already? ;)

Should we consider a 2005 date on them?

...and release them during the same season as car dealerships? :mad:


Actually, it kind of makes sense to put 2005 on them if we are truly a couple months away from distribution.


I would also hang onto mine until 2005.


Ahhh, I was kinda looking forward to mine as a birthday present to myself. (October).


I think it depends on how long it takes to get it all done. If it is close to Thanksgiving or Christmas before we receive them then sure whats a little longer and have 2005 on them. But. . . if we can get them as early as October I say why wait. Besides if WSGA or any one want a anniversary coin, cool, go for it. But the sooner we can get our state one the better in my book.


Just don't go changing whats been decided on to put any 5yr anniversary stuff on the coin. It's got just enough on it to look Great!

Ahhh, I was kinda looking forward to mine as a birthday present to myself. (October).


I think it depends on how long it takes to get it all done. If it is close to Thanksgiving or Christmas before we receive them then sure whats a little longer and have 2005 on them. But. . . if we can get them as early as October I say why wait. Besides if WSGA or any one want a anniversary coin, cool, go for it. But the sooner we can get our state one the better in my book.


Just don't go changing whats been decided on to put any 5yr anniversary stuff on the coin. It's got just enough on it to look Great!

I don't think changing the date to 2005 would mean we wouldn't be allowed to get them until January 1, 2005.


Other than changing the date, it could be hard to change the design to include the anniversary of Geocaching. For now that should stay the same unless the design has not been sent to the mint, NavDog has more free time, and we all agree upon the change. :lol:


I'd say put 2005 on 'em and distribute them no later than they would have been distributed with 2004 on 'em.

Where do I sign up to buy the Coin?


I would like to buy 5 of them.

Oh, they've not yet started the ordering process. It has been indicated that a new thread will be created to start taking orders, or perhaps they will do it via email.


CR the date will remain 2004.

NavDog should be emailing the art work to D&R today, maybe he did it yesterday?

The ordering will be taken care of by LucyandRickie thru PayPal, check or money order (I think).

At this point LandR will be taking over (YEAH)!

All questions concering ordering, money, distribution ect... will be taken over by L&R.

There will be others involeved in this process and it should run very smooth.

When L&R are ready they will post here or start a new thread.


Only one or two more steps before they go to mint.


Hope that helps ya'll



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