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Washington State


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Posted (edited)

I had my husband do a bit of rough adjusting in Adobe PS this moring for some more ideas.


Just a little something else to move forward with in the design.


I sure hate to keep asking NavDog to do updates for us.




Looking for more input.



Edited by Team SuperGenius
Posted (edited)

The original image for the back was in response to some comments about a nod to the gc.com site. This follows through with that line of thought. It's probably good to at least have the website somewhere on the coin to identify what the coin is about.


Filling the state outline with something balances the design and still allows you the complete outside ring for some text.


Another option is to fill the outline of the state with a quote of some sort and put the website address along the ring on the outside on the top and some additional text along the bottom of the ring.


#4 ws-coin1-2.jpg

Edited by Navdog
Posted (edited)

NavDog that's very nice of you to do that for us, are you going to stick around till the finish?


Sure hope so.


I'm liking the idea of taking away the little two little geo squares in the rim and replacing the star with one of those. Getting rid of the big geo square and making room for something that would make the dry side happy!


These are just some thoughts.


Text for the state side: any idea folks?



Edited by Team SuperGenius

I'm liking the idea of taking away the little two little geo squares in the rim and replacing the star with one of those.  Getting rid of the big geo square and making room for something that would make the dry side happy!


These are just some thoughts.


Text for the state side:  any idea folks?


You could leave the inside of the coin as is, and come up with a saying for the outside ring that acknowledges both the west side and east side of the state.


"From the ocean to the desert..."


Conversly, some text that joins the two sides of the state in the outline, and the www.geocaching.com/additional text on the outside of the ring.

Text for the state side: any idea folks?

I still like my earlier suggestion - "Geocaching capital of the world", thus giving a nod to the fact that Geocaching.com is headquartered here. That would mesh well with the logo marking Groundspeak's offices in Seattle on the state outline.

Text for the state side:  any idea folks?

I still like my earlier suggestion - "Geocaching capital of the world", thus giving a nod to the fact that Geocaching.com is headquartered here. That would mesh well with the logo marking Groundspeak's offices in Seattle on the state outline.

I'm with M10B on the state side text.




To quote a famous cacher I know "I'm with M10B on the state side text". :D


Question?? Was the Cache machine started in Washington? Maybe the "Birthplace of the cache machine along with Geocaching capital of the world. If appropriate.


It's looking Super.


Thanks again NavDog


How many of these things will we need to make. I will want about 30 of them.

Don't tell the wife. ;)



Posted (edited)

Not sure where you were thinking of the placement of the "the capital" text idea. I also included the bottom one as food for thought.


#5 ws-coin1-5.jpg


#6 ws-coin1-6.jpg


#7 ws-coin1-7.jpg



Edit: Numbered samples to help identify.

Edited by Navdog
Posted (edited)


I really like the way this one looks. What about this design on the back, then the blurb about "Geocaching capital........" around the edge?


Sorry, I didn't know how to combine the two coins already done to illustrate.

Edited by Gizmo & Brazin

I'm liking the second example (wording around the edge).


How about a salmon in the talons of the eagle? Just a thot, don't kill me.




"Rain can't stop us!"

"From the land of rain and coffee"

"Alki - by and by" (state motto)

"Gateway to Geocaching"


I was going to offer to design something for the coin, but I can't compete with the awesome design we've got going on right now! ;)


Awesome work! I nap for the weekend and bam! Designs are already well on their way to being done. Excellent job!


Although it appears that Rainier has been decided on, this was my favorite suggestion from Page 1:



Here's another idea to add to the mix:  salmon or orcas or ?? done in local native american art style.



All of the ideas are wicked cool and I can't wait to see 'em!

Posted (edited)

Not being a native of the state, looks like you guys got some great ideas for a coin. But since my girlfriend lives in the state (got to meet her while visiting my sister who lives out there too), it's getting to be more of a second home to me.


And if they do get made (which I have no doubt of) that'll be one more goal for me to try and get one of those on my next trip out there. Darn, almost thinkin I should get my own geocoin made up so I have something worthy to trade for all the great geocoins I'm seeing popping up in Washington ;)

Edited by KC0GRN

Here is a slightly different version of the front I thought I would throw out.


I loaded the back up with a few recent suggestions and some text so you could get a feel for all the options to place elements on the current layout.


I tend to like #5 for the back design as it allows you to promote the gc.com location and keeps all that info in the same spot, so it is tied together, and still leaves you the outer ring free for additional text.




I'd like to see the star in Olympia and maybe a swoosh coming off of the Seattle area with the Geocaching logo or something... We don't want everyone to think Seattle is the capital of Washington! ;)

I'd like to see the star in Olympia and maybe a swoosh coming off of the Seattle area with the Geocaching logo or something... We don't want everyone to think Seattle is the capital of Washington! ;)

Maybe total removal of the star and center the logo a bit more? Then the entire state is the Geocaching capital, not just a city.


But, WOW! The designs look great!

I tend to like #5 for the back design as it allows you to promote the gc.com location and keeps all that info in the same spot, so it is tied together, and still leaves you the outer ring free for additional text.

I agree I like the front and back design of #5 best. Not sure how crazy I am about the "geocaching capital of the world" though. Seems a bit too boastful. I'd prefer something like home of geocaching.com or even birthplace of geocaching (though I suppose Oregon would differ with that).


I'm very impressed with the work you guys have done. I'm from the east side of the state (not east side of Lake Washington) and I think the picture of Mount Ranier is perfect it is, afterall, on our license plate. The evergreen trees are a must too along with the hiker (no ATV, motorcycle, snowmobile etc). As to the back I like it just the way it is depicted on #8 although I don't see a need for further text on the bottom unless individuals would like to place their geoname there (too expensive perhaps?). Geocaching Capitol of the world seems like a bit of a reach as others have mentioned but I'm at a loss as to what to place there in it's stead. Thanks for all the hard work guys - can't wait to place a bunch of these in Idaho and Montana!


Navdog, I love your designs. I would, however, like to see color on the coin. I've taken the liberty of adding some in this image:




Despite recent comments, I still like "Geocaching Capital of the World" and think it is fitting. I don't see it as any more boastful than saying Seattle is "Gateway to the Pacific" or Gilroy is "Garlic Capital of the World."


As for the text on the bottom of that side of the coin, I would suggest the URL of the tracking web site.

Posted (edited)

Thanks Moun10Bike, I was going to bring the color option up after a final design was decided upon. Especially the idea of some green in the design. Although the coloring adds to the price of the coin, it does add a dynamic aspect to the look.


The Oregon geocoins are nice, but they were stamped in a shiny brass? and require the plastic Air-tite containers to keep them shiny.

Edited by Navdog
My 2 cents. I think Geocaching Capital of the World sounds a little snooty and World Geocaching Headquarters is a little more accurate.

Well, perception means a lot, so if so many people think "Geocaching Capital of the World" sounds obnoxious, then maybe we should rethink that.

My 2 cents. I think Geocaching Capital of the World sounds a little snooty and World Geocaching Headquarters is a little more accurate.

I agree. It's also undisputable, and definitely funnier.

Posted (edited)


As for the text on the bottom of that side of the coin, I would suggest the URL of the tracking web site.

My next question is how and where will the awesome coins be tracked?


I think I'm liking "World Geocaching Headquarters" and are we leaning towards two sided color, or just the Rainer side.


Me personally I like color on one side and deep relief on the state side.


Dang it I wish we could get these coins soon cause I'm headed to Texas for some more vacation!



Edited by Team SuperGenius

I think the whole design should be changed to a Red Delicious Apple on the front with words "Washington State, Apple Capital of The World". And on the back, four quadrants with pictures depicting our diverse state, like a picture of Rainier in one quadrant, and in the others, a wheat field, and a salmon, and the space needle.


I'm just joking. (Don't throw any Wenatchee apples at me). ;)


Seriously, I've been watching the development of the coin and really like what I see. I like the two sided color, and I also like the logo World Geocaching Headquarters. Anyway, whatever the outcome, I can't wait to go find one in a cache. Awesome job everyone.

Posted (edited)

Your coin is shaping up nicely! One suggestion: before you say "you want color" go to a coin shop and check out a few "colorized" coins - lots of them just don't look as clean as a single-color pressing...


For just plain silly humor, keep it as "MORE TEXT ALONG HERE"... ;)

Edited by TeamJiffy
My next question is how and where will the awesome coins be tracked?


Do you think they could be tracked on Geocaching.com like USA Geocoins? I would imagine that if WA was tracked, all the other states would want to join in. I'm unsure how open TPTB would be to that.

My 2 cents.  I think Geocaching Capital of the World sounds a little snooty and World Geocaching Headquarters is a little more accurate.

Well, perception means a lot, so if so many people think "Geocaching Capital of the World" sounds obnoxious, then maybe we should rethink that.

...or maybe people should just move from Idaho to Washington! (Just kidding... don't throw potatoes at me ;) )


Nice design guys and gals.


Looks great! I'm really glad you added the river to it. (Afterall the Columbia is the "Dam'dest" river in the world.) Roll on Mighty Columbia! What is the box above the state for? If it is for engraving, how many people would actually use it? Enlighten me please. ;)

Posted (edited)
Ambrosia Posted on Jul 19 2004, 09:13 PM

  You can track the other state geocoins on geocaching.com. 




Peace, Nolenator

Edited by nolenator

Personally I wouldn't use the extra box to engrave anything.


How about adding a year? If/When we do another run, we'd want to tell what year they were minted, right?


I'd volunteer to set up a tracking website, but I doubt I'd have enough time to build it before the coins were done and distributed.


Assuming all the orders got placed today, how long until they would be done?

You can track the other state geocoins on geocaching.com.

Actually, only my Moun10Bike Geocoins and the USA Geocoins are tracked on Geocaching.com. Most of the state coins as well as the Canadian coins each have their own individual tracking sites (Alabama uses www.travelertags.com).



As for the text on the bottom of that side of the coin, I would suggest the URL of the tracking web site.

My next question is how and where will the awesome coins be tracked?


I think I'm liking "World Geocaching Headquarters" and are we leaning towards two sided color, or just the Rainer side.


Me personally I like color on one side and deep relief on the state side.


Dang it I wish we could get these coins soon cause I'm headed to Texas for some more vacation!



Wow! Love teh color!

One suggestion: before you say "you want color" go to a coin shop and check out a few "colorized" coins - lots of them just don't look as clean as a single-color pressing...

Jif -


Quite a few of us have had the pleasure of seeing the coins by this manufacturer in color.


They're beautiful.





Posted (edited)
You can track the other state geocoins on geocaching.com.

Actually, only my Moun10Bike Geocoins and the USA Geocoins are tracked on Geocaching.com. Most of the state coins as well as the Canadian coins each have their own individual tracking sites (Alabama uses www.travelertags.com).

Jon how about asking you bud Jeremy if he might consider tracking the WA state coins?


Oh and I do like the idea of a dated coin.



Edited by Team SuperGenius
Posted (edited)
You can track the other state geocoins on geocaching.com.

Actually, only my Moun10Bike Geocoins and the USA Geocoins are tracked on Geocaching.com. Most of the state coins as well as the Canadian coins each have their own individual tracking sites (Alabama uses www.travelertags.com).

I beleive after the changes made to handle the YJTB's Jeremy said something about now being able to more easily add tracking for other types of things.


Notice that all the Jeep TB numbers start with a prefix of JP. Perhaps he could be talked into starting with the new Washington Coins with a WA in front of the number.


Then perhaps he could offer to start tracking the other states coins also.


Hey Jeremy... what do you think?

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
Posted (edited)

A revision with recent lines of thinking and the idea that they could be tracked on the gc.com site. I replaced the custom engraving area with a mint date. Added a star near Seattle. I think this may help folks understand the wording about the headquarters and also show where it actually is. Just food for thought.



Edited by Navdog

I've been working with a 7x13 inch 300dpi high resolution image for the coins, so the final design image will be available for other uses, such as cafepress items, if anyone wants to have fun with it.


#9 looks great!

  • We are going to need to get permission to put the Geocaching logo on the coins. How is that traditionally handled?
  • (broken record) I would like a star for Olympia with some other mark for Seattle. People will think Seattle is the capital of Washington! :blink: How about a flag similar to Oregon's coins?
  • When can I sign up? :D
  • What were the metal options? I wonder what this would look like in silver...

Excellent job!

#9 looks great!

(broken record) I would like a star for Olympia with some other mark for Seattle.  People will think Seattle is the capital of Washington!  :blink:  How about a flag similar to Oregon's coins?

Excellent job!

I think a star to denote Olympia and a mark for the headquarters in Seattle may be confusing to most people. A flag tilted a little not get lost in the water area of the outline may be good for the HQ location.

#9 looks great!

(broken record) I would like a star for Olympia with some other mark for Seattle.  People will think Seattle is the capital of Washington!  :D  How about a flag similar to Oregon's coins?

Excellent job!

I think a star to denote Olympia and a mark for the headquarters in Seattle may be confusing to most people. A flag tilted a little not get lost in the water area of the outline may be good for the HQ location.

Would it be too small for Jeremy's profile there? :blink:



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