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To The People Who Use Stamps In Their Logs

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The stamp comes with adhesive ready to stick down. Find you a piece of wood with a smooth flat side and use that.


Also, some people use a stamp pad where the lid comes off completely--as opposed to being hinged--and stick the stamp to the top on the stamppad lid. You just take off the lid, turn it over to stamp up, return the lid. You keep the whole thing in a folded wad of papertowels to keep ink from the stamp from getting everywhere. Stick the whole thing away in your pouch.


In these situations you don't need a cushion between the stamp and the mount. You'll be stamping the log over your thigh mostly anyway--that provides the cushion.

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i just got a cool stamp made by coyote red, went to staples to get a handle toattach the stamp to it, and all the got are the pre-made stamps.


I plan to check 2 other office stores, but assuming i cant find one how did you all mount your custom stamps?



How big is your stamp?


I have taken a one inch diameter dowel rod and sawed off a 2 inch long piece and just rubber cemented the stamp to one end of the small piece of dowel.


You'll still need to carry around a way to ink the thing though.



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