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Looking 4 Someone To Adopt 3 Caches In Northern Va


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I've got 3 caches in the Woodbridge, VA area that are sorely in need of adoption, since I will be moving to Alabama the second week of July. All three caches are in good shape and have been visited regularly in the last few weeks. Because of all of the good comments, I want to leave them in place rather than archiving them and taking the containers to Alabama, but I want to make sure they'll be properly cared for.


The caches are all fairly easy to find:


Gold & Iron (a cache that's actually a hollowed-out library book); Deep in the Hundred Acre Woods; and Natural Twins. I'd be much obliged if someone would be willing to adopt any or all of these caches. Deep in the Hundred Acre Woods and Natural Twins are pretty close together and Gold & Iron is only a few miles north of them (off Opitz Blvd).


Please e-mail me if you're willing to take any or all of them. I'd really appreciate it! Oh...make sure you indicate something about geocaching in the title of your e-mail so that I don't think it's SPAM...you know how that goes!



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