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Greater Seattle Area Cachers


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:( Well who is the first to post? Me... Ms. WD :P


Just wanted to say that MR and spent the 3-day 4th of July weekend placing a BUNCH of new caches in the Seattle area.


We have taken so much from the community as far as all your wonderful caches, it was time to give some back. :P


Now most are pretty easy. No puzzles or multi's. But we tried to find some locations that were nice. It's getting harder to find places these days!


We are still writing up pages... argh! This is harder than caching. Some have been approved. I think we already have a FTF on a few! :(

Posted (edited)
Crap, I don't fit in on the East Side thread, and now I don't fit in here either.  dadgum.  Somebody start a West Side of the Narrows thread.... :(

And what about us "Northerners" :(

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
Crap, I don't fit in on the East Side thread, and now I don't fit in here either.  dadgum.  Somebody start a West Side of the Narrows thread.... :P

And what about us "Northerners" :(

:P Hey you guys! I said Greater Seattle Area! Than encompasses a large area.


Underneath I put North, West, South and East. :(


That means you Paul and you Chris. So there! :P:angry::P


Thanks for making our own smaller regional discussion area. I hope we can get out to find some of your new caches soon. My daughter is getting married at the end of the month, so darn it all, I have other things to do than hide and find caches! But the fun thing is my parents are coming up for the wedding (and a nice long visit....) and my dad is the master of disguise and cammo. I have lots of supplies to keep him busy, so I plan on getting him involved in making some new and very clever hides for me. Can't wait to see what he comes up with!


So like, I know somebody is having a birthday soon... :blink:




Lookie here! I found this cool little box on the internet. Like.. it would of been a TOTALLY cool BD present for you. Not for sale though. Think of it as a birthday card okay sweetie?








Thanks for all the hides WD. Now my closest to home page has a whole new look. Not for long though.


Many of you know that I am turning 40 this Saturday. My lovely wife is throwing me a whoop daddy of a party that afternoon. Anybody that would like to come that hasn't already been invited, e-mail me so my wife will have a head count. The fine folks at Maritime Pacific got me set up with a nice keg of beer and the barbeque will be fired up. I am also placing a few caches for your enjoyment.


Peace, Nolenator


Wow, thanks Weinerdog for putting up so many new caches. You are right in the that the number of places are limited for new caches. THe west side of LakeWashington sure has many hidden parks and shore line pocket parks available though.

Posted (edited)
Wow, thanks Weinerdog for putting up so many new caches. You are right in the that the number of places are limited for new caches. THe west side of LakeWashington sure has many hidden parks and shore line pocket parks available though.

:P So like.. coopy-doggie! Hey... I just put out three totally cool caches around where the Weenies put theirs.


Now.... I notice by your log you have a girl. Oh! Like she would probably really like these!



Edited by Miss Goody Two Shoes

By West side of LW, if you mean between the lake and I-5 across capitol hill, then you better get busy and hide some. 'cause Nolenator and I have been emailing. A couple are already out (one that only Nolenator has found so far!).


But, <<sniff>> the local staff at work have been hog tying me during the lunch hour lately. Seems they can get more stuff ready for moving into production than I can keep track.


Now, if I could only hike a little further out. Spent a couple of hours recently just going to/from Garfield park to check it out for possibilities.


Now, I did notice that today's PQ download for "work" was quite a bit larger than last Monday's. Still haven't taken the time to pop it open. --KG7JE

Posted (edited)

I have to ask if I can participate in this forum. Am I a "Greater" cacher in the Seattle Area? Greater than who?

I have more finds than some, less finds than others.

I just don't know.

Edited by Bull Moose
I have to ask if I can participate in this forum. Am I a "Greater" cacher in the Seattle Area? Greater than who?

I have more finds than some, less finds than others.

I just don't know.

:D Oh Gosh! Maybe I should of named it something else!


By "Greater" I meant more area. A large area. Seattle and surrounding berbs and such. Not finds or anything like that!


The Eastide Cachers thread is great! I have posted to that lot's of times. But we actually live North of Seattle, Richmond Beach area. I was attempting to have a place where... for example..... wishing Nolenator a Happy Birthday, etc.


I did have a friend suggest I call it King County Cachers. But we are not far from the Snohomish County line!


Hey, maybe I should of called it King, Snohomish, Kitsap, Island and any other county around Seattle Thread??? :D


Eh? no, I'm not from Canada! Just a little "eh" to let them know they are included too!


Uh, oh! Hope I didn't start something by mentioning Canada!


Eh? no, I'm not from Canada! Just a little "eh" to let them know they are included too!


Uh, oh! Hope I didn't start something by mentioning Canada!

You never know who might be listening in on these forums :D:D

I'm just yanking your chain. I knew what you meant. :D

:D Sheesh! Mr. WD told me that after I posted.


Okay... so you all know now. I, Ms. WD, am always worried iI might offend somebody. Don't want anyone to feel left out or have hurt feelings.


:D So... I will get tough here. Don't any of you use that information to your own advantage! Otherwise you will make me cry...... :D


Eh? no, I'm not from Canada! Just a little "eh" to let them know they are included too!


Uh, oh! Hope I didn't start something by mentioning Canada!

You never know who might be listening in on these forums :D:D

:D Eh?


Hi! It was fun meeting you in Canada this spring Half-Canadian. MR and I LOVED your cache up near the Antecortes area. The mirco. Very well done. What is the name of that cache again? It seems like we left LaConner and were headed towards Antecortes when we did a couple of your caches!


Pierce County checking in. I hope you don't mind.


We made today's front page news on our company's CITO event in Roy. That's me in the loader!


CITO wouldn't be complete without CI so, during a break, I found a perfect hiding place for Roy's Run-a-Muck cache, placed by my team Kfam.


Check it out if you're in the neighborhood!


Well, MGTS I do have a daughter and not just one but two. The youngest is more able to get around and has more time on her hands due to her schedule (wink)


You have been a busy little planter of caches along w/ that weinerdog whose pictures lately have been very cute on her webpages. I own a Redbone Coonhound who looks very much like an overgrown Dachschund with longer legs.


to Nolenator I was referring to parks between the two floating bridges, I'm not sure if I'm going to plant many more due to two recent thefts of caches i planted. But I shouldn't let that scare me off.


Auch schucks, Nolenator. I missed out on the party. That's what I get for having two lives. hmm. That didn't come out exactly right. Oh well. Weekends in the Deep South (Auburn) and weekdays in the downtown.


Had a new cache in Auburn disappear after the 2nd find. And I'd spent some time getting that one set up also! :D Now I'm starting to get worried that Lost might be "lost". Guess I should wander over there this week and take a peek.


;)A FTF Maniac runs amoungst us!


Just want to clear things up! Mr. WD and I recently put out a bunch of caches. Now on about 96% (just a silly guess) of those evergreenhiker! was FTF! ;)


A lot of you know that MR and I are good friends with John. For those of you asking....... NO! NO! NO! We did not give EGH any info prior to the cache placements about coords or anything! He did know we were placing caches but no idea where or when they would appear. He just happen to be home those two days and saw them pop up!


He does like his FTF's Just like I like to collect as many T-Bugs as I can! :D


I am in need of someone who knows how to do micro electronics soldering. I took my MeriPlat apart to straighten out the screen after putting it back together just slightly off kilter (after drying out the electronics) and the 4 wires hooking to the data port came off the board.


Any reasonable suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




Posted (edited)
I am in need of someone who knows how to do micro electronics soldering. I took my MeriPlat apart to straighten out the screen after putting it back together just slightly off kilter (after drying out the electronics) and the 4 wires hooking to the data port came off the board.


Any reasonable suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




Ewww! Do you have a soldering iron? Did any parts (SMT I assume?) lift the board or just the wires?


I actually design boards, I don't assemble them. Mr WD is a engineer he might offer some suggestions.


Ms. WD

Edited by Wienerdog

Wire is a four letter word don’t ya know. Hey if you have a small (30 W or so) soldering iron and know someone who has a similar unit you should be able to put it right in no time at all. If you can’t find any folks who want to volunteer their Platinum for medical experiments it can still be put back in order. It will just take a bit of time and some Columbo work to identify which wires go where.


Posted (edited)

I know exactly where each of the four wires are supposed to go. I have a picture of the guts that clearly shows it and I validated it before the final two fell off. This is very tiny work, something I don't have the skills the tools or the eyes for it. As a result, I'd be willing to pay for the work to be done. The wires go right to the edge of the primary circuit board.


Only the wires pulled lose from their sotter. No other parts pulled lose.


Fwiw, the screen is on straight now. ;)

Edited by TotemLake

Hi all!!! Just wanted to throw my hat into the Geacaching ring. I must have been living under a rock or something to never have heard of Geocaching... but now that I have... oh boy... this community is in TROUBLE!!! ^_^


I can't believe how many caches are within a couple miles of my house!!! Found my first five caches this last weekend, planted my first TB, and got totally addicted.


Hope to catch some of you on the trails sometime!

Hi all!!! Just wanted to throw my hat into the Geacaching ring. I must have been living under a rock or something to never have heard of Geocaching... but now that I have... oh boy... this community is in TROUBLE!!! ^_^


I can't believe how many caches are within a couple miles of my house!!! Found my first five caches this last weekend, planted my first TB, and got totally addicted.


Hope to catch some of you on the trails sometime!

Welcome to the sport!!!! yep, lot of caches!!!

Hi all!!! Just wanted to throw my hat into the Geacaching ring. I must have been living under a rock or something to never have heard of Geocaching... but now that I have... oh boy... this community is in TROUBLE!!! :unsure:


I can't believe how many caches are within a couple miles of my house!!! Found my first five caches this last weekend, planted my first TB, and got totally addicted.


Hope to catch some of you on the trails sometime!

:lol: Welcome Slevy53!


Brier........ Uh, oh K-7wave! Somebody else to race for firsties!


Have you had a FTF yet Slevy53? That's when it really gets bad. :lol:


You can call Nolenator for help then. :lol:


Welcome to the wonderful world of geocaching, Slevy53! Yep, I live in Brier too! We currently have 4 caches in our little municipality (2 are mine). I am sitting on the sidelines just now with an inoperative GPS unit so you'll have no problem beating me to any FTF's until I'm back up. Have fun, this is a great area for caching!

Welcome to the wonderful world of geocaching, Slevy53! Yep, I live in Brier too! We currently have 4 caches in our little municipality (2 are mine). I am sitting on the sidelines just now with an inoperative GPS unit so you'll have no problem beating me to any FTF's until I'm back up. Have fun, this is a great area for caching!

Slevy53, Welcome to this great and addictive sport! I hope to meet up with you on the trails sometime in the near future!


K7-wave, is that breakdown from the weekend deluge?

Posted (edited)

Hey there Wienerdog... nope... haven't had a FTF yet.... but I did sleep at a Holiday Express last night. Wait a minute... wrong commercial.


I snagged one of K7s caches this last weekend (Woody Woodpecker I believe). I figured there was another cacher in the neighborhood. The race is on!!! :P


[Edit] Ahh... I went back and looked. I hunted for the Logan's Run cache left by K7 but apparently it had been plundered. Couldn't find it and went to log in the DNF and read that it was temporarily archived since the cache went MIA.


Hope you get back on your feet soon K7!!!

Edited by slevy53
Welcome to the wonderful world of geocaching, Slevy53! Yep, I live in Brier too! We currently have 4 caches in our little municipality (2 are mine). I am sitting on the sidelines just now with an inoperative GPS unit so you'll have no problem beating me to any FTF's until I'm back up. Have fun, this is a great area for caching!

Just want to let you know I also have my old unit. A Garmin III Plus.


I see Nolenator offered first. Just thought I'd throw this in too!


Thanks Nolenator and Wienerdog for the offers of a loaner until I can get back up. The GPS III+ would be especially easy to transition to since the afflicted unit is a GPS III. For the next few days all my focus has to be on the STP bike ride but I'll be back on Monday and I'll try to resolve things then and may be contacting you about it.


It's funny, the unit worked at the Rushing Waters cache and on the way back. I turned it off after we found our cutoff trail through the woods (whicjh I had waypointed) on the way back. The next time I turned it on back at camp it was unable to receive satellites. The next day it dumped all stored data and dumps again everytime it's turned on. I took it apart and even did some soldering and now it receives a couple satellites weakly and still loses stored data with every turn-on.


I was at the flagship REI today to pick up my STP packet and played with a V, a 60C and a 60CS. They all use the same cables and storage case so I'm thinking the replacement will be one of those three. The salesguy said alot of his customers were in complaining of their III's going bad.


I promise to get Logan's Run back up as soon as I return early next week. I have a couple more micros I want to place locally too. Thanks everyone!


K7wave. best of luck to you on the STP. A grunt of a ride, basically just a lot of saddle time. I've yet to try it.

are you going to ride it in one day or two.


Hey K7... I'm actually helping some friends with the STP. This year I'm doing the driving. I'll be tagging behind them and giving them a ride back from Portland. I actually picked up the Homeless Homies TB this week so I could plant it down in Portland and give it a couple hundred extra miles.


Good luck with the STP!!!

Thanks Nolenator and Wienerdog for the offers of a loaner until I can get back up. The GPS III+ would be especially easy to transition to since the afflicted unit is a GPS III. For the next few days all my focus has to be on the STP bike ride but I'll be back on Monday and I'll try to resolve things then and may be contacting you about it.


It's funny, the unit worked at the Rushing Waters cache and on the way back. I turned it off after we found our cutoff trail through the woods (whicjh I had waypointed) on the way back. The next time I turned it on back at camp it was unable to receive satellites. The next day it dumped all stored data and dumps again everytime it's turned on. I took it apart and even did some soldering and now it receives a couple satellites weakly and still loses stored data with every turn-on.


I was at the flagship REI today to pick up my STP packet and played with a V, a 60C and a 60CS. They all use the same cables and storage case so I'm thinking the replacement will be one of those three. The salesguy said alot of his customers were in complaining of their III's going bad.


I promise to get Logan's Run back up as soon as I return early next week. I have a couple more micros I want to place locally too. Thanks everyone!

Don't go V, go with those newer ones! I've heard nothing but good things aobut them from Donna and MR

Posted (edited)

:D My Meri Plat is broken also, but it's been replaced with a brand new Meri Color!


Wow, this has been the month for Broken GPSr's around here.


Totem Lake and Pepper's MeriPlats, My Rino, and K7waves GPSIII.


In my case it gave me the excuse I've been waiting for to get that 60C I've been lusting after.

Edited by Right Wing Wacko

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