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Shopping For A New Jeep...and A Lawyer

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You can have the jeep in the contest, I'm not signing up any more for it. You need it, you deserve it. Jeep should just give it to you. I know how scary it can be when someone is coming at you the wrong way on the highway. it happened to me on the way back from the Mardi Gras in New Orleans years ago. Only in this case, the guy was going the wrong way, everyone was able to get out of his way for as far as I could see and we looked back and saw police lights flashing and said "Finally! There's a cop when you need one." Only no, the cops were pulling over my friends in the car behind us and the idiot going the wrong way never got pulled over! I will never never never understand how that happened. Let's see, Connecticut plates in Alabama, or drive the wrong way on the interstate, which is the worst infraction? :)


I am so glad you are alive to tell the story and please get well soon.


Dude, I'm so glad you're here to tell about it!!!


Last summer, there was a similar incident involving a confused elderly lady and a local cop. She got on the wrong side of a 4-lane here in my town (no barriers between lanes, just a wide median ditch), and had driven about 12 miles the wrong way in heavy traffic. The cop from a small town up the road from us was west bound to try to intercept her, another trooper was eastbound in the east-bound lanes following her trying to get her attention, but couldn't find a good spot to cross to get in front of her. The city cop was coming up behind a van, but was in his private car, so no lights to clear traffic. The van swerved to the right, and there was the old lady....70mph head on collision before either had time to react. Killed the woman instantly, put the cop in the hospital for several months, and he's still in rehab. They say the woman was confused and trying to find her doctor's office in Wichita. She got on the highway 25 miles from Wichita.....no one is really sure what she was doing way out here.....


Anyway, thank God you are still alive. My prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery.



Glad to see you made it out OK, sorry about the jeep, but those are easy to replace. If you find any good deals let me know. Laura (Scoot the Frog) totalled her Grand Prix in Virginia week before last. She got trapped between two 18 wheelers, but luckily walked away without a scratch. Looks like it has been a bad couple of weeks for mid-tenn geocachers cars, but a good week for their loved ones, since you are all still with us. Once again, I am glad to hear you are OK, I hope you won't be too sore to come see us at Woodstock tomorrow.



Posted (edited)
... Have you signed up the win the new Jeep yet today? :)

Good idea, I just did.


Here's a pic of my once proud Jeep that Cathy took with her cel. My brother took a few with his 35mm. I'll see if I can't post a few.



dadgum Dude, that was a bad one, Happy to hear your doing ok.


My buddy and I had a similar situation. Last fall, we were heading up a two lane and some idiot, " kind words " decided to pass a truck ( both were comming at us ), I moved over to the sholder to give him some space between us and the truck. Needless to say, he decided to go between us and the ditch. We still can't believe there was no accident! We would have ended up like you did.

Get Well , speedy recovery (no pun intended) ,your in our thought ( all of us here on GC) and keep us posted. SF1

Edited by strikeforce1
Posted (edited)
Have you signed up the win the new Jeep yet today? :)

No doubt, if JEEP is watching, you should be a winner B) for one! Good Luck! You would definately get my vote! and many more from us here!

Edited by strikeforce1

If I'd have been part of the EMS crew that pulled up to help you and seen the Jeep, the first words out of my mouth would have been "Ohhhhhh C**P" Usually when we extricate someone from a wreck that bad, it's not with good results. I'm also happy to see that you're relatively ok and will heal nicely. You're dang lucky!

If I'd have been part of the EMS crew that pulled up to help you and seen the Jeep, the first words out of my mouth would have been "Ohhhhhh C**P" Usually when we extricate someone from a wreck that bad, it's not with good results. I'm also happy to see that you're relatively ok and will heal nicely. You're dang lucky!

Most definitely, after seeing that pic.....Those were always the accidents where there was a collective "OH, S***!!!!" from the crew as we pulled up!


HOLY ****!!! Your story painted a very vivid picture but nothing prepared me for the actual picture. Thank God you were able to walk away from that. I wish you the best for a speed recovery.


:o:oB):o That picture tells an incredible story! Glad you're okay! :) Get a good lawyer and nail that $%^$#@! :)


Seriously, Jeep might be interested in using the salvage for a suvivability testimonial! B)


I'm trying to find a new Grand Cherokee to replace my old Cherokee ('92). One of the salesmen mentioned how the engine is designed to slide under the car in a head-on.


Looks like that hit was a glancing blow, though.


I hear that drunks are attracted to lights bright lights. I wonder if you had turned out your lights if he would have followed you like that (of course, who would think to turn off their lights in a situation like that).


Glad to hear that you survived without major injury. Pretty amazing, looking at the picture of your Jeep. I hope your new Jeep treats you as well as your old one did.



... Looks like that hit was a glancing blow, though.

It hit me in the front, but barely missed my Jeep's frame. I doubt it would have been better for me if it hit me more centered.


My best wishes to your full recovery, dude. If I win the Jeep I'm emailing you so you can come pick it up. Seriously. You deserve some ease and comfort after this incident.


I faced a similar situation 25 years ago when I was in college. Thankfully the bonehead drove off the side of the interstate after zipping past me. He had a fiery death. I shed no tears. I was rattled for days. Give yourself the OK to recover at your own pace and do so.


Again, best wishes from Northern Colorado.

... Looks like that hit was a glancing blow, though.

It hit me in the front, but barely missed my Jeep's frame. I doubt it would have been better for me if it hit me more centered.

No. It was pretty clear from the damage to the side that it wasn't square-on, fortunately.

I hear that drunks are attracted to lights bright lights. I wonder if you had turned out your lights if he would have followed you like that (of course, who would think to turn off their lights in a situation like that).


Wouldn't it be nice if drivers actually had control over their own vehicles like the good old days? Some cars have those STUPID Daytime Running Lights you can't turn off.

I hear that drunks are attracted to lights bright lights.  I wonder if you had turned out your lights if he would have followed you like that (of course, who would think to turn off their lights in a situation like that).


Wouldn't it be nice if drivers actually had control over their own vehicles like the good old days? Some cars have those STUPID Daytime Running Lights you can't turn off.

If you put on the parking brake just right in some cars it will shut them off without actually braking the vehicle. The driver did ths on a backpacking trip I went on with my cousin and some of his buddies. We were driving front and cut our lights. Then the guys behind us scared us by cutting theirs. Oh right topic....yeah. I suppose you could cut the wires to the DLR's and leave the others in tact? Would that work?


Oh man! Thank your angel that the drunk didn't catch you centered!


As for healing, give it time. Wife and I were hit from behind about 3 years ago while slowing down. The vehicle was drivable afterwards and we felt fine (the first day). Didn't work the next. In fact, I almost fainted while standing in the doctor's examing room. :o They got me laying down fast. Just something about how the muscle were still tensed up. The docs were right about it taking a few months to get all the kinks back out.

Posted (edited)

Forgive my bump, but I said I was going to purchase a new Jeep, and I did. Here it is at the first cache.




pardon the crass gloating

Edited by SamLowrey
Forgive my bump, but I said I was going to purchase a new Jeep, and I did.    Here it is at the first cache.

Where's the mud? It's not a real Jeep unless it's got mud on it!



With my old Jeep, I didn't do much off road stuff because it was only 2WD. My new one is 2WD, BUT I made sure to get the Vari-Lock differential so at least I have both back wheels potentially working. I don't plan on doing too much off road stuff though - it's too nice. ;)


But check out under the hood. It has a 265hp V-8! I wasn't planning on getting that, but I kinda settled on it. Rides like a dream even at 105 MPH! :D (After it breaks in I will see how much more I can get out of it.) This thing is going to get me in trouble, I can just feel it.

I hear that drunks are attracted to lights bright lights. I wonder if you had turned out your lights if he would have followed you like that (of course, who would think to turn off their lights in a situation like that).


Glad to hear that you survived without major injury. Pretty amazing, looking at the picture of your Jeep. I hope your new Jeep treats you as well as your old one did.



Talk about deja-vu.


I was headed down a lonely 2 lane road to an oil well about 5 AM one morning several years back (I think 1998 for some reason) and did exactly that - turned off my headlights (and parking lights) when someone was headed straight at me in the wrong lane, and then went to the shoulder and finally into the grass.


He shot past me so close it nearly clipped the sideview mirror, and somehow stayed on the road and just kept going. I was in an F-150 pickup but what went past in the dark looked like maybe an F-350 crew cab or something similar sized with a bunch of junk in the back.


Still don't know how I managed to ge the presence of mind to kill the lights, unless it was from some defensive driving course I took to get out of a speeding ticket a few months before, where they said a drunk tends to home in on light sources because they get a sort of tunnel vision.


Out away from the skyglow and light pollution of the cities, it gets really totally dark with no light.


Turns out I came within maybe 50 feet of hitting a culvert at 65 mph.


About 2 hours later someone else arrived at the well and said they'd seen a pickup that had missed a curve in the road, that was upside down and trailing about 300 feet of barbed wire fence into a pasture, with highway patrol and all working the scene.


Brings new meaning to the term "JEEP TOUGH" !!! Glad you made it out without much difficulty.


Any drunk involved in an accident should be given life in prison for the first offense. You don't EVER want me on your jury. ;)


My jeep was rear-ended 6 weeks ago. Driver had no insurance. He should spend life in prison too!!! :P After getting out of the hospital, I was able to -sorta- drive it home so repairs could begin. The ford Contour that rear-ended me was destroyed and towed to the scrap yard.


The good news is I am not perminently injured, and the jeep is almost prefectly restored again. In fact, I took the opportunith to do some needed upgrades.

I hear that drunks are attracted to lights bright lights.  I wonder if you had turned out your lights if he would have followed you like that (of course, who would think to turn off their lights in a situation like that).


Wouldn't it be nice if drivers actually had control over their own vehicles like the good old days? Some cars have those STUPID Daytime Running Lights you can't turn off.

If you put on the parking brake just right in some cars it will shut them off without actually braking the vehicle. The driver did ths on a backpacking trip I went on with my cousin and some of his buddies. We were driving front and cut our lights. Then the guys behind us scared us by cutting theirs. Oh right topic....yeah. I suppose you could cut the wires to the DLR's and leave the others in tact? Would that work?

Not on my car it won't.

I, too, have stupid daytime running lights, and they're the same bulbs/wires/etc as the headlights. And, because I have those in my car, I tend to forget that I don't have them when I'm in other cars and tend not to turn the lights either on or off (usually off, thank goodness)...


Of course, worse than that feature is the one where the washer fluid will only come out if I turn my wipers on first...

AND, of course, my car doors lock as soon as the car is turned on, and don't unlock until I turn the car off. I hope to god I'm never in a wreck where I have four seconds to get the door open or I die.




Glad to see you're okay from the wreck (I didn't see this post until now) and nice new jeep! When you going to get me one? ;)

Of course, worse than that feature is the one where the washer fluid will only come out if I turn my wipers on first...


Oh, that is the worst!!!!!!!! I hate wiper systems like that!! I'm working on re-wiring my Jeep so that I can use the washer fluid independently of the wipers. What idiot thought that up? Try to get that mud, or that splattered bug off your windshield and all it does is smear it all across the windshield, then gets it wet.....pointless!


I, too, have stupid daytime running lights, and they're the same bulbs/wires/etc as the headlights. And, because I have those in my car, I tend to forget that I don't have them when I'm in other cars and tend not to turn the lights either on or off (usually off, thank goodness)...


Of course, worse than that feature is the one where the washer fluid will only come out if I turn my wipers on first...

AND, of course, my car doors lock as soon as the car is turned on, and don't unlock until I turn the car off. I hope to god I'm never in a wreck where I have four seconds to get the door open or I die.




Glad to see you're okay from the wreck (I didn't see this post until now) and nice new jeep! When you going to get me one? <_<

Sounds like time for some toggle switches or rocker switches to install to disable these "helpful features".


I have a Geo Metro with that handy automatic door lock feature, but it locks the doors when you start rolling about 10 mph.


Fortunately I can kill the lights while the engine is running or going down the road.


Of course in that Metro, since any collision will come out on the worst end (like being on a motorcycle, almost), I sort of get hyper-vigilant for any vehicle doing something unusual when on the road, and have been known to do pre-emptive evasive actions. I figure shoulders, ditches, medians, sidewalks, anything goes to avoid a collision.


Maybe that's partly from flight training - where you constantly are looking for "OK, the engine just quit - where are you gonna manuver" kind of things - always looking for escape paths and trying to maintain more spacing than normal from other vehicles.


I guess in a major city where there's traffic too dense to maintain safe spacing, I'd find me an Abrams tank - LOL.


Oh, that is the worst!!!!!!!! I hate wiper systems like that!! I'm working on re-wiring my Jeep so that I can use the washer fluid independently of the wipers. What idiot thought that up? Try to get that mud, or that splattered bug off your windshield and all it does is smear it all across the windshield, then gets it wet.....pointless!

Actually, I don't know of any cars where you can squirt the washer fluid and then turn on your wipers at will. Am I misreading this? Are you saying there is too long of a delay until the fluid starts and the wipers wipe? I didn't see that problem on mine, but that would be annoying.


Oh, that is the worst!!!!!!!!  I hate wiper systems like that!!  I'm working on re-wiring my Jeep so that I can use the washer fluid independently of the wipers.  What idiot thought that up?  Try to get that mud, or that splattered bug off your windshield and all it does is smear it all across the windshield, then gets it wet.....pointless!

Actually, I don't know of any cars where you can squirt the washer fluid and then turn on your wipers at will. Am I misreading this? Are you saying there is too long of a delay until the fluid starts and the wipers wipe? I didn't see that problem on mine, but that would be annoying.

Both my wife's Camry and my old Toyota pickup had a separate button for the washer fluid. My old Datsun Pickup, my old Honda Civic, my old Chevy Celebrity, and my dad's Ford Courier all had separate washer switches that wouldn't turn on the wipers.

Years ago (70s and earlier) the switches for the highbeams and/or the washer were on the floor.

Yup. Had an old '72 Mercury Capri with the washer on the floor, and at the same time was learning to drive my dad's F-150 that had high-beams on the floor. Got pretty confusing sometimes! :)


For a short time, I worked for an ambulance service that had a Type III ambulance with the airhorn switch on the floor right next to the high-beam switch. Man, did I ever make some embarassing gaffs back then! :o

I, too, have stupid daytime running lights, and they're the same bulbs/wires/etc as the headlights. 

Try here www.lightsout.org. they have articles written on how to disable DRLs. I posted an article on how I disabled the ones on my Saturn.




No biggie. I really put that note in there so folks are aware of the last post date. Some topics are a bit old and out of context, and that can cause confusion.


Yup. Had an old '72 Mercury Capri with the washer on the floor, and at the same time was learning to drive my dad's F-150 that had high-beams on the floor. Got pretty confusing sometimes! :huh:

You had to push the turn signal in on my old Mercury Capri to get the horn to sound. For you youngsters, it wasn't a short circuit, it was designed that way.


Yup.  Had an old '72 Mercury Capri with the washer on the floor, and at the same time was learning to drive my dad's F-150 that had high-beams on the floor.  Got pretty confusing sometimes! :huh:

You had to push the turn signal in on my old Mercury Capri to get the horn to sound. For you youngsters, it wasn't a short circuit, it was designed that way.

Wow, I'd almost forgotten about having to do that! :huh:

Posted (edited)
If I'd have been part of the EMS crew that pulled up to help you and seen the Jeep, the first words out of my mouth would have been "Ohhhhhh C**P" Usually when we extricate someone from a wreck that bad, it's not with good results. I'm also happy to see that you're relatively ok and will heal nicely. You're dang lucky!

Most definitely, after seeing that pic.....Those were always the accidents where there was a collective "OH, S***!!!!" from the crew as we pulled up!

Yep. There were several wrecks I responded to that, before I was even out of the cab of the ambulance, I was telling dispatch to go ahead and put Lifeflight on hot standby. It is amazing the contortions extreme force can put on vehicles...HAHAHA...I too had not looked at the date...I didn't realize this was old news...LOL

Edited by mrmnjewel
Posted (edited)

Glad to hear you're ok. You sure are a lucky guy. Any updates on the drunk bastard? How long is he spending in jail? And I'm sure you have a spare gps, but are you planning on getting a new one? What kind? BTW are you or were you a LTC? I've always wondered about that. So now that I look at the date of the original post..... how did this post get "reborn"? Anyway I'm still wondering if you are or were a LTC.

Edited by WxGuesser
Most definitely, after seeing that pic.....Those were always the accidents where there was a collective "OH, S***!!!!" from the crew as we pulled up!

Police and fire were on the scene amazingly fast. (Of course, the entire day kind of flew by for me, so its hard to tell.) When the first fire truck got to the scene, one of the firemen rushed over and, with stress in his voice, asked me if anyone else was in the Jeep. When I told him no, he asked me again. To this day, I'm not sure if he asked me twice because I might not have been all there, or just to relax himself.

Glad to hear you're ok. You sure are a lucky guy. Any updates on the drunk bastard? How long is he spending in jail? And I'm sure you have a spare gps, but are you planning on getting a new one? What kind? BTW are you or were you a LTC? I've always wondered about that. So now that I look at the date of the original post..... how did this post get "reborn"? Anyway I'm still wondering if you are or were a LTC.

The 'other guy' got 30 days in jail, suspended license for two years, and an ankle bracelet for two years that tests for alcohol. If he cleans a cut with alcohol, he goes to jail for two years. He got off light, in my opinion, so my lawyer is taking a swing at him soon.


My GPSr wasn't as destroyed as I thought, when we pried it out of the wreckage, we accidently ripped the battery door off. A new door and antenna and it was as good as new. The Garmin GPS 3+ is a solid unit. Sadly, I just upgraded to a V. I didn't intend to, but the price was right.


While I overestimated the damage to my GPSr, I underestimated my own. As it turns out, I had a fractured vert and a herniated disc. I'll probably end up getting surgery in the next few months.


I think the post was reborn because I linked to it in another thread regarding someone's accident. My days in the USMC are behind me.


Glad to hear that you're trying to get as harsh a penalty as possible for him. The courts are much too lenient on drunk drivers. A friend of mine had both of her parents killed by a drunk driver when she was 15.

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