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Help With Dead Meridian Gold


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Was out in the desert visiting California landmarks (www.calandmarks.com) when my Meridian Gold got blown off a monument by a surprise gust of wind. Turns out the unit will turn on, and I can get the backlight to work, but the display won't work. It'll flash for a split-second when I turn the unit on, but that's it.

Anyone have an idea of how I might fix this? It's out of warranty, of course.




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Of course, there's no "Contrast" button. You have to be able to see the screen in order to know when you get to the contrast adjustment page.


No help, I know... Perhaps Magellan could fix it, or if you are wanting to fix it yourself, try operning the case and see if the screen is dislodged from the connector somehow. On second thought, contact Magellan and send it in.


<don't do this>Maybe you should try dropping it so it lands on the other side? </don't do this> :laughing:

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If you can not see contrast page, try putting it next to another gps unit of the same type. Turn both on the same time, work the good through to the page you want while at the same time doing the same to your unit. Maybe a shot in the dark but sometime things work.

Good luck

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Of course, there's no "Contrast" button. You have to be able to see the screen in order to know when you get to the contrast adjustment page. I don't have my unit within reach or I'd experiement for you


There is, but it's not documented. There's some buttong you can hold while powering on that will adjust the contrast, IIRC.


Check the FAQ for the magic keystroke combinations...

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