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Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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BTW: I am using Mapsource 6.3. I use EasyMps to do all the conversions from GPX into Mapsource and from Mapsource to .loc. EasyMps has supported the new GDB format since Mapsource 6 first came out.

Why are you using EasyMPS? GSAK outputs a MPS file which MapSource opens (albeit with a message that it's an old format) just as it would a GDB file. You can then save the file in GDB format if you want.


Just wondering what the reason/advantage is with EasyMPS.



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BTW:  I am using Mapsource 6.3.  I use EasyMps to do all the conversions from GPX into Mapsource and from Mapsource to .loc.  EasyMps has supported the new GDB format since Mapsource 6 first came out.

Why are you using EasyMPS? GSAK outputs a MPS file which MapSource opens (albeit with a message that it's an old format) just as it would a GDB file. You can then save the file in GDB format if you want.


Just wondering what the reason/advantage is with EasyMPS.



I could use just GSAK (and GPSBabel), but it adds a couple of steps. Here is what I would have to do using GSAK:


Save the waypoints to .mps format in GSAK.

Open it in Mapsource 6.3 and click OK when the old file format warning comes up.

Edit the waypoints and Export them from Mapsource 6.3 to the old .mps format instead of the standard GDB format.

Convert the .mps file to a .loc file (I don't see that GSAK does this, so I would have to use GPSBabel).


Here is what I do with EasyMps:


Open the GPX file(s) in Mapsource 6 directly from EasyMps (No old file format warning).

Edit the waypoints and Save the Mapsource file in the standard GDB format.

Use EasyMps to convert the GDB file to a .loc file.



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GSAK 3.06 Build 13


OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Let me publicly apologize for getting everyone's curiosity up prematurely.


I thought that I was receiveing the beta release off of the notification list, when in fact Clyde was sending it to me because I had suggested some modifications.


Clyde said -

Typically they are users that use GSAK very often and try things I wouldn't dream of.


I also think Clyde knows that if it can be crashed, I usually find a way to do it! B)


So, once I help work out those bugs, you should wind up with a nearly bug free version. You WILL be pleased!!! B)



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BTW: I am using Mapsource 6.3. I use EasyMps to do all the conversions from GPX into Mapsource and from Mapsource to .loc. EasyMps has supported the new GDB format since Mapsource 6 first came out. How did the EasyMps programmer get the specs for the GDB format when others can't seem to get them? Robertlipe – Have you contacted him?

Other than the addition of a URL field, is there any actual benefit to the new format, or is this just more gratituous churn?


The EasyMPS author has indeed shared the efforts of his reverse engineering to date (we trade info back and forth) but it's not sufficiently complete for GPSBabel's purposes yet. GPSBabel supports tracks and routes; EasyMPS does not. Since Mapsource reads and writes the MPS files just fine, nobody's been terribly motivated to spend the extra time reverse engineering the rest. From our experience with MPS, tracks and routes were _way_ harder than waypoints and nobody's wanted to spend the time.


Plus there's the simple aggrivation factor. I _have_ approached Garmin for specs on their file formats. I was rudely informed their formats were proprietary and unpublished. (Magellan, OTOH, does have a published specification for the asking that accurately describes Mapsend files.) Mapsource is about twice the size of the next largest file module in the GPSBabel tree and 5-8 times the size of a typical module. It's also one of our highest maintenance problems by the time we chase the differences across the bazillion Mapsource mutants (and they are NOT all the same at this level) and is one of the most complicated formats.


Hopefully this helps explain why nobody is just climbing all over themselves to repeat this punishment with yet another undocumented Garmin format...


Someone with clout at Garmin (I clearly have none) that can put a formal specification of the format in the hands of the GPSBabel group is welcome to change this situation. Alternately, someone really into punishment that's willing to finish the RE task and contribute and support the code to GPSBabel could change this on the spot.

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So the goal is getting an edited (outside of GSAK) LOC file to your PDA?


GSAK can export/open in 1 step a filtered (or unfiltered) list to MapSource. All you do is click on the Ok button in MapSource when it tells you it's an old file format. Would be nice if it didn't tell you - who cares anyway?


I'd still use GSAK to at least get it over to MapSource (a single step), then edit in MapSource and use something to convert to LOC format.

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I'd still use GSAK to at least get it over to MapSource (a single step), then edit in MapSource and use something to convert to LOC format.

Why does Rocketman want it in .loc, anyway?


[ edit, removed pronoun with incorrect antecedent. ]

Edited by robertlipe
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I'd still use GSAK to at least get it over to MapSource (a single step), then edit in MapSource and use something to convert to LOC format.

Why does Rocketman want it in .loc, anyway?

That's what his previous post states he wants for his PDA.


Which program are you using on your PDA RocketMan?

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GPSBabel supports tracks and routes; EasyMPS does not.


That's right, I forgot about that. It sucks that Garmin won't share their specs. Thanks for all your hard work on GPSBabel.


Why does Rocketman want it in .loc, anyway?
That's what his previous post states he wants for his PDA.


Which program are you using on your PDA RocketMan?


My goal is to be able to use Mapsource to graphically select the caches that I want for my upcoming trip (It is nice to be able to select them right on the map - I know that I can use a polygon filter, but I like to see what I am getting) I then want to use my selected list of waypoints to filter the caches in GSAK so that I can dump them into my PDA. The .loc file allows me to do the filtering per ClydeE's instructions.


I am using Cachemate on the palm.


Rocket Man

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I guess the issue is you want to add points outside of caches (parking spots, trailheads, other info from cache pages) and then get those to your Palm as well. If you only wanted the caches themselves in the LOC file I'd say there's an easier way.

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I guess the issue is you want to add points outside of caches (parking spots, trailheads, other info from cache pages) and then get those to your Palm as well. If you only wanted the caches themselves in the LOC file I'd say there's an easier way.

And the easier way is?



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[That's right, I forgot about that.  It sucks that Garmin won't share their specs.  Thanks for all your hard work on GPSBabel.


You're welcome. Those of you giving Garmin money are welcome & encouraged to get in their face about this...


My goal is to be able to use Mapsource to graphically select the caches that I want for my upcoming trip (It is nice to be able to select them right on the map - I know that I can use a


So, what you REALLY want is to be able to use GSAK to spin out a MPS file (we'll leave GDB behind at this point in the discussion) suck them into Mapsource, delete the ones that aren't interesting and then push that back into a selection process so that ONLY those points appear in GSAK/GPX, right? (Sort of an manual arc filter...)


If that's correct, then I think you want the OPPOSITE of GPSBabel's duplicate filter. Instead of discarding everything that appears twice, you want to retain ONLY those that appear twice - once in the original GPX and once in the .mps - right?


(I have no idea how Clyde could hook this up to be comprehensible to normal people...)


gpsbabel -i gpx -f mongolist.gpx -i mapsource -f onlyyourwpts.mps -x duplicate,shortname,keeponlydupes -o gpx -F  mytodolist.gpx


Where "keeponlydupes" is the new piece of this puzzle and 'mytodolist.gpx' contains only things that were in both the original and in the mps file.




If so, bribe Ron or myself (after I return from vaction) to add this. I think it's easy to do, but I could be wrong.

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So, what you REALLY want is to be able to use GSAK to spin out a MPS file (we'll leave GDB behind at this point in the discussion) suck them into Mapsource, delete the ones that aren't interesting and then push that back into a selection process so that ONLY those points appear in GSAK/GPX, right? (Sort of a manual arc filter...)


gpsbabel -i gpx -f mongolist.gpx -i mapsource -f onlyyourwpts.mps -x duplicate,shortname,keeponlydupes -o gpx -F  mytodolist.gpx
Where "keeponlydupes" is the new piece of this puzzle and 'mytodolist.gpx' contains only things that were in both the original and in the mps file.



Looks Right


If so, bribe Ron or myself (after I return from vaction) to add this. I think it's easy to do, but I could be wrong.
A cup of coffee works on the guys at work. Are you guys that easy? RM
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I guess the issue is you want to add points outside of caches (parking spots, trailheads, other info from cache pages) and then get those to your Palm as well. If you only wanted the caches themselves in the LOC file I'd say there's an easier way.

And the easier way is?

I do it by running a filter in GSAK to all caches not found or not archived. I export the results to MapSource as notfound.mps and GSAK automatically launches MapSource and opens notfound.mps


I then scan for a likely cluster of caches I want to target. When I find one or two clusters, i go back to GSAK, select one of the caches in the cluster as the center point and check off all the ones around it (after it in the list within a mile or so of the cache that was selected). If there's 2 cache clusters, I do it again for the 2nd set.


Once I have the caches in the area selected, I filter on the User flag and those are the ones I want. I export again to MapSource as mmdd.mps and add any additional waypoints mentioned on the cache pages such as parking locations, etc. I then Send from MapSource to my GPS.


In your case, with the waypoints already selected in GSAK, just export to a LOC in GSAK and load it on your PDA. The only waypoints not on your PDA would be those added in MapSource (Parking, etc).


Other then them exporting the LOC file, this is what I do a couple times a week.

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Has anyone noticed this?


With 495 waypoints in GSAK Ver 3.03 I could click on the miles from home colume and the order would invert putting the most distance first ,the closest would be last. Another click would put closest first again. This flips the order of all 495 wapoints.


Version 3.05 when I click the miles colume the one on at the bottom of the page goes to the top. Now the number 26 is at top . It used to invert to number 495 the most distant.


The scrolling button on the right of the screen (XP) would not move as you clicked the top of a column in 3.03. It does in 3.05 . Sorry someone else could explain this clearer.


The other columns act the same way. Thinking it was this machine, I changed my laptop over to 3.05 and now it operates this new way.


We have tried more than one GPX file with the same results? Any comments on this?


A second question- no matter how I set the waypoint symbols to download to gps (60cs) they still have the standard blue flag in the gps. I can change them one at a time in the gps but its a pain for a bunch. What am I missing? This may be a gps setting.


Thanks for any help. John

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Has anyone noticed this?


With 495 waypoints in GSAK Ver 3.03  I could click on the miles from home colume and the order would invert putting the most distance first ,the closest would be last. Another click would put closest first again. This flips the order of all 495 wapoints.


Version 3.05  when I click the miles colume the one on at the bottom of the page goes to the top. Now the number 26 is at top . It used to invert to number 495 the most distant.


The scrolling button on the right of the screen (XP) would not move as you clicked the top of a column in 3.03.  It does in 3.05 .  Sorry someone else could explain this clearer.


The other columns act the same way.  Thinking it was this machine, I changed my laptop over to 3.05 and now it operates this new way.


We have tried more than one GPX file with the same results? Any comments on this?

I don't know when it was added, but under the Options menu on the General tab there's a checkbox for Move to first waypoint after a column sequence change. Try toggling that and see if modifies the behavior you are seeing.


As for the Blue Flag... I remember readind about it - I'll try searching for an answer.

Edited by Team DEMP
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A second question- no matter how I set the waypoint symbols to download to gps (60cs) they still have the standard blue flag in the gps. I can change them one at a time in the gps but its a pain for a bunch. What am I missing? This may be a gps setting.


Thanks for any help.  John

I'm assuming you have the proper icon (Geocache Found) selected in the Send Waypoints dialog. The only other thing I've found while searching is related to older versions of EasyGPS and if you use a LOC file and not a GPX.


I use MapSource and don't send from GSAK. If you have MapSource, are the icons showing there properly but just not when you use the GPS/Send Waypoints option in GSAK?

Edited by Team DEMP
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Team Demp-


Thank you very much. It was the switch under tools\ options\. Everythings back to normal now. I never knew that was there.


GSAK does export the correct waypoint symbol to mapsource. I think I was trying to use a symbol that my garmin didnt support. I was looking for a small symbol as the larger ones covered the map as I zoomed out. I also tried directly from GSAK with a serial cable. Guess it has to be a symbol Garmin has in ROM. Again thanks....Johnal

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I won't end up with caches in Norway :)


What's wrong with caches in Norway? B)



32 V 598598E 6646042N

Absolutely Nothing :)


I just don't remember doing any caches when I was there in 1979 :o


I would love to go back and do some though. I come from a long line of Norwegian bachelor farmers.

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[That's right, I forgot about that.  It sucks that Garmin won't share their specs.  Thanks for all your hard work on GPSBabel.


You're welcome. Those of you giving Garmin money are welcome & encouraged to get in their face about this...


My goal is to be able to use Mapsource to graphically select the caches that I want for my upcoming trip (It is nice to be able to select them right on the map - I know that I can use a


So, what you REALLY want is to be able to use GSAK to spin out a MPS file (we'll leave GDB behind at this point in the discussion) suck them into Mapsource, delete the ones that aren't interesting and then push that back into a selection process so that ONLY those points appear in GSAK/GPX, right? (Sort of an manual arc filter...)


If that's correct, then I think you want the OPPOSITE of GPSBabel's duplicate filter. Instead of discarding everything that appears twice, you want to retain ONLY those that appear twice - once in the original GPX and once in the .mps - right?


(I have no idea how Clyde could hook this up to be comprehensible to normal people...)


gpsbabel -i gpx -f mongolist.gpx -i mapsource -f onlyyourwpts.mps -x duplicate,shortname,keeponlydupes -o gpx -F  mytodolist.gpx


Where "keeponlydupes" is the new piece of this puzzle and 'mytodolist.gpx' contains only things that were in both the original and in the mps file.




If so, bribe Ron or myself (after I return from vaction) to add this. I think it's easy to do, but I could be wrong.

The other thing that could make this work is if the arc filter had a 'points' option along with the current 'line' and 'polygon' options, so it only found waypoints within x distance of each point would match :)


This is the same thing I did when I travelled down the interstate. I had all the coordinates for the exits - I created an arc filter then checked all the waypoints. I then unchecked all the waypoints that were more than 1 mile from each exit.


Would have been nice to have it automated. But won't be making trips like that often enough to work up a script file to do it.

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This has probably been addressed before but why are the default icons in GSAK not the standard Geocache and Geocache not found icons? Thanks. Great program anyway!

Good point. Consider it done :)


Note: This only applies to the Garmin set of Icons. Magellan does not as yet (to my knowledge) have these geocaching specific icons.

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Note: This only applies to the Garmin set of Icons. Magellan does not as yet (to my knowledge) have these geocaching specific icons.

Magellan doesn't have geocaching specific icons.


I have an interesting problem. I use GSAK for both Magellan and Garmin GPS's, but it's too much of a pain to switch all the GPS setup info. Would it be possible to have saved GPS settings so I could switch between the two easily (this would include saving off the Icon assignments, since they are different for the two GPS's)?



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Note: This only applies to the Garmin set of Icons. Magellan does not as yet (to my knowledge) have these geocaching specific icons.

Magellan doesn't have geocaching specific icons.


I have an interesting problem. I use GSAK for both Magellan and Garmin GPS's, but it's too much of a pain to switch all the GPS setup info. Would it be possible to have saved GPS settings so I could switch between the two easily (this would include saving off the Icon assignments, since they are different for the two GPS's)?



I must confess. I only thought users would use the one GPS with GSAK. I will have a look at saving and restoring icon sets based on GPS brand.


There is a work around, but perhaps a tad clumsy. I will let you decide it is worth while.


To set up for this work around (only needs doing once):


1. Set your gps to Garmin and set your icons accordingly by doing a gps send

2. Exit GSAK

3. Save the file GSAK.ini to Garmin.ini

4. Save the file icons.cds to Garmin.cds

5. Start GSAK, then change your setup to Magellan and set you icons by doing a GPS send

6. exit GSAK

7 Save the file GSAK.ini to Magellan.ini

8 Save the file icons.cds to Magellan.cds


Now to implement this work around:


Before starting GSAK if you are going to use your Garmin GPS:


1. Copy Garmin.ini to GSAK.ini

2. Copy Garmin.cds to icons.cds


If you are going to use your Magellan GPS


1. Copy Magellan.ini to GSAK.ini

2. Copy Magellan.cds to icons.cds


All files mentioned above are in the install folder of GSAK


Hope this helps.

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Now to implement this work around:


Before starting GSAK if you are going to use your Garmin GPS:


1. Copy Garmin.ini to GSAK.ini

2. Copy Garmin.cds to icons.cds


If you are going to use your Magellan GPS


1. Copy Magellan.ini to GSAK.ini

2. Copy Magellan.cds to icons.cds


All files mentioned above are in the install folder of GSAK


Hope this helps.

Don't forget - every time you exit you should copy the gsak.ini file to either Garmin.ini or Magellan.ini or you will loose all the other defaults you set for other exports.


I am running 3 .ini files now - and waiting for the ability to specify the corresponding ini file on the command line <_<

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Would it be possible to add an option to 'Manual update of cache ARCHIVE status?


There are caches in the database I never care to attempt - but if I archive them, then the system just changes them to available the next time I download.


On a similar vein - it would be nice if there was a warning if a found cache is going to be changed to 'not-found'. I would like to know if a cache placer deletes my found log - or if I mess up somehow.




I guess on both of these I don't mind if the gpx updates the cache as found or archives it (I would always want it to do that) - I just don't want it to change from found to unfound or from archived to unarchived without my permission.

Edited by YeOleImposter
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Would it be possible to add an option to 'Manual update of cache ARCHIVE status?


There are caches in the database I never care to attempt - but if I archive them, then the system just changes them to available the next time I download.


Why not make these caches permanent deletes, then they won't load back in the next GPX file?


If you still want them in the database, then change the status to archived and lock the record so it won't be overriden.

Edited by ClydeE
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Would it be possible to add an option to 'Manual update of cache ARCHIVE status?


There are caches in the database I never care to attempt - but if I archive them, then the system just changes them to available the next time I download.


Why not make these caches permanent deletes, then they won't load back in the next GPX file?


If you still want them in the database, then change the status to archived and lock the record so it won't be overriden.

I have them locked now - the reason I do not delete them is that someday I may decide to do them - and there is no way to put a note in the delete log as to why I deleted it - to review later.

If it is locked then the text never gets updated for me to check that whatever condition caused me to archive it has been fixed.


Another solution I just thought of - Maybe I need to just put text like !hide! in the user field and always filter those out? That would solve my archive delima.


I still would like a warning if a found is changed to notfound <_<


PS. I added a blurb to the end of my last post after you read it, I think:

I guess on both of these I don't mind if the gpx updates the cache as found or archives it (I would always want it to do that) - I just don't want it to change from found to unfound or from archived to unarchived without my permission.
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I must confess. I only thought users would use the one GPS with GSAK. I will have a look at saving and restoring icon sets based on GPS brand.

I'm a Magellan guy. Joani is a Garmin girl. And we still get along just fine! <_< Your solution would work fine, but would be somewhat of a pain since I would have to exit the program do some macro magic and launch it again. I'll live with my current solution: for the Garmin I export to gpx, load it into easygps and download it to the Garmin. Using this method, I get the unfound and found icons for Garmin.

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I suspect there are more than a few people who use multiple GPS's with GSAK. In our case, we use a Garmin StreetPilot to get close to the cache then we each have an eTrex (a Vista and a Summit) for the find. It is a (small) pain to keep changing the settings for the different GPS's, but I imagine not as much as Marky experiences. n Something like the filter memory would be awfully nice.

Jon & Miki

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I'm getting an Active Integrity check when I download. I'm only getting about 1.7M on the download. This happened a couple of times. Using the mirror site.


Also, have the issues been cleaned up with Mapsource. I'm planning to upgrade to the latest. WIll have I problems creating Mapsource files?





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I'm getting an Active Integrity check when I download. I'm only getting about 1.7M on the download. This happened a couple of times. Using the mirror site.


Also, have the issues been cleaned up with Mapsource. I'm planning to upgrade to the latest. WIll have I problems creating Mapsource files?





As I have had many users download from both web sites without any problems I would have to say unfortunately it sounds like an issue at your end. Try deleting your browser cache (temporary Internet files) then try the download again.


What issues with MapSource?


The only item I am aware of here is that GPSBabel does not yet support the native version 6 format. However, version 5 MPS files work fine with version 6.

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I dont know if anyone else has discovered this bug but I have had a strange situation occur when I double click on a cache name. I get the error cannot find OziExplorer (probably because I dont use Ozi <G>) but once you clear the error GSAK locks up for about 30 seconds where you cannot do anything at all. Eventually it will return a second error of "Unable to communicate with OziExplorer, process aborted" The first few times this happened I thought GSAK had locked up entirely and went into Task manager to stop it. But I found that letting it sit eventually it will return the second error. Is there anyway of disabling the OziExplorer feature so I can eliminate this annoyance?


Happy Caching!


And many thanks,



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I'm a Magellan guy. Joani is a Garmin girl. And we still get along just fine! :( Your solution would work fine, but would be somewhat of a pain since I would have to exit the program do some macro magic and launch it again. I'll live with my current solution: for the Garmin I export to gpx, load it into easygps and download it to the Garmin. Using this method, I get the unfound and found icons for Garmin.

Would unstalling 2 instances of gsak in different locations work?


If you did that could they point at the same database but still have different settings?

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I dont know if anyone else has discovered this bug but I have had a strange situation occur when I double click on a cache name. I get the error cannot find OziExplorer (probably because I dont use Ozi <G>) but once you clear the error GSAK locks up for about 30 seconds where you cannot do anything at all. Eventually it will return a second error of "Unable to communicate with OziExplorer, process aborted" The first few times this happened I thought GSAK had locked up entirely and went into Task manager to stop it. But I found that letting it sit eventually it will return the second error. Is there anyway of disabling the OziExplorer feature so I can eliminate this annoyance?


Happy Caching!


And many thanks,



Under tools-options-general you can change the default double click action.

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I'm a Magellan guy.  Joani is a Garmin girl.  And we still get along just fine!  :(  Your solution would work fine, but would be somewhat of a pain since I would have to exit the program do some macro magic and launch it again.  I'll live with my current solution: for the Garmin I export to gpx, load it into easygps and download it to the Garmin.  Using this method, I get the unfound and found icons for Garmin.

Would unstalling 2 instances of gsak in different locations work?


If you did that could they point at the same database but still have different settings?

No Need. Version 3.06 (which is still in beta/development) now allows for this scenario.

Edited by ClydeE
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I'm a Magellan guy.  Joani is a Garmin girl.  And we still get along just fine!  :(  Your solution would work fine, but would be somewhat of a pain since I would have to exit the program do some macro magic and launch it again.  I'll live with my current solution: for the Garmin I export to gpx, load it into easygps and download it to the Garmin.  Using this method, I get the unfound and found icons for Garmin.

Would unstalling 2 instances of gsak in different locations work?


If you did that could they point at the same database but still have different settings?

No Need. Version 3.06 (which is still in beta/development) now allows for this scenario.



Would be nice if most of the Exports had this feature. On the exports I run, I usually have 2 or 3 different 'styles' I constantly output. Would be nice if there was a way for GSAK to remember them like it does for Filters.

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Speaking of Filters....


Any chance of showing the 'Center' point. This is data that is saved in the filter but not displayed anywhere.


Would be nice if it was edit-able on the filter screen - but even if not, it should at least display so users remember / know that it is part of the 'filter'

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I'm getting an Active Integrity check when I download.  I'm only getting about 1.7M on the download.  This happened a couple of times.  Using the mirror site.


Also, have the issues been cleaned up with Mapsource.  I'm planning to upgrade to the latest.  WIll have I problems creating Mapsource files?





As I have had many users download from both web sites without any problems I would have to say unfortunately it sounds like an issue at your end. Try deleting your browser cache (temporary Internet files) then try the download again.


What issues with MapSource?


The only item I am aware of here is that GPSBabel does not yet support the native version 6 format. However, version 5 MPS files work fine with version 6.

OK I loaded 3.05 GSAK> But I still don't understand the issue with Mapsource. What do you mean?- Quote "The only item I am aware of here is that GPSBabel does not yet support the native version 6 format. However, version 5 MPS files work fine with version 6."?

Edited by Alan2
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OK I loaded 3.05 GSAK> But I still don't understand the issue with Mapsource. What do you mean?- Quote "The only item I am aware of here is that GPSBabel does not yet support the native version 6 format. However, version 5 MPS files work fine with version 6."?

The latest version of MapSource supports Garmin's new GDB file format. If you pass a MPS file or open an MPS file, it says it's an "older" format and you need to click ok.


Since GSAK uses GPSBabel behind the scenes to create the file, until GPSBabel can create a GDB file, when GSAK creates/launches a MapSource file, it's in the older MPS format and MapSource pops a message when you open it telling you it's the older format, but it works fine.


As for the specific wording in the documentation, selecting v5 or v6 in the drop-down list for MapSource version on the MapSource export window does the same thing. If GPSBabel supports GDB, selecting v6 would generate a GDB file where today it generates a MPS file (just as v5 did).



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How do I get GSAK to filter just caches that haven't been found by anyone? I checked the date area but can't figure it out.

Set a filter on the last found date to "Less than" 1st Jan 2000


(Any date that is just earlier than when the first cache in your database was found will work)

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When I double click on the 'User Data' field it just opens whatever is set for 'double click' instead of allowing edit of User Data - anyway to make 'User Data'' work like the 'Notes' and 'Corrected Coordinates' do?



Ok, will do.

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Forest Hills, Queens, NY, USA

I was born in Boulevard Hospital in Astoria. It's no longer there.


My mom grew up on 36th Street in Astoria and my grandfather was a Doctor on 35th St and 28th Ave. He used to charge $1 for an office visit and $2 for a house call.


I lived in Forest Hills until I was 2 before my parents moved to NJ.


Completely useless info but when I saw your signature that's what popped into my head.

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Forest Hills, Queens, NY, USA

I was born in Boulevard Hospital in Astoria. It's no longer there.


My mom grew up on 36th Street in Astoria and my grandfather was a Doctor on 35th St and 28th Ave. He used to charge $1 for an office visit and $2 for a house call.


I lived in Forest Hills until I was 2 before my parents moved to NJ.


Completely useless info but when I saw your signature that's what popped into my head.

I now live in Roswell, New Mexico but like you that address brought back memories of Coney Island and Nathan's hot dogs, knishes, Nedics, etc. I was born in Rockaway and lived most of my childhood life on 29th street and 41st ave. Thanks for the ride on the nostalga train.

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Forest Hills, Queens, NY, USA

I was born in Boulevard Hospital in Astoria. It's no longer there.


My mom grew up on 36th Street in Astoria and my grandfather was a Doctor on 35th St and 28th Ave. He used to charge $1 for an office visit and $2 for a house call.


I lived in Forest Hills until I was 2 before my parents moved to NJ.


Completely useless info but when I saw your signature that's what popped into my head.

disregard this post

Edited by Keykeeper
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