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Moving Out Of State


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I am moving from Southern California to Southern Oregon.


I assumed that the best way to handle this, as far as my California hides are concerned, was to find someone willing to adopt my hides.


Was I correct?


I located someone. Now what?


What is the proper manner for handling this?

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email contact@geocaching.com  give them a list of the caches and who's adopted them.  Simple as that.


Adopting them out is one right answer.  The other is to archive them all, take your tupperware and share the wealth in your new home.  Either would of worked.



I have e-mailed to address provided and supplied the adoptees names and the adoptor's e-mail address.


Archiving them sounds spiteful...it's my ball and I'm taking it home. They are mostly in historic areas and interesting to both old neighbors and newcomers to the area.

Edited by UncleRMC
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If you plan on returning to your "old" area often enough, you could keep them active (or just the better ones) as long as you have a local willing to maintain them between your visits.

I was concerned that something could go wrong with a cache and being 800 miles away I would not be able to check personally.


The only option I would have would be to archive.

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