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Bagging A Lame Roadside Cache


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Friday before Memorial Day weekend I skipped out early (noon) to pick up 6 ammo cans BrianSnat had left for me in the woods, then move on to bag 4-5 caches in the area. My wife had asked me to get a haircut, fill the propane tank and goto the bank to withdraw some money for going out to dinner in Morristown that evening. I was to pick her up in the green at 5:30 pm.


I drove from Rutherford to Kinnelon in good time, and parked in Snat's suggested location and went into the woods to get my ammo cans. There was a light drizzle, but i knew I would find them quickly and get on to some real caching. My GPSr was jumpy under the canopy and the leaves were dripping with moisture. 60 Feet this way... no 74 feet that way... After 15 minutes of doubling back on myself I read Brian's directions... near a log... hmm... so I began to search every log in the area. This is ridiculous, I am searching for 6 ammos cans not one and still can't locate them! Well, the last place I looked I found them, neatly in a row covered with leaves (and mud and wet leaves).


I hauled all 6 to the edge of the woods and waited for an opening in the cars. Each time I went down the muddy bank, a car would appear coming up the hill so I would scutttle back up the bank. So I decided to take two in my backpack. I crossed the road in a nonchalant manner and opened my trunk. Saw a cop car coming along so I quickly emptied the ammo cans and in a moment of panic slammed shut the trunk to my car.


The cop car passed without incident and I got back to opening the trunk. Well, it was locked with the keys inside so i walked around to the car door. Locked. The driver door. Locked. Every door was locked! Then I realized I had also locked my backpack in the trunk with my cellphone and wallet as well as the keys. The only thing I had on me was my GPSr. I thought about rigging it as a transmitter instead of a reciever, but decided against the move and flagged down a masonry truck. The guy was kind enough to let me use his cellphone to call AAA. He also offered a beat up umbrella, which I politely declined.


He waved goodbye and I waited for the tow truck. Then it really started to rain. I passed the time writing in the dirt on the back window of the car. Reorganizing all my waypoints and data in my GPSr and strategically relocating the remaining ammo cans across the street near my car for quick retrieval. Every car that passed I hoped was a geocacher or BrianSnat who would help me out some way!


The tow truck arrived an hour later and the guy got out grinning and said "Bet you feel like a jack4$$" I mumbled, I just wasted an hour of good caching time. He asked "you missing out on getting paid?' Not that kind of cache... nevermind. Well, he mangled two of his tools and broke a third trying to get into my car. After an hour of cussing and swearing he finally broke in and I was good to go. It was now close to 4:00 pm and I still hadn't bagged a cache.


I drove down the hill and found Brian's Lame Roadside cache #1 quickly and then went for Mountainside. Bad mistake in work clothes. Through a quagmire, up a mountain, down a mountain. I got to the GZ and searched for over 30 minutes. Then I remembered my wife! My cellphone was in the car, I hurried back over the mountain and called her at 5:42 pm. There were 5 messages in my message box. "Hi honey, got locked out of my car... yeah, i'm okay.... yeah, I had to stand out in the rain... no, I don't think I can make dinner tonight." Despite not being an avid cacher, she was very understanding.


I missed dinner, didn't pick up the propane, didn't get a haircut, didn't find the 4 caches I had earmarked... but the afternoon was not a total loss... I did succeed at picking up 6 ammo cans and I was able to bag a Lame Roadside cache...




Deja Vu
Deja Vu

Deja Vu all over again

Deja Vu four times is like a double negitive?


Had to check the dates to see if it was an old thread or new approach to the old story. Loved the story the first time I saw it. He must have a very understanding wife.


All this because you were spooked by a cop???? I am an LEO and I always say if you didn't do anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about.





All this because you were spooked by a cop???? I am an LEO and I always say if you didn't do anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about.





B) Good Story ... a laugh to start the day :)


My husband was a cop, and I can appreciate that being caught in the headlights (so to speak) of a police officer with ammo cans in hand, would spook me in this day and age of homeland security...even being innocent. :)

if you didn't do anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about


How naive :)


But that's okay, the story was posted in humor, not as a point. :)

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