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My wife wished to visit Callaway county, MO to do some genealogy research. I downloaded benchmarks for the county and had been reading a few of the datasheets. She mentioned that one of her relatives had moved to McCredie, MO which she could not locate on the current MO highway map. I was able to inform her that Kingdom City was formerly known as McCredie. (See PID JC1034 )

However my comment *Don't EVERYBODY know that?* did not go over too well. :lol:

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My wife wished to visit Callaway county, MO to do some genealogy research. I downloaded benchmarks for the county and had been reading a few of the datasheets. She mentioned that one of her relatives had moved to McCredie, MO which she could not locate on the current MO highway map. I was able to inform her that Kingdom City was formerly known as McCredie. (See PID JC1034 )

However my comment *Don't EVERYBODY know that?* did not go over too well. B)

That's a great one! I have looked at datasheets for areas near where my ancestors lived. While I have not found out anything significant, it is interesting to read about a marker and some reference points that might have been around when they were there. Yet another use for benchmarks and another resource for the genealogical reseracher.

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I use the 1909 Plat(GLO) book to search areas for Monuments as well.

If you can find the Original Homestead's(Patents) the rest of the marks are usually easy to find.

This is also Where History and Land Patents come in for me.

I have Found ,Abraham Lincoln,Ulysis S. Grant,William McKinnley,Theodore Roosevelt and President Taft,Lands thet were Patented and Signed by those Presidents.

All of the Patentee's are Friends of mine that I did a little Geneology,Historical, and Mapping research on.

2 of them are mine.

Roosevelt and Taft. B)

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Okay, so now y'all have piqued my curiosity! I'm in the process of tracing my mother's side of the family. It's rich in Civil War history. My great-grandfather (yes, you read that right, only one "great") was in the 10th TN Infantry, A Company... the Rebel Sons of Erin. I've traced his steps of where he fought, was captured, and fought again. Now I'll go back and look for benchmarks (and the accompaning documents) along the way, and maybe some more clues will turn up!


Thanks for the inspiration!


I'm curious to know if anyone else has found significant marks, especially in Tennessee and Georgia.

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Now I'll go back and look for benchmarks (and the accompaning documents) along the way, and maybe some more clues will turn up!


Sounds like a great plan DixieRoo! I have found some benchmarks near and on county courthouses here in Missouri. And of course courthouses are good sources for many sorts of records of interest to genealogy....


I have also found several benchmarks adjacent to cemeteries -- but not near the cemeteries that we have visited for geneaolgy -- yet. :huh:

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