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Garmin 60c Neck Mount


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Hey folks,


I'll preface this by saying that I'll probably do a terrible job of describing this creation but please think outside the box and bear with me...


Here's something I've been contemplating for 3 years now but have never got off my duff to do anything about it. Now that I'll have my 60C firmly in hand tomorrow, and reading about the quad-helix antenna and it's performance maximized in the vertical position, I think it's time to put something in motion.


My geocaching buddy and I have always contemplated some kind of rigging/fixed lanyard whereby you could keep your gps around your neck however have the screen pointed right towards you. Almost like an older-style presenter microphone where it wrapped around the neck, thus placing the gps unit in a vertical position, but held the mic at mouth level.


I've contemplated affixing some kind of semi-pliable material to the gps mounting bracket (wrapping it in some comfortable, non-abrasive, material). This would fit around the neck and hold the unit close to eye-level yet not be a huge distraction.


Has anyone seen anything like this or contemplated anything similar? I'm fairly crafty (yet an admitted procrastinator-thus the 3 year thought process w/o action) and would be willing to buy various materials to try out. Then again maybe this contraption already exists and I merely have to shell out the $XX for it.


Sorry for the lengthy post, it happens after a couple 'old sodas' and a good baseball game (go Astros).


Thanks in advance,


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