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Geocache Addiction!!!

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I would identify myself at about a 7 right now. I tend to plan geocaching into the day somewhere, every day. On the days I don't, my 3-year-old usually starts begging to go.


I have been considering a laptop with wireless internet for several years so I can actually spend time with my family while I do my photo editing. Now that I have started geocaching, I feel this NEED for a laptop, so I can log immediately, look for new caches at any moment, post my hides for publish consideration as soon as I place them, etc...


As for hiding caches -- uh, I've got a few out there! Most notably, four I hid two days before going into labor with child number two -- who has been caching with me while in utero for two months. I was dragging child number one along with me through the adult-high weeds at the time. The EMTs would have KILLED me if I had gone into labor out there!


Tupperware? My mind is not on Tupperware -- unless I run across some at a garage sale or thrift store (then I buy it ALL). My mind is on all the EVIL caches I am going to design while I am unable to drive or do any hiking for the next six weeks since having my infant son three days ago.


Hmmm, perhaps I am a little higher than a 7...

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