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Bringing A Dog To A Cache Event

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my thoughts on the subject.

All dogs are welcome, if the dog is friendly, good with kids and behaves when off the leash. I think all dogs should be allowed off the leash if they can behave and should be allowed to romp and play. Dogs who are threatening or too protective and not good with children can stay home or with relatives.


Make sure pets are allowed where you go and that you reserve a site in the pets allowed area.


One story that happened to us one time. We went camping and my friend came along with Fritz the Dog. We did not know dogs were not allowed, but we camped anyway, Fritz is a good and pretty quiet dog. We were there all day with him and into the night. Well, Fritz chose the moment the ranger was driving through to bark. The next thing you know all of the other campsites around us starting barking. Not just other dogs, which there were some of, but all the campers were barking too to throw off the ranger. It was the most hilarious thing I ever had happen in a campsite. We didn't know the other people and they didn't know us. The ranger left and came by the next day to tell us we couldn't have the dog there. So we had to abandon poor Fritz behind a defunct motel, in his van, for a couple of hours while we packed up. Don't worry, we got Fritz back soon enough, and he's a car dog, he lives in the car away from home, and travels everywhere with his person.


Dogs and small kids. Both can be a pain, I have asked not to be seated near a table with small children at a resturant and on the otherside of that, I have after dinner gone up to a parent and commended them for their well behaved children. Same for a dog, I have asked some to please put their dog on a lease and keep it out of my campsite, and other times I have enjoyed the quiet company of the dog who will come only if you tell it that it is welcome. It all falls back on the adult. If they allow their dog or small children to ruin other peoples fun because of lack of enforcement then it should come back on them. I have had some dogs and a few children in my lifetime and have tried to be considerate of others, even if that means having to take the offender outside for a "conversation".


So if small smelly children get on your clean couch should you use shock collars? Or at least offer them leashes?

We are planning this camping trip and our biggest thorn seems to be the DOG!  How is that? 


Any one else gonna bring their geocaching pooch?



Bella comes on 95% of my cache hunts and hides. She is also coming with us on our road RV trip around New England this summer. I don't think it will be a problem at all. In fact she's the only reason we're renting an RV as opposed to just getting hotel rooms.

Wow JMB! My wife and I were thinking about doing the same thing regarding an RV trip vs. hotel rooms. We thought it would be cool to ride around with the puppymonster on a vacation for a change!

My mom and I rented an RV for 20 days to travel around France. We had absolutely no plan or route set up and it's the only way to travel! We just followed our noses. From Paris to Switzerland, over the Haut Alps, to Provence to the Rhone Valley, to Chateauneuf du Pape, to Aigue Mortes on the Mediterranean, to Massif Central, to Puy de Dome, to the Loire Valley and back to Paris. we even camped in the Bois Du Bologne in Paris, that's like camping in Central Park, but this was a gated camping area on the Seine. What a trip! I'll always remember it.

Dogs and small kids. Both can be a pain, I have asked not to be seated near a table with small children at a resturant and on the otherside of that, I have after dinner gone up to a parent and commended them for their well behaved children. Same for a dog, I have asked some to please put their dog on a lease and keep it out of my campsite, and other times I have enjoyed the quiet company of the dog who will come only if you tell it that it is welcome. It all falls back on the adult. If they allow their dog or small children to ruin other peoples fun because of lack of enforcement then it should come back on them. I have had some dogs and a few children in my lifetime and have tried to be considerate of others, even if that means having to take the offender outside for a "conversation".


So if small smelly children get on your clean couch should you use shock collars? Or at least offer them leashes?

I agree about misbehaved children and dogs, but I love dogs and a well behaved dog is welcome in my opinion on any cache hunt or outside event. If you check out the Hudson highlands jaunt, we had three dogs along. They made fine cachers. Bella is one great dog! And is welcome anytime in my book. So were Autmun and the real Quoddy. If all dogs are this great, they can come. I'd take a misbehaved dog over a misbehaved child any day. At least you can smack them with a rolled up newspaper! <_<:lol:

I'd take a misbehaved dog over a misbehaved child any day.  At least you can smack them with a rolled up newspaper!  :D  :lol:

Yeah, and when you get tired of them, you can stuff'm in a gunney sack and throw them in a pond ... oops, did I say that out loud? :D I'm just KIDDING, I would never do that to my kids. :P


I want to bring my dog Jake to the event this weekend and turn him into a traveling cache. If you happen to see him at the cache event you can log him as a find. Better yet, if you happen to pet him, you can log the travel bug that's around his neck too. All in fun...... LOLOLOLOLOL




Exercise your dog prior to the gathering!


Terrier Dog does well if he's had plenty of exercise and then is ready for laying low, naps, and watching people put food in their mouth.


We had several dogs at the event in question. Bandit lived up to his name by stealing some bacon. :D


Duane, your dog was fine. He didn't do more than what you'd expect from an 8 month old puppy. I was really surprised at how well Geody did. I thought we'd have to leash her the whole time.

We had several dogs at the event in question. Bandit lived up to his name by stealing some bacon. B)


Duane, your dog was fine. He didn't do more than what you'd expect from an 8 month old puppy. I was really surprised at how well Geody did. I thought we'd have to leash her the whole time.

glad to hear it worked out ok. :D

Posted (edited)

I made an event for dogs.


Dog's Day Out


But I'm worried no one is going to show up. Over 100 views and only I have left the Will Attend note.


So what. I've been to wayy over 100 events and some of the BEST event memories are of the ones that just a handful showed up for.... People will come if you post an event. Who cares how many.


BTW- I though Duane had come back from the dead when I saw the OP. :) Looking at the posters was a blast from the past.

Edited by Snoogans

Zoey looks really friendly and I hope she has a good event.


We'd come along... if we were nearer... if we had a dog.


I guess it's open to dogless cachers too? No ALRequest like, "All humans must be accompanied by a dog"?


... Not like those playground areas that someone mentioned in another thread, where adults are not allowed unless accompanied by a child? :)


MrsB ;)


Dog Obedience School is a wonderful thing.


It teaches the dog AND the dog owner.


A friend took his dogs through this and they were very well behaved, understanding commands and obeying them. It's good for the owner as the dog is well behaved and it's good and safe for the dog because it obeys someone who looks out for its best interests.


I've met many very well behaved dogs, some went to obedience classes, others not, but one thing is certain, if you have a yappy-runaround dog then you and others will likely not be happy you turn up at events, particularly if others bring their dogs, too.

Posted (edited)

We are planning this camping trip and our biggest thorn seems to be the DOG! How is that?


Any one else gonna bring their geocaching pooch?




I bring my dog everywhere.... I have a very well behaved Beagle named Sara. She is SO well behaved that she has gladly gone & been accepted IN & AT Observatory and viewed the high heavens. :)


She goes camping with us, she goes to Lowes & Home Depot with us, She has even gone to the MOVIES with us. (yes at a movie theater).


Although I have to be honest here... I have had dogs in the PAST that I would NOT have taken anywhere.


Sara is very well behaved, very cute, very loving, & is always quiet and will do as asked, She always communicates to me when she needs to potty & will potty on command. So she NEVER "Goes" where she shouldn't.


So depending on where the event was, then yes I would probably take her.








P.S. She has even found a few cache/hides before even me or my wife actually found them! In a couple of cases we ignored her "FIND" for about 10 or 15 min before we both realized that SARA had found it FIRST and we should have listened to her in the first place.

Edited by texasgrillchef

Let's not put all the blame on ill behaved dogs, I say it depends on how well the owner takes resposiblity for their dog. If they are aware, concerned owners who can tell when their pet is becoming too much for others, and can take the time to make sure it is watched and not just turned loose to fend for itself, then okay.


Here!, Here! I fully agree. Ill behaved dogs are NOT the fault of the dog, but of the owner. A WELL TRAINED dog will is a dog who is HAPPY and WELL behaved.


My Beagle... (See previous post) Sara, loves people, is very quiet and is a very happy dog. When I took her to view the stars at an OBSERVATORY we were both happy and content. I & my wife were able to view the stars through the telescopes. Sara enjoys having people around, anyone. She was BETTER behaved than 90% of the children that were there that night. Sara NEVER leaves my side. She is always on a leash, but only to make others more comfortable. She doesn't need a leash. She won't ever leave my side for any reason unless I tell her it's ok. She can easily handle being away from me, such as if I need to go potty myself & will stay where I tell her too until I come back.


Although I do realize that most people don't put the time & effort into having a dog or even any other pet that they SHOULD.


For me... those that have complaints about dogs... isn't about the dog, but the OWNERS of those dogs.


Heres another example of my Sara....


Every year our city pool has a POOL party for Dogs. It's at the end of the pool season every year, After the pool has closed for the year. A good percentage of the dogs seem to always take a dump everywhere around the pool area and in some cases even in the pool. (They have a crew running around picking up SH*T, litterly). Yet my SARA... will get out the pool & communicate she needs to go potty. Where I promptly take her to the DESIGNATED potty area where she promptly goes, when done she goes back to the pool. BTW.... this trait of hers is something we DID NOT TRAIN HER TO DO!


So..... I take major offense when people blame dogs for their behaviour. It isn't the dog, its the owner that needs to take responsibility.


A properly cared for Dog IS "Mans Best Friend", a dog that is properly care for will do MORE for their "master" then MOST spouses will!


Even though my Sara is very well behaved & I take her alot of places that other people don't take their dogs. I am also respectful of where I am going when I consider taking my beagle. I know for instance a certain friend & relative that don't like dogs. So when I go visit I don't take her. Other places I go where I know it's against the law I don't take her either. Such as Big Bend National Park. They don't allow pets. So I had a close friend to take care of her while we were gone.



Posted (edited)

Let's not put all the blame on ill behaved dogs, I say it depends on how well the owner takes resposiblity for their dog. If they are aware, concerned owners who can tell when their pet is becoming too much for others, and can take the time to make sure it is watched and not just turned loose to fend for itself, then okay.


Here!, Here! I fully agree. Ill behaved dogs are NOT the fault of the dog, but of the owner. A WELL TRAINED dog will is a dog who is HAPPY and WELL behaved.


My Beagle... (See previous post) Sara, loves people, is very quiet and is a very happy dog. When I took her to view the stars at an OBSERVATORY we were both happy and content. I & my wife were able to view the stars through the telescopes. Sara enjoys having people around, anyone. She was BETTER behaved than 90% of the children that were there that night. Sara NEVER leaves my side. She is always on a leash, but only to make others more comfortable. She doesn't need a leash. She won't ever leave my side for any reason unless I tell her it's ok. She can easily handle being away from me, such as if I need to go potty myself & will stay where I tell her too until I come back.


Although I do realize that most people don't put the time & effort into having a dog or even any other pet that they SHOULD.


For me... those that have complaints about dogs... isn't about the dog, but the OWNERS of those dogs.


Heres another example of my Sara....


Every year our city pool has a POOL party for Dogs. It's at the end of the pool season every year, After the pool has closed for the year. A good percentage of the dogs seem to always take a dump everywhere around the pool area and in some cases even in the pool. (They have a crew running around picking up SH*T, litterly). Yet my SARA... will get out the pool & communicate she needs to go potty. Where I promptly take her to the DESIGNATED potty area where she promptly goes, when done she goes back to the pool. BTW.... this trait of hers is something we DID NOT TRAIN HER TO DO!


So..... I take major offense when people blame dogs for their behaviour. It isn't the dog, its the owner that needs to take responsibility.


A properly cared for Dog IS "Mans Best Friend", a dog that is properly care for will do MORE for their "master" then MOST spouses will!


Even though my Sara is very well behaved & I take her alot of places that other people don't take their dogs. I am also respectful of where I am going when I consider taking my beagle. I know for instance a certain friend & relative that don't like dogs. So when I go visit I don't take her. Other places I go where I know it's against the law I don't take her either. Such as Big Bend National Park. They don't allow pets. So I had a close friend to take care of her while we were gone.




Though your dog is great, not all dogs are created equal.

I have had dogs all my life and the last two were not trainable (the second learned bad habits from the first)


Beagles are much "smarter" dogs than, say, Chihuahuas for example. My MinPin was never going to br trained by anyone but my Australian Shepherd wanted to be trained.


It's not always the fault of the dog owner, other than not recognizing that their dog is untrainable (or untrained)

Edited by bittsen
An ill-behaved dog is a direct result of a poor owner.

Not true! I know plenty of rich folks who have badly-behaved dogs, too! :)


I know plenty of rich folks who are badly behaved.... Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley.... the list goes on.




Nothing sadder then a poorly behaved dog and an owner who just doesn't get that it's their fault. Yeah, Dog "Obedience School" is a good idea.


Exactly why it SHOULD be called "OWNER Obedience school" and NOT dog obedience school




It's not always the fault of the dog owner, other than not recognizing that their dog is untrainable (or untrained)


Exactly the point I was trying to make, but alas you did it in a more elagant way with alot fewer words. It takes a RESPONSIBLE pet owner to accept the fact that their dog is untrained &/or untrainable & therefore should make adjustments accordingly.




I cannot stand a poorly behaved dog! Just like a poorly behaved child. They ruin the experience for everyone around. Now a behaved dog for me adds another smile to my day, and sometimes a nice big hug or sloppy kiss. Hehe


I take my dog everywhere with me but I have put a lot of work into making her a behaved dog in public. We spend usually two days a week or more at our obedience club training in obedience and agility. Every day at home we train. I wish more people would put even a little bit of time into training their dogs. I volunteer at the local Humane Society and it is so sad to see some of the dogs that get dropped off.


I agree 100% with those that have recommended an obedience class. IMO a well behaved dog is welcome to visit me at anytime!

An ill-behaved dog is a direct result of a poor owner.

Not true! I know plenty of rich folks who have badly-behaved dogs, too! :D


I know plenty of rich folks who are badly behaved.... Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley.... the list goes on.



Sure those two don't take commands, but I wouldn't call them 'badly behaved'.

The first thing I've ever taught any of my dogs is very simply "Look at me." It sounds dumb, but it teaches them to be conscious of me and how to look for me. It really makes the rest of training easy because they're already oriented to you.


I can agree that if you have a badly behaved pet/small child/significant other than they should be left home, if on the other hand they can mingle well with others why not let them attend?


We just attended a 3 day geo/campout event. Dude (the dog) attended with us. We camped in a tent, went caching and canoeing...he did it all right by our side! There were 2 other dogs in attendance, a great big huge Great Dane and another small one Dudes size, they all got along great and were no problem to anyone.


If your dog likes people, loves being outside and isn't a big barker....take 'em along!

An ill-behaved dog is a direct result of a poor owner.

Not true! I know plenty of rich folks who have badly-behaved dogs, too! :D


I know plenty of rich folks who are badly behaved.... Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley.... the list goes on.



Sure those two don't take commands, but I wouldn't call them 'badly behaved'.


Oh you don't call molesting a child, hanging a baby over the balcony, doing drugs as bad behaviour?



Posted (edited)
An ill-behaved dog is a direct result of a poor owner.

Not true! I know plenty of rich folks who have badly-behaved dogs, too! :D


I know plenty of rich folks who are badly behaved.... Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley.... the list goes on.



Sure those two don't take commands, but I wouldn't call them 'badly behaved'.


Oh you don't call molesting a child, hanging a baby over the balcony, doing drugs as bad behaviour? Then you have a bunch of rich celebs, including some sports figures that seem to get DUI's, DWI's and even a few convicted of murder & buglary. Not even to mention all the other drug convictions.


Heck there is even a TV show called "Girls behaving badly" some of which are quite rich. Then again the definition or rich is all depending on ones POV as well



Edited by texasgrillchef

Dogs are always welcome at our events.


The only conditions we place, and enforce, is that the owners control them, clean up their (the dogs') poop, and don't lock their pets in their vehicles.


If the owners think their dog can't or won't handle the number of people well, or think our conditions are too strict, then they should leave Fido at home

Posted (edited)

I love my dog, and my cat.


I'm sure that you love yours.




I don't expect you to love my dog.


I certainly don't expect those who don't love dogs to love my dog.


I really resent when we're sitting around a picnic table in a park eating or talking and somebody's dog is wandering among us seeking attention or food. When your dog sticks his snout in my crotch my instinct and desire is to slap him upside the head, but I can't do that without offending you, so I have to smile, pat him on the head and lie "Cute dog!".


I really hate having to listen to some owner of an undisciplined dog hollering at the dog every thirty seconds. The dog ignores them, but I can't. I want to slap them upside the head too.




I don't take mine to events.


Please don't bring yours.

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler
An ill-behaved dog is a direct result of a poor owner.

Not true! I know plenty of rich folks who have badly-behaved dogs, too! :)


I know plenty of rich folks who are badly behaved.... Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley.... the list goes on.



Sure those two don't take commands, but I wouldn't call them 'badly behaved'.


Oh you don't call molesting a child, hanging a baby over the balcony, doing drugs as bad behaviour? Then you have a bunch of rich celebs, including some sports figures that seem to get DUI's, DWI's and even a few convicted of murder & buglary. Not even to mention all the other drug convictions.


Heck there is even a TV show called "Girls behaving badly" some of which are quite rich. Then again the definition or rich is all depending on ones POV as well




Let's keep the discussion on topic and related to Geocaching.

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