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Which Handheld Should I Buy?

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hi @all,


first of all i have to apologize for my english. :lol:


now on to my problem: Since more than one year i have the Garmin eTrex Summit. i bought it for geocaching, but i have early started to use it also while trekking and mountaineering. What really annoys me, is the bad quality of reception. So, i want to go for a new solution. Since i think that all Garmins up to now have bad reception, the new Garmin Map60CS is not a choice for me. That's a pity, because overall, i like the new features.


Also, for other considerations, i want to have a handheld gps solution. Unfortunately i know nothing about this topic. So, what can you advise me? Palm or PocketPC? Color display (rather) or b/w? Which additional GPS-solution?


- I want to use my new toy for gecaching (but not first choice). Also, for caching finding waypoints should be enough.

- Heavy usage will be for trekking and mountaineering, that means a altimeter would be preferable.

- Very important to me is, that i'm able to upload topographical maps to my handheld (color display better!). Again i don't know which software then comes to the game.

- Street navigation has not highest priority, but if i am able to, why not?

- Most important would be a better quality of reception like my Summit, which is in areas with forest and mountains almost useless, except for the altimeter.

- and the size of the handheld/combo should be compatible with my jackets :D so it should be too big.


Can one unity, maybe with extension fulfill all my wishes?

Which handheld would you prefer, because of your own experiences?

Also Weblinks are very welcome...


Thanks a lot in advance,


Carl Thomas Hartl

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My eTrex Vista was not very Good, with poor reception and im not a fan of the eTrexes.


I now have the Garmin 60C, and that is the best that ive had to date.


The eTrex GPS units I heard some time ago have slightly undersized patch antennas. I have had a lot of GPS units and sold some too. I prefer the 60C, instead of the 60CS, for my needs.

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The Quad Helix antenna in the Garmin 60s is know where comparable to the Patch antenna found in the Etrex series. It is far far better.


On a side not though you can get a battery powered external antenna with inductive cable that will give the Etrex GPS as good or better reception then any stock GPS out there. I've been using one with my Etrex Vista for a week now and I can't believe my signal strength. I've been getting 10 sats nearly full power in the woods. I've even gotten 11 sats including 2 WAAS sats giving me 6 foot accuracy in the middle of a clearing with tall tree cover on both sides of me.


Check the antenna out it's fantastic. Also when you get a new GPS if it has an external antenna hookup you can use just the antenna portion of this setup.



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