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How to be FTF?

Spider Woman

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I really want to get a FTF under my belt! How do you get to be the first at the cache?


I get weekly notifications and look at the most recent cache listings on the home page, but I never see them before someone else has gotten to it.


I live in an area of lots of active geocachers (Silicon Valley), so that might explain it. I'd love to hear any tips others might have.


The key is to NEVER leave your computer and check the listings on the half hour... only if you can't check them every 10 to 15 minutes. Also, you have to be able to leave and go on the hunt at the drop of a hat. Especially if the competition is stiff in your area.


We've been FTF on only six, two were very local, two were 30 minutes away, two were an hour away. On one, I was told by a friend that he'd submitted one for approval the day before it was approved (no other info), but catching the others early were just dumb luck.


A friend and I tried to be FTF on another but we went late at night and didn't have the right map to get into the area (a necessity), so someone else managed to get first crack at it the following day.


Same friend and I went out a couple nights ago - he was planning on FTF for those, but I knew we wouldn't get it due to suspicious circumstances icon_eek.gif


Good luck with the elusive FTF!





Ha. I'm across the bay. Good luck.


The way to be FTF in our area is to check your nearest listings every hour for new caches, particularly 10pm and 5am. Have everything packed and ready to go in advance, as if you were ready to deliver a baby. Print out the cache page and leave at once. Drive there in the dark. Ignore the "park does not open until 8am" signs. Bring a flashlight. Aerobic fortitude is helpful. A mountain bike helps level the playing field if you can manage that.


A new cache came online in Coyote Hills this morning sometime after midnight. I was out there at 9am to find someone had already gotten underway at 7:15. We ended together, but he deserved (and got) the FTF.


It is madness....


Originally posted by instep_guy:

Getting a FTF means being willing to be the first to find out that the cache owner has made a typo in their posted coords.!

Way back in the early days, if you knew how, you could scan ahead and locate caches that hadn't been approved yet. I wrote a program that did this automatically, and notified me if one was nearby. Alas, those days are gone.


Try bribing your area's approver icon_wink.gif



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."


Thanks for the advice! I got my first FTF this weekend! I did a search using a 30 mile radius of my zip code, and looked through all of the listings until I found one without a "Last Found" date. Then I hurried out to it. It involved a 20 mile drive, a 2 hour hike and scaring off a coyote, but I got it! ;-)


good for you!


we once jumped in the truck and drove for a couple of hours to arrive at a new cache at 6:45 in the morning and be the third ones there. and we KNOW how far teh FTF guy had to drive, because he lives farther than us.




quod est, est.


Originally posted by Prime Suspect:

Way back in the early days, if you knew how, you could scan ahead and locate caches that hadn't been approved yet. I wrote a program that did this automatically, and notified me if one was nearby. Alas, those days are gone.

You can still get coordinates for unpublished caches if you know how, but nothing else. I would bet it can be pretty frustrating to arrive to the coordinates of a puzzle cache at 6AM!


Czech caching in US.

You can still get coordinates for unpublished caches if you know how, but nothing else. I would bet it can be pretty frustrating to arrive to the coordinates of a puzzle cache at 6AM!

Originally posted by Downy288:

Nearby Placenames URL is your friend.

Sometimes you can even see the name of a cache waiting for approval (and its ID), when somebody places a TB in a new cache and it appears at the state home page.


Czech caching in US.


Originally posted by haggaeus:

Originally posted by Downy288:

Nearby Placenames URL is your friend.

Sometimes you can even see the name of a cache waiting for approval (and its ID), when somebody places a TB in a new cache and it appears at the state home page.


Czech caching in US.


Ahah, very sneaky! You'd almost have to have some automated process to look up where the coordinates were to see if they were very close to you, tho.




I went out to get my first finder last night. It was posted at 3:45 pm :P I went out at 4:50 (didnt have wheels) It was one of those urban things where you go from place to place and take info. Finished my running around at about 6:00 (dark already (I had to put my son over a cemetary fence to get a couple clues lol)( dont you love these enclosed parentesis))) Finally i get to the park (closed as well) we get to the cache just to find out that someone found it at 4:00 pm. how did they find this cache in 15 mins when it involved over 12 miles of driving? hmm can you say inside information? :D

(dark already (I had to put my son over a cemetary fence to get a couple clues lol)( dont you love these enclosed parentesis)))

Yes lovely, but you closed one too much... :P:D


I think during your work day, you have to have the geocaching website on another window or something, check every ten minutes, and when there is a new one, you run out of the office saying "How did I forget that?"


134 finds, none of them FTF. That must be because I'm in school. Someday....

Posted (edited)
(dark already (I had to put my son over a cemetary fence to get a couple clues lol)( dont you love these enclosed parentesis))) 

Yes lovely, but you closed one too much... :):)

One too many :-)

Edited by Shunra

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