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Caches To Discourage Plundering

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We have an individual in our area that specializes in plundering caches. We have been discussing different methods of discouraging plundering caches including listing our caches as members only, but there are many good cachers in our area that this restriction would exclude. I was hoping someone out there would have some advice on how to place a cache that would optimize its survival. B)


This is an unfortunate situation. Personally, I would think twice about plundering a cache hidden by someone with a username like yours. That's just me. :D


Short of armed guards, or hiding caches (with permission, of course) inside police stations, I cannot think of any good deterrants other than ones that might adversely affect normal geocachers. B)


Good luck in your quest; I will be watching, with you, for suggestions from others. B)


Content is king, if you put crap in your caches that nobody would dream of taking, then nobody will take it.


Seriously, there's no REAL that I know of to keep someone from taking it. Listing it here lets everyone know EXACTLY where it is. You might try a multi where the first cache is a micro with your e-mail address and the person has to e-mail you for the final coordinates and supply their user name, and then you can kinda check up on them and see if they play nice.


I wish you luck.




Are they taking all caches or is there a pattern?


For example, are micros also being taken or just regular sized caches?

Are they hitting multi- and mystery caches or just traditionals?

3+/3+ caches or just 1/1?

Private property caches as well as public?

navicache listed caches or just gc.com?

      You might try a multi where the first cache is a micro with your e-mail address and the person has to e-mail you for the final coordinates and supply their user name, and then you can kinda check up on them and see if they play nice.



Not a bad idea. Or if worse comes to worse, like you said, make it member only. I would start leaving a few caches with personalized notes to this joker, like "Nope you not getiing anything out this one. Then let him or her find another with a note that says" Not this one either. YOU HAVE BEEN HAD" Let him find a few of those and hopefully he'll move on....


Just an idea..

Posted (edited)

We had that problem in the Nashville and Knoxville (TN) area. We started putting out 4 star caches and the problem subsided. It was beter than no caches. Making threats only encourages them. You have to find a way to make it "not worth their trouble" either with crappy content, or too much work. Some might be out to just steal the containers. Paint them up with logos, or use cheap containers.


I've seen the "email me for the final coordinates" trick used down in Florida on a travel bug hotel to thwart tb stealing.


Premium membership does not always help. $6 for one month can yeild several pocket queries of the surrounding area and put all existing caches at risk.

Edited by thestosh
Premium membership does not always help. $6 for one month can yeild several pocket queries of the surrounding area and put all existing caches at risk.

I guess you didn't get the 50% off coupons...everyone else did! B)

We have an individual in our area that specializes in plundering caches.

Do you have any guess, why he plunders?


If it's just for the value of the cache container or it's contents, downgrading to real cheap stuff might be a solution.


But if it's a cry for attention, you better do nothing instead of feeding him. Let him steal the rest of the caches in the area, wait a decent time after the menace has stopped and hope he has completely lost interest. Yes, that's hard to do...


Hide some new caches full of dog crap. After finding a couple of those, He or she might find a new hobby!


Or rig a hidden camera that is tripped by a sensor or when the cache is moved.


My 2 scents!!






The email idea would help.... a 4/4 cache would definitely detour them. Make it hard and regular cachers will enjoy it but plundering muggles will probably give up and decide it isn't worth their time.


Theres just not much you can do. Even making it a MOC would not keep it 100% safe...






You could place it next to some railroad tracks with a trip wire sticking out of it. Then, when he went to find it, he would get nicked by the cops.




Are they going totally missing? or just being scattered about?


If locking them to a dead tree or something won't work, then just fill the new caches half full of concrete so they're heavy as heck and plant them BFE... (like Tahosa's idea)


It appears that this plunderer is taking any cache contents and container that is not to difficult for him/her to access. It does not matter whether it is a full size cache or a micro. One idea that Renegade Knight and I have been pondering was mentioned above. We would list the cache with phony coordinates. In order to get the correct coordinates the prospective finder would have to email one of us through geo-caching.com. We could then look at their profile and decide whether to send them the correct coordinates or not. Unfortunately this would eliminate any new cacher, though I suppose they could have a sponsor. One of the reasons we have been talking about this is that I am planning on hiding a cache of DVD's. A DVD library where finders could trade DVD's they have already watched for new ones. Since this is going to required a fairly good sized investment on my part I would rather it did not disappear as soon as I put it out. :unsure:


Several companies make a motion activated 35 mm camera, Eastern Mountain Sports and Dicks Sporting Goods (here in NY) both carry them, they run about $60 though.... some people with summer cabins around here have used them with good success to catch and prosecute vandals. Only thing I've heard about them is that they make a "whirling" noise as the film advances and an alert person might pick up on that, placement would be the key here. They can also be set to take a picture every X number of minutes just so you don't use a whole roll of film on one little old innocent deer!


wouldn't it be safer with such good stuff to not actually leave the dvd's in the container. just leave an index card. then someone can choose the dvd they want send one to you via the mail and get the one from you by return?


bit long winded and would cost a bit on postage but they're not going to get stolen that way. that way worst case is that the cache container and index cards get taken the actual dvd's are safely in your house.


only other solutions i've seen is someone suggested one of those safes you can get in shops. concrete it into the ground or secure some other way. then only give out combination to people who email you.

Several companies make a motion activated 35 mm camera, Eastern Mountain Sports and Dicks Sporting Goods (here in NY) both carry them, they run about $60 though.... some people with summer cabins around here have used them with good success to catch and prosecute vandals. Only thing I've heard about them is that they make a "whirling" noise as the film advances and an alert person might pick up on that, placement would be the key here. They can also be set to take a picture every X number of minutes just so you don't use a whole roll of film on one little old innocent deer!

Sounds like fun, especially if you get a few shots of innocent deer or perhaps even neater wildlife like bears or pumae.


But then again I can see the cache log now... "took cache and camera, left with a BIG smile, THANKS"

I think everyone is missing the best idea to stop your cache from being plundered: list it on Navicache. :unsure::P;)

That works but the point in spite of all the chenanagins about mandatory membership and emails for real coordinates is to have your cache found by cachers. Of course you knew that. :o

Posted (edited)

The solution presented by nobby.nobb sounded interesting, but the logistics would be impossible. The idea is for the finder to bring a DVD to trade. If everything were done by mail no-one would even know what was available for trade.

Edited by Night Stalker
It appears that this plunderer is taking any cache contents and container that is not to difficult for him/her to access. It does not matter whether it is a full size cache or a micro.

Perhaps find out if anyone in your area has a house (or knows someone well who does) nearby a park or other public area. Then get a camcorder and set it up inside behind a window....


OK, you get a large tank and fill it with boiling porrige and hide it up in a tree above the cache. Then bury a long pipe with a spring loaded spear under the cache. A motion sensor sets the both traps off. I have always found that a few gallons of stuff over my head and a spear in the butt stopped me doing naughty things. Should work just as well in this situation.


Don't 'but me no buts'! Work out the details for yourself. I'm just the 'ideas guy'!!!


Even if you didn't want to make it a multi you could do something like.


"These are not the real co-ordinates of this cache, to get the real co-ordiantes contact me through your geocaching.com account"


"Until the plunderer is out of our area you must have at least "X" finds and been a member since "X"".


"I apologize for this extra added step but someone has been plundering caches in this area"


Good News!


I've found out who the plundered is, and I'm sneaking up behind him right now as he reads this post. I'm just adding this and the next sentence to take him a little longer to read while I move in closer. He may feel a slight tingling at the nape of his neck, but will feel too cool to look over his shoulder as I raise the acme mallet high above his head and.....




ps - the point of the above post was to illustrate that any solution we come up with here, will be seen by the cache grabber (and as a creepy shout-out to Alfred Hitchcock, who once wrote a short story along the same lines)


To clarify: Is it a problem of them just taking the contents? Taking the whole cahe, contents included? Or a mix of both?


Easiest if they take the cahce and all is to anchor it onto a car sized rock and hook up a stun gun type device to the cache (obviously stating in the cache listing and on & in the cache NOT TO REMOVE CACHE>>>>>> OR ELSE!). Make sure you sand off the paint on the inside top of the ammo can to bare metal and put di-electric grease on it to better ZAP the bad guy. The cache will be 100% safe for the good guys, ladies and kids who exchange treasure. Here in NYC we've had problems with people breaking into our toolboxes. After a few shocks they get the hint.


If they are taking just the contents, and if you are putting high dollar items like DVD's in it, have cachers email you and meet them someplace public near the cache to give them the coordinates and take their photo. You'll know who and when they went to the cache, making it easier to track down the Plunderer when it comes up empty. It may be an inconvienience but it will help the cache from walking. Most geocachers would not mind the slight delay to protect our fun from knuckleheads who have no life and plunder caches.


Email me and we can discuss how to do it.


But what if a muggle finds the DVD cache and takes it?


Or what if the bad cacher is sniffing your e-mails, follows you to the meeting point, then follows the cacher to the cache. He then waits for the cacher to leave, and then makes off with the goods.


It's almost too easy...




Taking pictures is a great idea, but what then? When you plant a cache on public property, does it become public property? What if you can't identify the plunderer? Are you going to post his/her picture on the website? Are there legal ramifications to that? My suggestion is to lay in wait for the individual. If you plunder the plunderer, may I suggest a pine tree? Everyone looks down for bodies -- wrap it good in a body bag, hoist it to the top of a high pine tree, wrap it around the trunk with chains. Since pine trees are ever green, no one will ever spot it (unless its one of those brown bears in the Guilderland park)

It appears that this plunderer is taking any cache contents and container that is not to difficult for him/her to access. It does not matter whether it is a full size cache or a micro.

Sounds a lot like a geotroll. Don't feed him!


One possibility: Scare him. Find a piece of private property which isn't obviously private property (no fences or "no trespassing" signs) and place a cache on it. Of course you need the consent of the owner. Make clear (in the fine print of the cache note) that it's OK to trade things in the cache but not OK to steal the whole thing.


When this geotroll plunders the cache, call the police. Using a photo device to record the theft would be a nice thing, but not necessary to scare him. At least there are official records about the theft which you can document on the cache page. A criminal offence. Most people think twice repeating a documented & reported offence.


So many good ideas... Certainly the porridge one has merit and Eigengott's idea rocks.


That being said, why don't you just make it more difficult to find? Make it a fun, but difficult multi. After all, you don't want any old muggle to find it, do you?


tell them that anyone taking more than one DVD will automaticly set off a tracking device and every geocacher in the area for 200 miles will be alerted and track them down to their homes and get them


i know in other online communities that troublemakers often have multiple id's and will keep some in good standing while others are not, so it would be easy for them to create false positive trails of going harmlessly to caches then coming back to plunder them anonymously. it's sad but i'd look to go out of your area for placing new caches.


what about some sort of virtual cache where upon sending proof of finding the location they can come to a public meet-up... you could even have it be the price of admission to a private geocaching party on a set date and have a search-off as well as a dvd swap, that way the people in the area get to meet up and do searches that aren't listed... and if the group works out you could always try aa local mailing list where you publish coordinates to one another so long as the plundering doesn't occur within your group you'll have a sanctuary for a time... slowly you can add other reputable looking cachers and maybe the guilt will get to this person or just keep working on alternate plans til the coast seems clear.


hi, i obviously didn't explain my idea very well.


in the cache have a list of dvd's. the cacher finds cache writes down the dvd they are going to send you and crosses off the one they want.


then they send you a dvd and you send the one they want back. the cache list should be up to date, the actual dvd's are safe, no one trades without sending you a working dvd. the list can be kept up to date on the website by you. the worst case scenario is that the container is stolen.


You could just place atracking device in the cache. It would have to be conceieled thouth. Maby a false bottom on an ammo can. You can buy them on ebay here

or here

The second one is about $200. it is a little pricy bit it was the cheapest one out there I found. Unless he stole 20 caches this is probably not nesessary. If you do buy it you could attach it to something else after you catch the criminal. I do like the "wait for him in the bushes" suggestion. The Camera/ Video camera idea shows merit also. But how would you track the criminal down with only his picture? Yoy would need some info like his licence plate number. Hoe do you know it is a single person?


20 or more is probably a good start on the estimate. I just replaced one and the coordinates are to the plundered spot. The new spot you have to email. If they have a good account I can't control that But I can pretty much say it should not be plundered accidetnly until after geocachers remove the natural defence of stinging nettle...

Posted (edited)

You could just increase the ratings on the caches but keep them the same. You could archive all the other caches in the area and leave only a few active and watch those caches. leave a net booby trap near a cache. You could also map out all the plundered caches and find the center of all of them. This would give you a good idea of where the suspect lives.

Edited by Team Flying Dachshund

Wow! It's hard to stop someone like that, I bet his/her mother didn't love him/her enough :D ...

I like the idea of sitting up on a new cache. You could really promote it by listing all of the goodies that you would put in there. Have a few friends sit up on it and wait for the plunderer :) . The trick is to hide the remote controlled bank teller dye pack. Make sure you definitely have the plunderer and KABLOOEY... :)

Problem solved. There is a lot of time invested in it. However, it would definitely teach someone a lesson.

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