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The Weekend Trekkers Society


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Posted (edited)

The hiking season is here! I hope you have done something over the winter to prepare. I would like to see this pinned to the top of the forum.


If you’re planning a 4+ difficulty, overnighter, or just an arduous hike event and want company, post here. Let us know what your plans are, FRS, trailhead time, special equipment you think will be necessary, and any other pertinent information. Then come back and tell us the story.



To kick it off, we are looking at bagging Check the Mail!, (AKA “Killer”*) on Mailbox Peak.


DATE: Correction, Sunday the 16th of May

Trailhead time is TBD

FRS for the approach to the trailhead, we’ll discuss toting them along for the hike

I would recommend trekking poles

Bring a lunch, lots of water, your geocaching gear, etc.



*Killer because of the recent death of a hiker:

North Bend hiker's death followed a heart attack

NORTH BEND — A 55-year-old North Bend man who died Saturday afternoon near the summit of 5,500-foot Mailbox Peak suffered a heart attack, an official with the King County Medical Examiner's Office said yesterday.

George Piccola was hiking with his wife and two friends when part of the group looked back and saw Piccola fall forward, a King County sheriff's spokesman said. Two hours of resuscitation attempts failed, and a Navy helicopter retrieved Piccola's body.


Let us know if you're planning on coming.

Edited by Criminal

Trekking poles are mandatory! I've done this hike for years and put 1500 on this one. Even took the scramble route from the backside. You guys will love this hike!


I know Bilbo19 and others are attempting this one this Saturday. They just sent me an email with questions regarding the trail.


I agree this thread is a great idea and a permanent pinup should be considered.


I'll tentatively plan on being there for the 23rd but this coming weekend is out for me.


If I go, I'll reserve the right to turn back and log as a DNF. :(


My main reservation is doing the hike on a Sunday. Almost all of the people I have talked to that have done Mailbox Peak say reserve the next day for staying in bed all day. :(:(:(


TL's post made me look at the calendar. Brain Fart! Mailbox it this Sunday, the 16th. Sorry for the confusion!


Off to good start hey?


Bull, I don't know about Muir, I don't do virts.

Great idea for a thread, Criminal. I'll assess my situation for Mailbox Peak.


I heard a rumor that there is a virt at Camp Muir. Does anyone know which one it would be?

Actually, there are 2 virts at Camp Muir:

Banana Slugs & High Places

Top o' the Field


Several have gotten Top but neglected to get Banana. Don't let the little climb stop you - it is an entirely safe climb with no exposure.

Several have gotten Top but neglected to get Banana. Don't let the little climb stop you - it is an entirely safe climb with no exposure.

Thanks. I want to get up to Camp Muir just to see what I'd be looking at for the start of a climb to the summit (which I hope to do next year - with someone who knows what they are doing).


I'll be sure to post here when I decide when to do it.


I don't like virts much either, but that's all you get in National Parks. And there are some great hikes in there. I even have a travel bug that I just keep track of National Park virts with.


Yep 3 of team phatboyz will be attempting mailbox on Saturday. We are soooo excited about it, that is all I do is think about it. Need to work on getting some sleep. :( deity_steve and jerbear are going with me. Should be a hoot! This will be our 3rd hike already this year.


This is a great posting, I will make sure I check it often. We have also been discussing Camp Muir for later this summer with thoughts of going to the peak next year. So I will keep the forums posted on that and will check on others to see what is going on.


I would like to thank Evergreenhiker publicly for him taking the time to email me back with answers to my questions!!! That is soooo helpful...it really helps get people like myself out there. Sometimes it is hard to find the answers you need and being able to email people like John and check the forums is a great help and eases peoples minds who arent quite sure!!! So thanks evergreenhiker!!! :(


Good luck to all on Sunday who tackle this "hill"!!!


Let me join everyone else in saying that this was a great post idea, Criminal!


I plan on checking the mail with the Sunday group, even with the date change.


I'm also interested in Camp Muir but have no plans on going all the way up to the summit unless they build an elevator. :( I do have a few long and torturous hikes on my short list for the summer. I'll post them here as they get close.




Criminal, now with the changed date, I'd like to join you for Mailbox on Sunday.

I'm coming from a bit farther away than you. What time are you planning to be at the trailhead? I don't have FRS...

Check out this site, Shunra.




Karen Sykes is wrong...hike is only 7.5 miles RT.


you want to take Exit 34 in North bend. taek the Mid Fork road to where it becomes unpaved and soon you'll see a gated road on the left...that's teh starting point. Lots of parking there.


I am still undecided about joining the Sunday group. It kind of depends on the size of the group, the more is not always the merrier.


My records from the past indicate the parking coordinates are 47d28.061m/121d40.355m.

I am still undecided about joining the Sunday group. It kind of depends on the size of the group, the more is not always the merrier.


My records from the past indicate the parking coordinates are 47d28.061m/121d40.355m.

Thanks for the coordinates.


I'm afraid I'll have to drop my intention for the 16th with you guys, though. I will be traveling to Europe later that week, and should really spend the weekend with the family. Another time...

Posted (edited)

Does anyone know how dog friendly Mailbox Peak trail is?

I'm assuming if I can make it, my dog can do it twice, but maybe I'm not thinking of something.


Criminal: Is Patch coming?

Edited by Bull Moose
Does anyone know how dog friendly Mailbox Peak trail is?

I'm assuming if I can make it, my dog can do it twice, but maybe I'm not thinking of something.


Criminal: Is Patch coming?

While I know he will answer himself, I have already discovered Patch will not be joining us for this trip.


I must admit I'm rather dismayed I won't be tripped and/or snuffled by him on Sunday.




Does anyone know how dog friendly Mailbox Peak trail is?

I'm assuming if I can make it, my dog can do it twice, but maybe I'm not thinking of something.


Criminal: Is Patch coming?

People take their dogs up there. You can skirt the big boulder field...the trail does go around it. Just a few remaining snow patches, but no big deal. Just bring plenty of water for your dog too.


Patch won’t be coming for a number of reasons, predominately his poor behavior in crowded situations. He is still a pup and often simply chooses not to listen. This usually isn’t a problem but the trail to Mailbox can get crowded. I could keep him on lead but that wouldn’t allow me to descend with my trekking poles, something I want to do, and I really don’t need him pulling on the lead going down the steep parts of the trail.


I’ll take him out the weekend of the 23rd on a remote hike where I plan to do a wilderness hide.


BTW, what does it take to get this pinned? Is there some form I have to fill out?


Here's the last trip report from the WTA site:


May 02, 2004 by Milky Bear

Mailbox Peak - The Alpine Lakes

Hiking Mailbox Peak is always an "interesting" experience. This is the most grueling hike that I have ever done in the last five years. I think that the hike up actually is not as hard though I strugged in the last mile as the way down. Coming down off of Mailbox being careful and somewhat slow is a good idea unless you want to twist an ankle or other leg injury.

The weather was perfect for the hike on Sunday. There was a little bit of clouds overhanging when we were near the top but the temperature was a great moderate one which makes the hike a little bit easier. There were about twenty people on the trail. There were a few blowdowns but other than that the trail was just steep and full of tree roots per usual.


The view from the top was great and the only disappointment was that it was not clear enough to see Mt Ranier.


The only amusing part of the trip was that one of my friends who is petrified by dogs being near him and has issues with dogs not being kept on leashes on the trail. Well.... the sight of a dog wagging his tail near him had him in an unusual state and his face was ashen. But he survived the experience without too much harm because the other friend hiking with us was nice to the dog and took the tension out of this melodramatic situation.


Warning flags: Blow-down

I could keep him on lead but that wouldn’t allow me to descend with my trekking poles, something I want to do, and I really don’t need him pulling on the lead going down the steep parts of the trail.

Know where you're coming from, I had Chewie pull me down from Marmot Pass. It was before we really trusted him off leash, so I carabinered him to my belt so I could use my trekking poles. There are few times when being 300 pounds is good, but that was one of them - I was a good anchor and he never did get me pulled over. :)


Show Time at the trailhead is 0900


We will leave with or without you by 0930. I am counting four or five and one or two possibles.


The rest of you clear your schedules and come along! Don't fear the peak! It's only killed one person.*



*That I'm aware of.


I didn't see an explanation why this is on a Sunday.


Logically Saturday would be a better day. Recovery for those with Sundays off and participation for those that only have Saturdays off. B)

I didn't see an explanation why this is on a Sunday.


Logically Saturday would be a better day. Recovery for those with Sundays off and participation for those that only have Saturdays off. B)

Well, if you must know, I'm going on Sunday because I am helping some friends load their truck on Saturday, they are moving out of state. There is another party that will attempt the peak and the cache on Saturday. Put on your reading glasses and scroll up a bit, you'll see their post.


I thought you had Sundays off?

Show Time at the trailhead is 0900


We will leave with or without you by 0930. I am counting four or five and one or two possibles.


The rest of you clear your schedules and come along! Don't fear the peak! It's only killed one person.*



*That I'm aware of.

Thanks, Criminal.


Unfortunately, it looks as if I won't be able to make it, as I can't take my kids with me on this one, whereas I obviously need to be around them a bit before flying to Europe later that week.


Count me in as a hike participant as of mid June though!


At 9:00AM Chester will be in attendance at the trailhead representing geocaching dogs. I am honored that he says I can come representing the over-the-hill gang but I have to be on my best behavior.


I’ll take him out the weekend of the 23rd on a remote hike where I plan to do a wilderness hide.


Where are you planning for the 23rd? I'm itching to get out on the trails.


Since my son doesn't like the hard hikes Friday is my day to do them. It's either that or yard work.


I had been planning to check the mail for awhile now so I went ahead and did it today. The weather also looked better than this weekend anyway.


I really wasn't being anti-social. I hope to join up for some of these this summer.

Great idea for a thread Criminal!


There's a silver Pepper coin up there now and a little surprise for the next finders.


Congrats to Leatherman for taking sloppy seconds on Dream Cache! :lol:


Great pics guy, I can't believe how fast the lake is melting out. The trails are opening up people!



I was putting my hiking gear together when you logged your find. I wanted FTF. Oh well.

I think it was a very special treat to see the lake in the snow. :lol:

It was easy to stay on course there were several old color ribbon route markers to the lake. I even found the bottom section of someones trekking pole beneath a marker.


><><><><><><><><FINAL COPY><><><><><><><><><><


OK, this is what we’re doing:


Tomorrow meet at the trailhead at 0900.

Hike to the cache

Hike to the summit and eat lunch there

Tumble down the mountainside in a semi-controlled fashion


We will be on FRS02, I will bring my radio the whole way, so if anyone is late, give us a call. Also, if anyone is going to be hunting the other area caches (Dream Lake or Otter Falls) or just driving by on I90, give us a shout on channel two. I would love to check out the range of my two watt radio from the summit.


If anyone wants to hit just the cache and wave off the summit run, you’re welcome to come along with us.


I was putting my hiking gear together when you logged your find. I wanted FTF. Oh well.

I think it was a very special treat to see the lake in the snow. :)

It was easy to stay on course there were several old color ribbon route markers to the lake. I even found the bottom section of someones trekking pole beneath a marker.

Looks like you foudn the marked trail that Adena and I found on our way down...yeah, it made things a little easier on hte way down for us. Congrats on getting Dream!!!


Og, Criminal, Chester and I successfully found the summit and the cache. Due to the cloudy weather not a lot else to see. MA your speacial treat remains where you left it for the next to find, somehow hot tea would have hit the spot. Thanks Og and Criminal for waiting on top for this poky out of shape slug. I am officially in spring training. All in all a plaesant outing with some enjoyable company.


Criminal, you seem to have made that map with Delorme TOPO USA, is that right?

Can you give me the technique? I know how to do it with MapSource maps and with National Geographic Topo, but not with Delorme. I like the 3D effect.


Too bad I couldn't be there.

I did that? Honey bring me another beer!!! Lordy! I don't know if that Pepper corn was worth it? :)


Great image Chris.

Corn? Was that a Freudian slip?


It's too bad about the weather. I'll make sure to post my pictures soon so that at least you can see the views vicariously.

I did that?  Honey bring me another beer!!!  Lordy!  I don't know if that Pepper corn was worth it?  :)


Great image Chris.

Corn? Was that a Freudian slip?


It's too bad about the weather. I'll make sure to post my pictures soon so that at least you can see the views vicariously.

It's just every time I say "I have Pepper Coin" the word corn comes out! It just sounds right!?




Criminal, you seem to have made that map with Delorme TOPO USA, is that right?

Can you give me the technique? I know how to do it with MapSource maps and with National Geographic Topo, but not with Delorme. I like the 3D effect.


Too bad I couldn't be there.

I'm still learning the program, but:


1. You have to have your track saved in your GPS, name it as something. Delete the current track after you have saved the one you want, this makes the download MUCH faster.


2. In Delorme Topo select the GPS tab and over to the rightish, select “exchange”.


3. Go through the wizard, select “Receive from Device” and select Tracks. Click Next


4. In the box that reads: “New draw file” type something in there. The previously faded “receive from device” button will now darken, press it.


5. A download window will open and when it’s done, click “Finish”


6. Push the Map Files tab and find the name you typed in step 4


7. Double click the one you want and zoom the map in or out as necessary.


I’m assuming you know how to open the 3D window.


When the Phatboyz (deity_steve, bilbo19 & myself) hit the trails on Saturday, the weather was just not on our side. All the peaks were clouded over, it was raining and we didn't want to get to the top and not be able to enjoy the spectacular views. We were under a little time constraint too, so we didn't want to push it either. We ended up hiking/caching on some trails over on Mt. Washington.


We are just going to have to "Check the Mail!" another day!


Hope all went well on Mailbox Peak for you guys on Sunday!


Team Phatboyz out! :D


Yeah what jerbear said...PLUS I/we were bummed that Marcus Arelius went up on Friday and took the coin we were looking forward to getting :rolleyes:


Hopefully he places it somewhere where we can get to it before it gets taken again :blink:


I again want to thank evergreenhiker for the directions...just because we didnt do it this weekend doesnt mean we are not going!!! We will use your information at a later date.

Yeah what jerbear said...PLUS I/we were bummed that Marcus Arelius went up on Friday and took the coin we were looking forward to getting :rolleyes:


Hopefully he places it somewhere where we can get to it before it gets taken again :blink:

Sorry, I did leave a signature coin in it's place.


Any suggestions where the Moun10Bike Madness USA geocoin should go?


Perhaps a cache with a Moun10Bike signature coin in it?

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