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Premium Members?


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why not?


Is it a security risk?


Would it give away how many billions of dollars GC.com is raking in each year? B)


I've seen other sites I frequent give out membership counts. The residents of virtual communities like to have a census now and then. It lets them know how well their community is doing.


For instance:

How many recent members have logged in (rough estimate of our size)?

this tell me how many people are actively involved in geocaching. This is also a good indicator of what the load is going to be.


How many premium members are there?

this tells me the size of the premium member community I'm joining. Suppose I like the idea of members only caches. If those are only available to Premium Members to find, and there's only 100 Premium Members, I don't have a lot of reason to make such a cache.

This also tells us if GC.com is underfunded. If we know you have 10,000 active members, and only 100 Premium members, then that signals to us free-loaders that we should get up and contribute.


It's OK if you don't want to share that info. But be aware that there are nice people who'd like to know.


Besides, if I got really bored (or someone else), I could build an engine to search through the user profile pages and count up what it finds. But that's a bunch of work and not much fun. And you could just run a query and get the real answer anyway.


Now another good question is, do you know the numbers? You'd be surprised by how many systems I find where the owners don't regularly keep tabs on that info.



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as a note, the user id's go up to 225,000 at least. GC has less than 230,000 users.


That's what some easy userID checking reveals. That does not reveal how many are premium, nor how many are really active. It would take more aggressive searching to get that info from the publicly viewable user profile page. That would be "offensive" in my book as it would require loading each UserID's profile page from the site. That would be 230,000 hits in sequence. Not very friendly.


Think of it this way, It's pretty cool that roughly 225 thousand users have tried out GC.com.



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