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To All You Mothers

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do step-mothers count.  i am one, and i have been told it doesn't. :D  if you think it does. thank-you.  i think it should.

Sure they do!


Phooey on whomever it was told you otherwise! :lol:


Happy Mom's Day, Uper!

do step-mothers count.  i am one, and i have been told it doesn't. :D  if you think it does. thank-you.  i think it should.

Sure they do!


Phooey on whomever it was told you otherwise! :lol:


Happy Mom's Day, Uper!

actually it was my husband who said it. i usually say i got my kids the painless way, but i married him and sometimes that can be painful. thanks seamus. :D


How about rechargeable batteries, a new recharger and a Sylva Ranger 530?


Oh, and a pre-opened, half consumed "large" bag of M&M's and a couple of miniature hugging Care-Bears from the 4 & 7 yo's. (I'm hoping they'll hie off with the bears soon... as the chocolate has already disappeared.)


The best part is that we're all going to go caching up near the Olympic National Forest in a little bit and NO ONE is complaining!




Happy Mother's Day Uper! You sho' nuff DO count!





What the heck... I'll put it here, too.




Happy Mother's Day.

:lol: This reminds me of what I did for my mom. I made her a cache out in the yard, filled it with cards and chocolate, and text messaged her cheater's hints on her cell phone. Pretty Cool!


Happy mother's day to me . . .


Mopar and I spent the day with my boy. Had a nice breakfast and then we went bowling . . . and now off to do some caching . . . hope to bang out four or five finds tonight.


What better way to spend my special day than with my two favorite guys . . . my little kid and my big kid! :lol:


Hehe! :D


Happy caching and stuff! The bestest gift of all!


yes, uperdooper, step-moms count! I remembered to call mine, although she didn't have to do any 'raising' of me since I got her when I was in college.


Bons, Chris, and me went out to two geocaches and had a great time. I got to sleep in, haven't cooked or cleaned at all today, and I'm going to a movie with my Mom later. My present from Bons is even nicer! Next weekend Mom and I are going shopping in Minneapolis- and caching along the way.


Happy Mother's Day everyone!




I had a bunch of caches printed and ready to go. We did the first three, then Brazin handed me a 'special' sheet. Seems he and the kids had made a multi, just for me. It was long and took the better part of the day, but it was fun! What a great way to celebrate Mother's day!


Happy Mom's day to all!


I got a tank of gas for Mothers Day...to do the two caches that were 250 miles round trip from home... :D Out in the middle of nowhere ! Took a picnic lunch and had a great time... :lol:

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