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Ticks In Nc?


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We drove from Brevard to Waynesville along 276 yesterday. Stopped at the Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education (bumped into Nuwati; we did the Tube Torcher together a few months ago) and spent some time at Sliding Rock. The kids and I slid down Sliding Rock a couple of times -- the water was cold.


We were not outside for an incredibly long time. However, this morning, 15 hours after returning home I found a tick attached to my wife's neck. Not yet engorged but tenaciously hanging on. Since removed and terminated. The entire family then got scanned and probed to detect further invaders. None found.


I know that NC is not a high vector point for Lyme disease but it still freaked me out. My first tick encounter. Asked my wife if she was a pod person now...


Be aware! (Of ticks, not my wife the pod person.)


Just two weekends ago I went to a park in Sanford. Came home and found 5 "travel bugs" attached to me! Last summer I somehow ran into a dense breeding area for these blood-sucking creatures...came home and found both of my legs literally covered in tiny dots. I didn't even know what these dots were, they were just about the size of the dot on the "i" here. Found out that they're baby ticks! I really need to start using chemicals to prevent this from happening again, but I really detest chemical smells. Anyone have success with an effective, yet non-stinky chemical to keep ticks off? Thanks!


permethrin (a contact insecticide) on your clothes, deet on your skin. both are safe if used as directed, and a lot safer than getting rocky mountain spotted fever from a sick tick. -harry


Add my "me too" to the list. I've had several ticks try to hitch a ride with me. I wonder if they make decent trade items.. hehehe


I may have to try your suggestion, shawhh, because my big can of Off doesn't seem to phase the ticks too much anymore. Especially if they are already cozied up in your sock or the seam of your jeans.

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