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High-tech Caching

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So exactly how much technology do you use to find caches?


When i first started caching, i printed off cache sheets and entered cords by hand. And slowly beginnning to add more tech to my geocaching routine and nowadays to find caches I:

create and download PQ

convert PQ for use on Palm, Topo 5, MS Streets/Trips, and SA HH.

Then upload info to GPS and palm.

Look on Topo andd S/t to get directions and check on terrain.

Then out in the field I use my Palm to pull up and get directions to caches.


Anybody the same way?

Posted (edited)

I get pocket queries sent to me throughout the week.


I use EasyGPS to send the entire list to my GPS.


I use CMConvert to convert the .gpx file so I can upload it to my palm.


I hotsync my palm with the new cache info and away I go! Cachemate is the best 7 bucks I have ever spent. :mad:


I also carry a cell phone (a camera phone) and a digital camera.

Edited by Imajika

I usually have my PDA with all the cache pages. I also have my GPSr with all the coordinates for all the local caches in it. I have walkie-talkies, and a cell-phone. I also sometimes have a digital camera. And occasionaly I'll have a video camear...


We have been using Plucker and ExpertGPS with Pocket Queries, but just added Geocaching Swiss Army Knife as an alternative. Given that software firepower, we load both GPSRs and Palm. We usually have at least one cell phone, and digital camera, as well as a compass.


:mad: all this high tech stuff !!!


I still print out and carry the cache pages. There is something satisfying about being able to scribble all over the page.... B)


But we do carry two Gps, two cell phones, a digital camera, walking sticks, a cooler, and tons of stuff we think we need to have along... B)


I use GSAK to download to my GPSr and carry the cache pages with me. I would love to get a PDA and have all the pages there but its a little confusing reading what everyone is doing as everyone does it different. I ant to have all the information that is on the cache page: coords, description, hints, and a few logs. I'd like to be able to update that information from something like GSAK daily (meaning each time I am ready to go out). I'll keep watching, reading, and learning. :mad:


let's see....GPSr, digital camera, cell phone, personal protection device, and a krusty the clown bobble head on the dash. give me a signal antenna topper and i will be set. not paperless yet.

So exactly how much technology do you use to find caches?


When i first started caching, i printed off cache sheets and entered cords by hand. And slowly beginnning to add more tech to my geocaching routine and nowadays to find caches I:

create and download PQ

convert PQ for use on Palm, Topo 5, MS Streets/Trips, and SA HH.

Then upload info to GPS and palm.

Look on Topo andd S/t to get directions and check on terrain.

Then out in the field I use my Palm to pull up and get directions to caches.


Anybody the same way?

I'm a low tech cacher....we don't even have a cell phone. Here's what I take caching (just the basics):




3.Notebook of coordinates and caching notes



GPS - Download to it using easyGPS

Digital Camera

Surefire Flashlight

Printed off cache sheets

Extra Batteries - AA for camera and GPS. Also extra CR123's for Surefire.

Posted (edited)

I generally download the coordinates and then head off to terraserver.com to get an aerial photo. I zoom the photo to an appropriate resolution to see where to park, find trails if any and get an idea what the terrain is like.


I'm waiting for geocache.com to launch their satelites with powerfull x-ray cameras that zoom into the cache so we can see what we are

looking for---LIVE! :mad:



Merrillville, IN

Edited by jjdubs

Well, I think I'm pretty low-tech, but not quite knuckles-dragging-on-pavement low:



GSAK it to get the 'smartnames' (no filtering otherwise) and upload it to the 60C and Palm (running Cachemate)


If I'm caching on the fly (something local or only one or two cache out in the boonies) I'll just print out the page (2-up/no color), grab the gpsr and go.


I don't have the patience for much else.





I very recently went paperless, so my techno-geek factor has gone up yet another notch.


GPS, Palm M125 (from ebay $26), GSAK to load into GPS, Cachemate for Palm conversion and loading. I also have a digital camera. Though I've stubbornly refused to get a cell phone. I talk on the phone for 8 hrs a day at work. I don't want to be reachable :lol: . Though I am thinking about getting one just for caching. Probably one of those pre-paid jobs.


1) Garmin eTrex Legend.

2) Canon S50 digital camera.

3) EMS Summit backpack.

4) Camelback 3 liter hydration unit (not the pack).

5) Lensatic Compass.

6) Resurrected-from-the-dead Palm III with .LOC files for now.

7) Freakin' expensive hiking shoes I should have worn last time instead of my Walmart sandals.

8) Dollar store trade items.

9) Fair-to-middlin' pair of binoculars.

10) not on the trail - laptop with EasyGPS for processing .LOC files

11) Just sent in a check (*sigh* :lol: ) for a Groundspeak account. With any luck they'll process it quickly and not at a time when my bank account is low. Stupid merchant account. Ugh.

12) Cachemate, registered. Nice program. Also on laptop with CMconvert.


Wanna gets:

1) FRS radio.

2) Hiking staff (it's on order).

3) More money.

4) Canoe or kayak.

5) Winning lottery ticket so I can quit work and geocache for a living.

6) Holster for -my- caching partner.

7) A four-legged caching partner. Not possible right now. :D

8) Pain medications. Lots of medication. :D


On a quick run all this fits in my Magellan GPS belt-pouch:


print-out for the cache

pocket knife (I always have one)





On a fully prepared run:




2x 2-way radio


print-out for the cache

a few bits of swag

first-aid kit

walking stick


I also usually bring a couple of scouts to sniff the area, set off mines, be eaten in case of emergency.


How much crap do you really need, past a GPS?



1) GPS

2) Cellphone (with web access to read cache listing)

3) Large dental mirror to look in those hard to see places

4) Pen

5) Trade stuff

Hmmm. #3 might be useful for checking for ticks in, well, those hard to see places.


I'll have to give it a try.




1) GPSr

2) Palm Zire 71 (I download cache pages with Isilox and use builtin camera for locationless)

3) Digital stupid camera.

4) A pair of PMR radios sometimes

5) Cell phone


Magellan Meridian Gold runing Map send direct route

Magellan Sport Track Map runing Topo software

Magellan Sport Track Color running Map sen streets software

Pocket PC for PQs

Lap top computer purchased for caching while out of town

Dig. Camera for get info at Virtuals

Two flashlights for night caches

Two head lamps for night caches

Cell phone

Ham radio

Water bottle

Titanium walking sticks by Leki

Compass aka analog GPS [:lol:]


Well, lessee...


GPS (today the 60C will become my primary cache-finding tool when it's delivered)

PDA - PQs through GC.com membership, which I filter using Watcher, then run through gpx2html and finally synced to my PDA through Plucker.

Pen - My favorite caching pen, is one given to me by Team GPSaxophone at last fall's Halloween Radioactive event.

Swag - This is a "whenever I friggin' remember to pack it resource)

Dihydrogen monoxide - This handy resource is stowed away in my Camelbak and used only when absolutely needed.


Of course, if you count pre-planning, depending on the area I'm going to, QuakeMap, TopoZone, Garmin CitySelect, and Topo! are also used. If I had a laptop, you can bet I'd have it mounted in the cache-mobile with the largest possible PQ I could come up with for easy reference.

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