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Just want to say hello to everyone here! My name is Tony, I am from Altoona Iowa. After seeing how many caches are around me I thought I would like to give it a try. Some of you may have seen me around the Des Moines / Altoona area with my metal detector, I do alot of detecting at Thomas Mitchell Park where I seen a member found a cache the same day I was detecting the park...if you ever see a guy with a yellow hat and a metal detector...stop and say hi! :) I have decided to sell my guitar & amp to purchase a GPS...Ive owned one before but never had a use for it, so I sold it...go figure, hahaha.

This sure sounds like alot of fun, I cant wait to find my first cache! There are so many around me, enough to keep me busy for a long while. Hope to meet some of you sometime...I am sure I have seen some you before, every park I treasure hunt has at least two caches hidden there, I couldnt believe how many after clicking all the dots on the map!


But anywho...just thought I would introduce myself and say hello! :)



It is funny how many caches are around.

I live near nothing :) and still found a cache only 6 miles from me.


Welcome, good luck and have fun..


What kind of GPS are you going to buy?


Welcome, Tony!


I am also a new cache hunter, and I grew up in Altoona! I was an assistant Scoutmaster in the 70's, and used to take the boys to Thomas Mitchell all the time. I now live in Slater, IA. My daughter & I have been having great fun finding caches. We're also pretty good with the metal detectors, but haven't been out with them yet this year. Hope to run into you one of these days.



What kind of GPS are you going to buy?

Hmmm....I am looking at the Magellan SporTrack Map / Pro models. But there are so many out there to choose from I havnt made any decisions yet. I am looking the Garmin line too, I dont need much I guess...but one day I am sure I will need one on one of my adventures, so I want to get a decent unit thats water proof. I had the Etrex camo model and liked it...I might just get that one again, it would serve its purpose. The Etrex models seem to be pretty nice for the money...I dont have much anyway :D .


:) <----What is that? hahaha. frog, turtle...? Ninja turtle? :)


Hi Tony, nice to have you here! I'm down here in Texas...otherwise I'd say Hi in person! I'm relatively new to the sport as well, and just bought my first GPSr today from a fellow geocacher. Hopefully I'll get it in time to take on a trip home with me...my parents, of all people, are rather anxious to start in on the sport as well!


I wish you luck in your search for a good GPSr, and many, many finds! Take care,


Paula :)

What kind of GPS are you going to buy?

Hmmm....I am looking at the Magellan SporTrack Map / Pro models. But there are so many out there to choose from I havnt made any decisions yet. I am looking the Garmin line too, I dont need much I guess...but one day I am sure I will need one on one of my adventures, so I want to get a decent unit thats water proof. I had the Etrex camo model and liked it...I might just get that one again, it would serve its purpose. The Etrex models seem to be pretty nice for the money...I dont have much anyway :) .

Welcome to the sport! If you ask around, you'll find many people who are loyal to either the Magellin or Garmin brand, and many like me who own one brand but like them both. My suggestion is that, whichever one you buy, go for one with mapping ability. I was told today by a friend who is in the market for a GPS that there is currently a rebate available for some Garmin models. I'd post some links if I knew more info.


:D  <----What is that? hahaha.  frog, turtle...?  Ninja turtle?  :D



That is Signal the Frog, the mascot for geocaching. (I've joked that this expression looks like a ninja turtle: :D )





Signal the Frog...thats cool. :) <---I like that one, hehe.


I have been thinking about a GPS, and I think I am going to get the Etrex Legend, sounds like a nice unit and the price is about what I looking to spend. I need to find a place around here that sells them so I can go look at it. Its always nice to actualy see something before a purchase....seems the box always has a bunch of info wrote on it. Im not done looking yet, so I still might find another one, but the Legend is looking good to me.


Thanks everyone for the welcome!



:) <----That one is pretty good too, hehehe.


Hey Tony,

Welcome to the hobby! Just wanted to let you know, that their is a forum set up for the different regions of the US. You might have an easier time meeting some of the locals in your area by posting to the Great Plains forum.




Thanks for the link RuffRidr...there are so many things to click on here I dont think I would of ever seen that, lol. I will check it out, thank you.


Tony ..... :lol:


Howdy all! I'm new to this forum and to the geocaching sport. I just bought a Magellan SporTrak Map GPS unit this week. There was a cache only 1.5 miles away from where I live! :bad: I'm still putting my GPS through its paces, but I think it will work out just fine. This is only my second forum post. Looking at my first posting, I've noticed that there is something interesting below my avatar: "Warn (0%)" -- what does this text mean? :lol:

Looking at my first posting, I've noticed that there is something interesting below my avatar: "Warn (0%)" -- what does this text mean? :lol:

If it's at 0%, just ignore it. It appears under your name any time you are logged in, just like I have one beside my posts that only I (and I think the moderators, too) can see. If you seriously break one of the forum guidelines (by making a post with foul language, etc), the moderators may chose to bump it up as a reminder to play nice.


Hello All,

I am also new to caching. Found out about it through the Amateur Radio Relay League's weekly newsletter. They had an article on geocaching and the link to the website. Bought a used eTrex on eBay and am waiting for it to come in. Have a cache within .5 miles from my house and over 500 within 75 miles of home. Just wondering if this is a typical distribution?


Hope to get caching soon,



Posted (edited)

SELLING YOUR GUITAR!?!?!?!?!?!?! :o:o:o


Man, even *I* am not that extreme! What kind of guitar is it? (Model/Make and all that...)


EDIT: Eh, so I screwed the UBB up. Shoot me! :bad::lol:

Edited by New England n00b

Man, even *I* am not that extreme!  What kind of guitar is it? (Model/Make and all that...)


BC Rich Warlock Platinum Pro. Blood red with black Floyd Rose hardware, wild skull strap....awsome axe! Still new, played about 1 hour. Its a screamer!


Peavy Rage 158 amp, also new...bought same time. CD input, modern / vintage switch, clean / lead switch, 3ch. EQ. This thing screams for a little amp. Includes 12 foot cord, and 3 foot pedal cord...sold effects pedal.


About $600 invested........$250 for everything.


I just cant play anymore since my accident, so I figure why keep it. I need the money anyway. I can only work about 3 hours a day, its all I can handle anymore. My last check was $30....I would sell just about anything right now. I cant play it, I can use the money to get something I can use and enjoy...so I need to let it go. This sounds like it would be more fun anyway, hehe. I can see how this could turn into an addiction...like my metal detecting, I found a 1920 S Mercury dime today. Its the thrill of the hunt, you never know what to expect during a hunt...thats what keeps me going every day, and just like a nice hike to a cache, the exercise is great, Im outside enjoying the beautiful weather and checking out the wildlife. I go crazy sitting around the house, even if Im not doing anything....I would rather be doing nothing outside, hahaha.


Tony..... :lol:


Not bad... What I evetually wanna get is a Les Paul though... and every year they got more (bad word) expensive. But it's good to know - maybe there is someone out there reading it that might be interested. They can always click your name and go to the profile page to email you... or PM...


Good luck!


In the meantime, though, there are several geocachers who use a map and compass only, no GPS unit to do thier hunting. You may find topographical maps at your library that you can photocopy, and ALWAYS carry a compass, whether you get a GPS or not. They're actually quite handy that last 30 feet or so.


Make sure any paper map you use has a 'map datum' of WGS84, otherwise the coordinates you get from this site won't match up with the maps coordinates. You could end up WAY off target, and into private property or something not fun like that.


Good luck!


I have a etrex Legend and like it a lot. I shows maps, so it's not too confusing when hunting a cache in cities. In fact, my husband bought me the new Rino110 for Christmas (he got the Rino120, go figure), but it doesn't show maps, so I still use the Legend unless I need a walkie-talkie for any reason. As far as I can tell, the 110 is a lower model in GPS, but has walkie-talkie capabilities. The 120 is comparible with the Legend, and has walkie-talkie capapbilities also.


McWeb :lol:


P.S. For everyone who likes the 110, I like my 110, I just wish I had maps on it.

That is Signal the Frog, the mascot for geocaching.

Just for the record, it's the mascot for geocaching.com, not the sport/hobby of geocaching. There are other geocaching sites, though none as popular.

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