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Travel Bugs Are Freaking Annoying!


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While I do see why it's fun to watch how a TB travels, it's a huge pain if you're an infrequent cache-er. I know that I picked up a TB in November and because the winter was so nasty here in NYC I didn't have a chance to get rid of it until just tonight. :D I'm thinking that I'm going to try and avoid TBs from now on, unless I'm doing more than one cache in a day.

While I do see why it's fun to watch how a TB travels, it's a huge pain if you're an infrequent cache-er. I know that I picked up a TB in November and because the winter was so nasty here in NYC I didn't have a chance to get rid of it until just tonight. :D I'm thinking that I'm going to try and avoid TBs from now on, unless I'm doing more than one cache in a day.

Ummmm, OK. It's your choice. Thanks for sharing. :D


Sn :D:D gans


I think it would be a good idea for you to not pick up a TB that you would have to hold for almost six months before moving on. It clearly states that if you can not move a TB on please don't take it. Six months?


Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "Nasty"?


I've fought my way through waist high snow twice last winter to get TBs back out there in under two weeks. I'm really glad I did too because it made both of those occasions very memorable.


As you can see I am noob, but I do like the idea of TB's and have already grabbed one and moved it along. I have seen several others in the few caches that I have been at, but was not able to help them along thier desired travels. The one that I grabbed was one that once I looked in the area that I was in I had to assist and do some fair sized moves with it. I think this is a great addition to the overall idea of Geocaching in general.




If ya have a TB and you can't get it to any caches soon, just post a note in your regional forum. Some fellow cacher out there would be happy to take it off your hands, no problem.

You don't HAVE to park it in a cache yourself... sheesh.

I know that I picked up a TB in November and because the winter was so nasty here in NYC I didn't have a chance to get rid of it until just tonight.

Try coming to alaska


If its such a pain then just leave them alone and let a TRUE cacher move them. Although I think you are missing half the fun of cacheing. I have a TB now and have had it for 3 weeks but I have been in touch with the owner and they know whats going on with it.

Gary :P

I know that I picked up a TB in November and because the winter was so nasty here in NYC I didn't have a chance to get rid of it until just tonight.

As you'll recall, you did visit a couple of caches after you picked up the TB, but forgot to bring the bug with you. I can't see blaming that on the weather.




feel free to grab any of my bugs and hold them until you cache again. if you quit the game, drop it off somewhere. you won't get harassment emails from me. i like to see where they go, but i don't understand all the fuss. i considered simply not playing with TBs anymore because of all the additional rules it seems to have developed.


i notice that the TB crowd seems to be the crowd that likes the most rules.


anyway, i like my TBs and i like to see where they go. one of mine recently went to a cache where i know it may not get picked up for months. i'm delighted. DELIGHTED, do you hear me? the less this one moves, the better.


And to think that I set up an out of office appointment so I could grab a TB during the day and drop it off on the way home at night. Hmm. Maybe I'm sick.


Doctor, Doctor, what is wrong with me?

While I do see why it's fun to watch how a TB travels, it's a huge pain if you're an infrequent cache-er. I know that I picked up a TB in November and because the winter was so nasty here in NYC I didn't have a chance to get rid of it until just tonight. :unsure: I'm thinking that I'm going to try and avoid TBs from now on, unless I'm doing more than one cache in a day.

That's your call. I will still move them and enjoy catching up on their movements now and then, but I won't be buying anymore for a variety of reasons. If you are an infrequent cacher, and you don't feel that you can move the bugs on in a timely manner, you probably made the correct decision.


Maybe if those people wouldn't try to live vicariously through their TB's and just observed their movements and patterns, moving or not moving TB's would become a whole lot less complicated. SERENDIPITY.

Maybe if those people wouldn't try to live vicariously through their TB's and just observed their movements and patterns, moving or not moving TB's would become a whole lot less complicated. SERENDIPITY.

I've had three TB tags for a few months and I just now finally activated one of them. But, I really like the sound of "Serendipity". I think that my next TB will be called "Serendipity"...and then I will just wait and see what happens (or doesn't happen).




If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :lol:





If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :lol:



Yes, I hate being forced at gunpoint to pick up and move travel bugs! Can't Congress do anything about that?!?!?!? Oh, and speak out about travel bugs and you're charged with a hate crime! Man, what is this world coming to? :lol:



If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :lol:



Dude, see above. No one forces you to play with the travel bugs except after you take one. Once you take one, you agree to log it, move it, and log your move. If you don't want to agree to that, don't pick up the bug.



If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :D



Dude, see above. No one forces you to play with the travel bugs except after you take one. Once you take one, you agree to log it, move it, and log your move. If you don't want to agree to that, don't pick up the bug.

Right, I've pasted up many bugs just because I knew I was not going to be moving it along soon.



If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :D



Dude, see above. No one forces you to play with the travel bugs except after you take one. Once you take one, you agree to log it, move it, and log your move. If you don't want to agree to that, don't pick up the bug.



note the :D in my reply, which is a clue that I was kidding...obviously nobody has to participate in the TB program...I thought that my remark might highlight the silliness of the thread, and be less impolite than a yawn :D (note: the skeptical face to the left signals my frustration with overly literal people).



Posted (edited)


If only there was a way that we could do away with the rule that you have to participate in the TB program... :)



Dude, see above. No one forces you to play with the travel bugs except after you take one. Once you take one, you agree to log it, move it, and log your move. If you don't want to agree to that, don't pick up the bug.



note the :D in my reply, which is a clue that I was kidding...obviously nobody has to participate in the TB program...I thought that my remark might highlight the silliness of the thread, and be less impolite than a yawn ;) (note: the skeptical face to the left signals my frustration with overly literal people).




is that what that face means :D (i don't think i need to explain do i)

Edited by Rogue_Monkey & Minkie
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