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How Does Your Yard Look?

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Right there with you...The grass is getting a bit high here. On the other hand, in another week or so, there will be some excellent places to hide a cache next to the front porch.


Yes, good places to hide a cache and think about all the good you are doing for the environment. No chemicals on the lawn, no exhaust from the mower,etc. Also the birds and rabbits will flock to your yard in appreciation. It's a win/win for all involved and you still get to cache. :D


If that doesn't work there is always the "I'm allergic to something in the yard" ploy. :D


As a last resort you could try the Psyche/Scared ploy but it might backfire and you would have to go to therapy instead of caching. :D


Midway Cafe


I live in an apartment, so the landlord takes care of the yardwork. However, the inside could use some attention.


Ahh, do to injuries, weather, and other problems we haven't been able to cache in probably the last month. And so yard work has been done. Our yard looks fine.. :D


I haven't mowed a yard since 1994. After that I got smart and hired a kid to do it for me. They don't charge much, I don't have to do it, and they're not out on the streets selling meth this way. Really, it's a small price to pay to keep what's left of my sanity.


In the next couple of years I'll have my own kid doing it. Then life will be extra-sweet! :D



Robin is threatening that we might have to stay home soon some weekend to do yardwork and stuff! I'm scared!


:D Oh dear! That happened to me this week. My husband insisted we stay home and get something done.


We worked in the yard all day Saturday. Raking leaves we never raked last fall and pulling up the dead shrubs that died last summer because I forgot to water them.


How did I make it through the day? Once in awhile I would sneak into the house and check out the forums. It helped a bit. THEN... I saw people chatting away in the middle of the day on the threads when they could of been out caching this beautiful Seattle day. :D What's up with that?


Anyway... we went caching today! But we were both sore from doing that dang yardwork. Humph!


Well I finally broke down and cut the yard after I got home from work one weekday to keep my weekends free for caching. The plan worked perfectly till I broke my ankle Sat on a cache trip... Grrrr If only the park had filled that hole on their last yard work day!


My yard looks great.

We just hired a landscaping company to take care of it. B)

I still have to take care of the backyard where the dog lives during the day, but hey, no one sees that. B)

Mowed the lawn last week and found 3 caches in the grass.... B)

If you ever cut the grass and found a cache you didn't know was there..... you might be a geocacher.


(with a nod towards Jeff Foxworthy)


Front looks pretty good, because I fixed it up while I was laid off last summer. The back could use a lot of work. Weeds, leaves still there from the fall, a stone fence that's coming down and way too much junk under the deck.

A friend of mine, The Duck of Duck & Deedy decorated his yard with the 16 pound Golden Globe which he found in one of my caches as a first finder. His yard looks a lot better now.


that must have been one big cache container. B)


I almost posted a pic of my horrible yard, but decided against it. I don't want to shock people! B)


Wanted: A boyfriend who will mow my lawn for me while I go caching. No wait, one boyfriend who will go caching with me and then mow the lawn and cook me dinner while I watch anime. No wait, who will go caching with me, mow the lawn, cook dinner and rub my feet while I watch anime. no wait...... B)


The flower gardens are looking okay but this will be the first year in a decade we don't do a vegetable garden. We always start with good intentions but by the end of season it looks like a weed patch. Last year was the worst. Usually we make it to August before we abandon it. Last year was June.

So this year we're just going to spray the whole thing down with round-up and cover it with weed block. Then poke a couple holes in it for a few pumpkin plants.

Posted (edited)

AH! The pleasures of living in a townhome and having a Homeowner's Association!


They mow the grass, clean the gutters, shovel the snow, blow away the leaves, trim the trees, turn on the sprinklers, power wash the siding on the house....yep, they do it all! AND they pay for trash removal and water! B)

Edited by Imajika
I almost posted a pic of my horrible yard, but decided against it. I don't want to shock people! :(


Wanted: A boyfriend who will mow my lawn for me while I go caching. No wait, one boyfriend who will go caching with me and then mow the lawn and cook me dinner while I watch anime. No wait, who will go caching with me, mow the lawn, cook dinner and rub my feet while I watch anime. no wait...... B)

:D That's what I like.. A girl with a modest, realistic expectations of a boyfriend. B) Didn't you forget "Washing the 'cache-mobile" and "ironing clothes for work on Monday"? B)

I almost posted a pic of my horrible yard, but decided against it. I don't want to shock people!  B)


Wanted: A boyfriend who will mow my lawn for me while I go caching. No wait, one boyfriend who will go caching with me and then mow the lawn and cook me dinner while I watch anime. No wait, who will go caching with me, mow the lawn, cook dinner and rub my feet while I watch anime. no wait......  B)

You need more than one boyfriend. Problem solved. :(




New House = no landscaping

No Landscaping (grass) = no dog B)

The deal for weekends this summer

1 day - house work

1 day - yard work

1 day - play (geocaching B) )


1 weekend /month travel or camp or both.


[The more astute among you may have noticed that I have acounted for three days of weekend. I highly recomend 4/10 work weeks. ]

Robin is threatening that we might have to stay home soon some weekend to do yardwork and stuff! I'm scared!


B) Oh dear! That happened to me this week. My husband insisted we stay home and get something done.


We worked in the yard all day Saturday. Raking leaves we never raked last fall and pulling up the dead shrubs that died last summer because I forgot to water them.


How did I make it through the day? Once in awhile I would sneak into the house and check out the forums. It helped a bit. THEN... I saw people chatting away in the middle of the day on the threads when they could of been out caching this beautiful Seattle day. B) What's up with that?


Anyway... we went caching today! But we were both sore from doing that dang yardwork. Humph!

Well in my case, I was working on a customer's PC at the same time. Not enough time breaks to do yard work, but enough to chat and play Xbox. :(


As for yard work, slowly but surely that's coming around. A little bit at a time to bring it back into shape.

New House = no landscaping

No Landscaping (grass) = no dog B)

The deal for weekends this summer

1 day - house work

1 day - yard work

1 day - play (geocaching B) )


1 weekend /month travel or camp or both.


[The more astute among you may have noticed that I have acounted for three days of weekend. I highly recomend 4/10 work weeks. ]

You could also do 3.5 12-hour days :(


(I work Thurs, Fri, and Sat, along with every other Wed.)

Posted (edited)

Just mowed.


I read this then went out and cut the grass, and had lots of fun pushing that silly contraption across my front yard. NOT

Nice dark green carpet for awhile.


1200th post

Edited by GOT GPS?
That's what I like.. A girl with a modest, realistic expectations of a boyfriend.  Didn't you forget "Washing the 'cache-mobile" and "ironing clothes for work on Monday"? 


I thought those were just assumed? B)


I went and got the Dog Kennel Today and 1/8 acre of Alfalfa and Red Clover mowed to feed the cows and horses.

I have it made I do not need a bagger I just throw the clippings over the fence to the horses and cows,they are out there right now mooooooing.............its a yearly thing and they can smell the fresh cut food.


On to the next patch.

Never ending this time of year,just about the time I get through It is time to start over.


Back yard looks great. Front is in state of flux. <_< Then again it is my wifes showpiece since she is a Horticulterist by profession. :ph34r: As soon as the the front yard is done should be able to get out and caching again. :D


Actually, the yard looks great, since i've gotten out caching with warmer weather, the dog hasn't crapped on it as much. HAHAHA :ph34r:


Actually, the lawn looks just fine, especially since my yard is woods, the rocks and leaves don't change much. But...I can't say I enjoy the retarded building contractor ripping up my street, and then parking his big ol dump truck at the foot of the driveway to build 75 houses next door... <_<


Thanks. It took 400 pounds of concrete to make it stable. I have another one coming but since we plan on moving in a couple of years I'm giving it to another cacher so he can put it in his front yard. He plans a travel bug hotel that just might not disappear, ever!!

Thanks. It took 400 pounds of concrete to make it stable. I have another one coming but since we plan on moving in a couple of years I'm giving it to another cacher so he can put it in his front yard. He plans a travel bug hotel that just might not disappear, ever!!

i wonder how many ringbo....boneheads actually try to get money out of it.

I live in Oregon. I live close to Butte Falls. Lots of them think it's real. These people must have drank the water around here more than once.

the same thing would happen here in michigan. <_<

... a stone fence that's coming down ...

For those that know Brian's helpful(?) hints, we can see where he gets them from ...


Additional hint: In crevice

a cache in michigan with the first stage a 35mm film can has the hint, "cement cave". it's in a fifty foot long, three foot high pile of cement chunks taken from road construction. real helpful! NOT!!!! <_<

... a stone fence that's coming down ...

For those that know Brian's helpful(?) hints, we can see where he gets them from ...


Additional hint: In crevice

a cache in michigan with the first stage a 35mm film can has the hint, "cement cave". it's in a fifty foot long, three foot high pile of cement chunks taken from road construction. real helpful! NOT!!!! <_<

Sounds like one I found in Colorado Springs...hidden under this color rock, next to this other color rock. The rockpile was well over 50 feet long :ph34r:


What about long winded hints of 50 plus words that are along the lines of "you should try the desert in the cafe next door, it's awesome and reasonably priced too. Then again if you're on a diet like I am you might want to skip the desert and go for a green salad".

I almost posted a pic of my horrible yard, but decided against it. I don't want to shock people!  <_<


Wanted: A boyfriend who will mow my lawn for me while I go caching. No wait, one boyfriend who will go caching with me and then mow the lawn and cook me dinner while I watch anime. No wait, who will go caching with me, mow the lawn, cook dinner and rub my feet while I watch anime. no wait......  :ph34r:

You need more than one boyfriend. Problem solved. :D



She could just submit an event cache...

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