+GEM's Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 (edited) This is an update on a true story at Buck's crossing by Rentakid 3/1/03 Concerning: GEM's and The Good Stuff (A geocaching couple) The Good Stuff and I had planned to hike on DNR Elbe Hills Horse trails to be a FTF on Buck's Crossing by Rentakid. We took Hwy 706 toward Mt. Rainier and then headed North on Park Junction Road. We headed in west along the railroad tracks off Park Junction Road. We opened one unlocked gate and seeing no signs we continued on a gravel road through a field and up into the woods and parked @ N46 45.933 W122 08.293 near a DNR Boundary Marker. We hiked up to Buck Crossing got the coveted FTF at N46 45.871 W122 07.808 and back to Jeep it took a little over 2 hours. Upon our return to the Jeep we heard a gun shot and some yelling. When arriving back at the Jeep we were confronted by two men on horseback with revolvers. One was a Native American with long black hair, wearing a cowboy hat and chaps. The other man called him “Ronnie”. The other was a white older man with a brown beard, also wearing a cowboy hat and chaps; he never left his horse. We found out later that they had removed the coil cable from the Jeep engine to prevent us from leaving. The white man had the coil cable in his saddle bag. They both had been heavily drinking and were carrying Milwaukee’s Best beer and were very angry. They yelled, do you want to spend the night in jail so I called 911 (case 780). I told the 911 operator that we needed immediate assistance that we had been accused of trespassing and the land owners were drinking, had hand guns and were very upset. The 911 operator talked to the Native American first and the white man next. The Native American told me to hang it up; I left it on so the 911 operator could continue to hear the conversation and the urgency in our report. They regularly used obscenities and continued yelling, accusing us of trespassing. The Native American said things like: We’re gonna scalp you. We’re gonna teach you a lesson. We’re gonna tie you up and drag you behind our horses. Where’s my rope? We’re gonna kick your a**. I don’t like you. You’re a threat to me. The Native American said he was gonna use “Indian Justice” to teach us a lesson. The Native American said he was a “Tribal Officer” and he asked for our ID. The Native American told us to put our ID on the hood of the Jeep. When we hesitated he became agitated and pulled his weapon. At one point the weapon was pointed directly at me. We were continually called names and yelled at, and searched. The Native American told us to raise our hands and he searched The Good Stuff(male) and me. They did not search The Good Stuff (female). The Native American again yelled at each of us and called us names and made additional threats while standing with his weapon inches from our face. He told us he didn’t like us and felt we were a threat to him. He repeatedly said he wanted to beat us, while the white man asked the Native American to let us go a couple of times. The Native American was mad at us for being white, for being from South Hill/Puyallup. The Native American made references to us white people taking his land. The white man never made threats. The Native American asked if we had any weapons. The Good Stuff(male) told them that he had a loaded pistol in his backpack and that he had a permit to carry it. The Native American searched the backpack he put on leather gloves he reached into our bag and pulled out The Good Stuff(male)’s 45 caliber hand gun and told us to start walking into the woods. The white man said “No Ronnie, let em go!” The Native American pulled out the gun and removed the clip. He asked if one was in the chamber, The Good Stuff(male) said no. The Native American held up the gun to fire it, pointed it into the woods and said if there is one in the chamber I’m gonna kick your a**. He fired the weapon and it did not discharge. He gave the weapon back to The Good Stuff(male) and unloaded the clip and threw the bullets at his feet and told him to pick them up. The Good Stuff(female) began to pick up the bullets and our other belongings that had been strewn along the ground. Eventually the White man gave us the coil cord and told us to put it back on the engine. The Native American wanted to search the vehicle. He yelled at The Good Stuff(female) and told her to get out of the way she was loading up the Jeep. She didn’t move and said we are leaving now. He told her to back up two feet. She did not and he pushed her out of the way and began to search the back seat. After a brief search he backed away we quickly entered the vehicle and left. The 911 operator was still on the line and she said she heard the whole conversation. She told us to meet a WSP at the Elbe Post office. We waited there for a short time but were uncomfortable with the distance to the property so we headed to Graham. We waited for almost an hour at the Evergreen Presbyterian Church for a Pierce County Sheriff but none responded, we were told they were very busy so we went home. The Good Stuff filed a report with the Pierce County Sheriff later that night at his home. Update....10/17/03 State of Washington vs Ronald James Hartgrove Pierce County Superior Court Case # 03-1-04858-7 Charge: Assault in the 2nd Degree (3 counts) Unlawful possession of a Firearm in the 2nd Degree Charges were filed in this case. The defendant received a summons to appear in court for an arraignment. 10/17/2003 INFORMATION & PROBABLE CAUSE Public 4 10/17/2003 CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS SEARCH Public 1 10/20/2003 ORDER FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS Public 1 10/20/2003 SUMMONS Public 1 10/22/2003 RETURN ON SUMMONS Public 1 11/03/2003 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS SEARCH Public 1 11/04/2003 ORDER DIRECTING ISSUANCE OF BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 BENCH WARRANT Public 1 04/23/2004 SHERIFF'S RETURN ON BW Public 1 04/26/2004 RECEIPT OF DISCOVERY Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF RELEASE Public 2 04/26/2004 PRE-TRIAL REPORT Public 2 04/27/2004 Notice of Appearance Public 1 Pierce County Corrections Custody Status: In Custody Jail Name: HARTGROVE, RONALD Last Booking Number: 2004114032 Proceedings Date Outcome 10/31/2003 CASE ISSUED-SUMM/ARRAIGN DEF FTA, BW ORDERED 04/26/2004 ARRAIGNMENT - BENCH WARRANT ARRAIGNED 05/13/2004 08:30 AM PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE 06/10/2004 08:30 AM JURY TRIAL It was great to have TravisL and Kitelady present at the first hearing in October 2003! Stay tuned for a possible event cache at the trial! Edited May 1, 2004 by GEM's Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 Sorry to hear about the encounter. I'm glad it ended with nobody hurt and hopefully a little justice in the end. Quote
+travisl Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 (edited) To translate a little bit (reorganized the quote a little, so it's chronological): 10/22/2003 RETURN ON SUMMONS Public 1 10/31/2003 CASE ISSUED-SUMM/ARRAIGN DEF FTA, BW ORDERED He was served a summons to show up in court. The DEFendant Failed To Appear. A Bench Warrant was ordered. 11/03/2003 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS SEARCH Public 1 11/04/2003 ORDER DIRECTING ISSUANCE OF BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 BENCH WARRANT Public 1 04/23/2004 SHERIFF'S RETURN ON BW Public 1 The bench warrant was issued on November 4. On April 23, he was brought in by the sheriff. 04/26/2004 RECEIPT OF DISCOVERY Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF RELEASE Public 2 04/26/2004 PRE-TRIAL REPORT Public 2 04/26/2004 ARRAIGNMENT - BENCH WARRANT ARRAIGNED 04/27/2004 Notice of Appearance Public 1 05/13/2004 08:30 AM PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE 06/10/2004 08:30 AM JURY TRIAL He was arraigned on April 26 and pled not guilty. It's not shown here, but bail was set at $10,000. The public defender filed a notice of appearance on April 27 (saying he's the attorney for the defendant). The jury trial is set for June 10, but that's subject to change. Meanwhile, this guy is keeping a cot warm in the Pierce County jail. Finally. Edit: a thought just occurred to me. Why aren't they charging this guy with a hate crime? Edited May 1, 2004 by travisl Quote
+LindaLu Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 According to the Anti-Defamation League, in Washington a hate crime is defined as follows: (quote:) In Washington, hate crimes are addressed as "malicious harassment" under RCW 9A.36.080. A person commits the crime of malicious harassment when he or she: (1) causes physical injury to another person; or causes damage to property of another; or threatens another person, placing that person in reasonable fear of harm; AND (2) the person does one of those acts maliciously and intentionally because of his or her perception of the victim's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory handicap. In addition to the crime of malicious harassment, RCW 9A.36.083 permits a victim of malicious harassment to sue the alleged harasser for damages. (end quote) This sure sounds like it fits the bill. Quote
+shunra Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 To translate a little bit (reorganized the quote a little, so it's chronological): 10/22/2003 RETURN ON SUMMONS Public 1 10/31/2003 CASE ISSUED-SUMM/ARRAIGN DEF FTA, BW ORDERED He was served a summons to show up in court. The DEFendant Failed To Appear. A Bench Warrant was ordered. 11/03/2003 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS SEARCH Public 1 11/04/2003 ORDER DIRECTING ISSUANCE OF BENCH WARRANT Public 1 11/04/2003 BENCH WARRANT Public 1 04/23/2004 SHERIFF'S RETURN ON BW Public 1 The bench warrant was issued on November 4. On April 23, he was brought in by the sheriff. 04/26/2004 RECEIPT OF DISCOVERY Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE Public 1 04/26/2004 ORDER ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF RELEASE Public 2 04/26/2004 PRE-TRIAL REPORT Public 2 04/26/2004 ARRAIGNMENT - BENCH WARRANT ARRAIGNED 04/27/2004 Notice of Appearance Public 1 05/13/2004 08:30 AM PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE 06/10/2004 08:30 AM JURY TRIAL He was arraigned on April 26 and pled not guilty. It's not shown here, but bail was set at $10,000. The public defender filed a notice of appearance on April 27 (saying he's the attorney for the defendant). The jury trial is set for June 10, but that's subject to change. Meanwhile, this guy is keeping a cot warm in the Pierce County jail. Finally. Edit: a thought just occurred to me. Why aren't they charging this guy with a hate crime? How did they identify and find the guy in the first place? And what about the other one, who was at least an accomplice? Quote
+GEM's Posted May 1, 2004 Author Posted May 1, 2004 How did they identify and find the guy in the first place? And what about the other one, who was at least an accomplice? Not sure..I think he was a local and they knew him already. Regarding the other guy...I 'm not sure about that either? Why aren't they charging this guy with a hate crime? Not sure about this either...we did not get a lawyer we just reported the incident to the Pierce County Sheriff. On the bright side now's a good time to go up and get the Buck's crossing cache, while Ronnie's in jail...The Good Stuff and I are the first and only finders...It is a great hike and a beautiful area! Quote
+yumitori Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Many thanks for the translation. Lawyerese wakarimasen. Quote
MarcusArelius Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Wow. Glad you were able to keep them calm enough to get away. They should add impersonating a police officer as well. Quote
+GEM's Posted May 16, 2004 Author Posted May 16, 2004 New info on Ronny: 05/13/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION 1 CD1 PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE HELD 05/19/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION 1 CD1 OMNIBUS HEARING 06/10/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE Travis...interpretation please? Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted May 16, 2004 Posted May 16, 2004 ...On the bright side now's a good time to go up and get the Buck's crossing cache, while Ronnie's in jail... I'll pass on that one! Quote
+travisl Posted May 17, 2004 Posted May 17, 2004 05/13/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION 1 CD1 PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE HELD 05/19/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION 1 CD1 OMNIBUS HEARING 06/10/2004 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, the pre-trial conference is where the prosecutor and the defendant's attorney meet with the judge to discuss any oddities to the case and figure out some of the logistics (e.g., press coverage, if the defendant will remain cuffed in the courtroom during the trial, problems with procuring or sharing evidence, etc.) The omnibus hearing is where the judge hears a little bit about the case, maybe hears from a few witnesses, and determines if there's probable cause to actually hold the trial, or if it's so weak that it should be dismissed outright. The last item I'm not sure about. It's the same date and time as the jury trial, so maybe it's just a note to the judge to be sure he's there. Quote
ANM103FH Posted May 17, 2004 Posted May 17, 2004 Just out of curiosity, what are the possibilities of pressing a civil suit against Ronnie and his buddy? At the very least, there's unlawful detainment. Assault with a deadly weapon? What are the other possibilities? Just an armchair lawyer; left my $0.02 and took nothing. -Frank Quote
+travisl Posted May 17, 2004 Posted May 17, 2004 (edited) Grrr... I just wrote a nice long response, but accidentally closed the window before sending it. To summarize what I had written: 1) The defendant probably has no money 2) A lawyer would cost money 3) Monetary damages are minimal. Pain and suffering damages are usually tied to medical costs; I'm guessing that GEMs and company didn't seek psychological help after this. There are no punitive damages in Washington for cases like this. 4) Sometimes, it's best just to let it go and let the emotional healing continue instead of picking at the scab. (Edit: And he is being criminally charged with Assault 2, which is assault with a deadly weapon. I think Unlawful Imprisonment would also apply, but Assault 2 is a worse crime (A2 is a class B felony, UI is a class C).) Edited May 18, 2004 by travisl Quote
+Right Wing Wacko Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 (edited) Grrr... I just wrote a nice long response, but accidentally closed the window before sending it. To summarize what I had written: 1) The defendant probably has no money 2) A lawyer would cost money 3) Monetary damages are minimal. Pain and suffering damages are usually tied to medical costs; I'm guessing that GEMs and company didn't seek psychological help after this. There are no punitive damages in Washington for cases like this. 4) Sometimes, it's best just to let it go and let the emotional healing continue instead of picking at the scab. (Edit: And he is being criminally charged with Assault 2, which is assault with a deadly weapon. I think Unlawful Imprisonment would also apply, but Assault 2 is a worse crime (A2 is a class B felony, UI is a class C).) I believe Assault-2 is also considered a strike under Washingtons Three Strikes law. If this person has previous strikes on his record... Edited May 18, 2004 by Right Wing Wacko Quote
+travisl Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 (edited) Good point. Yes, Assault 2 is listed in the Three Strikes law as a most serious offense (see 28( b )), which are the crimes that count as strikes. (Edit: 28( didn't make a lot of sense. Darn smilies.) Edited May 18, 2004 by travisl Quote
+shunra Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 Grrr... I just wrote a nice long response, but accidentally closed the window before sending it. To summarize what I had written: 1) The defendant probably has no money 2) A lawyer would cost money 3) Monetary damages are minimal. Pain and suffering damages are usually tied to medical costs; I'm guessing that GEMs and company didn't seek psychological help after this. There are no punitive damages in Washington for cases like this. 4) Sometimes, it's best just to let it go and let the emotional healing continue instead of picking at the scab. (Edit: And he is being criminally charged with Assault 2, which is assault with a deadly weapon. I think Unlawful Imprisonment would also apply, but Assault 2 is a worse crime (A2 is a class B felony, UI is a class C).) What about the other guy? Is he getting away without anything? Quote
+shunra Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 [...] When arriving back at the Jeep we were confronted by two men on horseback with revolvers. [...] We found out later that they had removed the coil cable from the Jeep engine to prevent us from leaving. The white man had the coil cable in his saddle bag. [...] They regularly used obscenities and continued yelling, accusing us of trespassing. Seriously, what is happening to the other guy? As I understand it: he was armed, he was drunk, he accused you of trespassing, he used obscenities, he took part in the removal of the coil from your vehicle, and HE was the one who kept it in his saddle bag. I think that in spite of his later attempt at damage control (which might count as a mitigating circumstance), he was fully complicit in the Assault with the deadly weapon. Since he's the one who kept the coil, he should at least be charged with unlawful detention/imprisonment. So - why is only the Native American being tried? Quote
+Right Wing Wacko Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 [...] When arriving back at the Jeep we were confronted by two men on horseback with revolvers. [...] We found out later that they had removed the coil cable from the Jeep engine to prevent us from leaving. The white man had the coil cable in his saddle bag. [...] They regularly used obscenities and continued yelling, accusing us of trespassing. Seriously, what is happening to the other guy? As I understand it: he was armed, he was drunk, he accused you of trespassing, he used obscenities, he took part in the removal of the coil from your vehicle, and HE was the one who kept it in his saddle bag. I think that in spite of his later attempt at damage control (which might count as a mitigating circumstance), he was fully complicit in the Assault with the deadly weapon. Since he's the one who kept the coil, he should at least be charged with unlawful detention/imprisonment. So - why is only the Native American being tried? I suspect it could be a matter of identifying him. They know the name of the Native American since he was called by name by the other person. The police were probably able to determine who it was from this identification, as they know who the trouble makers are. Short of the Native American rolling on his partner, determining who he is could be problematic. Another possibility is that this second un-named person cooperated in the investigation and perhaps pled guilty to a lessor charge in return for this cooperation. We may never really know. Quote
+GEM's Posted May 19, 2004 Author Posted May 19, 2004 So - why is only the Native American being tried? I'm really not sure. I believe both are locals in the Elbe area. I have not been asked for my thoughts. I simply filed a police report over a year ago...next thing I know I got a letter saying he was captured. Quote
+shunra Posted May 19, 2004 Posted May 19, 2004 [...] When arriving back at the Jeep we were confronted by two men on horseback with revolvers. [...] We found out later that they had removed the coil cable from the Jeep engine to prevent us from leaving. The white man had the coil cable in his saddle bag. [...] They regularly used obscenities and continued yelling, accusing us of trespassing. Seriously, what is happening to the other guy? As I understand it: he was armed, he was drunk, he accused you of trespassing, he used obscenities, he took part in the removal of the coil from your vehicle, and HE was the one who kept it in his saddle bag. I think that in spite of his later attempt at damage control (which might count as a mitigating circumstance), he was fully complicit in the Assault with the deadly weapon. Since he's the one who kept the coil, he should at least be charged with unlawful detention/imprisonment. So - why is only the Native American being tried? I suspect it could be a matter of identifying him. They know the name of the Native American since he was called by name by the other person. The police were probably able to determine who it was from this identification, as they know who the trouble makers are. Short of the Native American rolling on his partner, determining who he is could be problematic. Even so, the case would have to be brought against both of them, against Ronnie X and anonymous. Besides, was Ronnie's full name ever mentioned anywhere? Another possibility is that this second un-named person cooperated in the investigation and perhaps pled guilty to a lessor charge in return for this cooperation. We may never really know. This sounds more likely, but I would assume that that would be a matter of public record, wouldn't it? Is anyone going to attend the court session? GEM's. will you and your hiking partners be summoned to testify? Quote
+GEM's Posted May 19, 2004 Author Posted May 19, 2004 I plan to make the court session an event cache. Hwever I'm not sure if the actual date is set yet. I have not been summoned to testify. Quote
+GEM's Posted May 22, 2004 Author Posted May 22, 2004 New Information...Travis? 04/26/2004 RECEIPT OF DISCOVERY 04/26/2004 ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE 04/26/2004 ORDER ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF RELEASE 04/26/2004 PRE-TRIAL REPORT 04/27/2004 Notice of Appearance 05/13/2004 ORDER SETTING TRIAL DATE 05/19/2004 ORDER FOR HEARING 6/1/04 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE CDPJ CONTINUANCE 6/10/04 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE CDPJ JURY TRIAL Quote
+GEM's Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 runhills does Buck's Crossing GC52A7 for his 600th find! He is only the 2nd finder on an 8 mile uphill hike on a cache that has only been found once since 4/28/02. Congrats runhills! Here's his log: I visited this cache today as my 600th find. My wife and I had a long discussion as to why I wanted to do this particular one. My answer..... ....well lets just say that an isolated incident should not change the way we behave!After determining land ownership, I choose to walk in from the horse camp thus staying on public land. Man those horses can muck up a trail in the rainy season. I didn't see anybody other than a few folks grabbing up camp spots for the long weekend. I found the cache in great condition, the roll of TP was completely dry. I will post my track log of the 4 mile (one way) approach that I used. I traded nothing but proudly took up a page in the basically empty logbook. Thanks for the fun and I am sorry about the events that the first finders are still experiencing. Quote
+travisl Posted June 1, 2004 Posted June 1, 2004 New Information...Travis?... 6/1/04 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE CDPJ CONTINUANCE 6/10/04 08:30 AM CRIMINAL DIVISION- PRESIDING JUDGE CDPJ JURY TRIAL Not sure. It looks like there may have been a motion for a continuance (a postponement of the jury trial), and that motion was heard this morning. I'd suspect we'll see more info up today or tomorrow. (I'm sure if I did criminal law stuff at all, this would make a lot more sense to me, but there's not that much court action when all you do is write wills.) Quote
+GEM's Posted June 2, 2004 Author Posted June 2, 2004 06/01/2004 08:30 AM OMNIBUS HEARING CONTINUED 06/01/2004 08:30 AM CONTINUANCE HELD 06/10/2004 08:30 AM JURY TRIAL CONTINUED 06/15/2004 08:30 AM OMNIBUS HEARING 06/29/2004 08:30 AM JURY TRIAL Travis was right, new Info posted today...This is getting confusing. Quote
+Team Noltex Posted June 2, 2004 Posted June 2, 2004 The only way to know for sure is to talk to the prosecutor assigned to the case. Ask about the status of your case and any plea agreement offers. The squeaky wheel (of justice) definately gets the grease. The more you care, the more he will care and the more likely something approaching justice will be done. Quote
+GEM's Posted June 19, 2004 Author Posted June 19, 2004 Ronnie has been released. I spoke with the deputy Prosecuting Attorney today. They are still working on a out of court settlement. Should see something soon. Quote
+travisl Posted June 29, 2004 Posted June 29, 2004 The trial was scheduled for, like, now. Any news? Quote
+GEM's Posted June 30, 2004 Author Posted June 30, 2004 Ronnie was a no show in court today...Prosectuing Attorney called me to let me know that they will be adding "Bond Skipping" to the charges. There is a new bench warrant out for his arrest. 06/29/2004 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR BENCH WARRANT Stay Tuned. Quote
+shunra Posted June 30, 2004 Posted June 30, 2004 Ronnie was a no show in court today...Prosectuing Attorney called me to let me know that they will be adding "Bond Skipping" to the charges. There is a new bench warrant out for his arrest. 06/29/2004 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR BENCH WARRANT Stay Tuned. Did you ask them what they're doing about the other guy? As I understand it: he was armed, he was drunk, he accused you of trespassing, he used obscenities, he took part in the removal of the coil from your vehicle, and HE was the one who kept it in his saddle bag. I think that in spite of his later attempt at damage control (which might count as a mitigating circumstance), he was fully complicit in the Assault with the deadly weapon. Since he's the one who kept the coil, he should at least be charged with unlawful detention/imprisonment. So - why is only the Native American being tried? Staying tuned. Quote
The Good Stuff Posted July 3, 2004 Posted July 3, 2004 We spoke with the deputy prosecuting attorney, he has insisted the defendant is prosecuted guilty as charged. No plea bargain. He told us that he would have a deputy find the defendant and honor the bench warrant, bringing the defendant to jail, they know where he lives and where he visits. We do see that he is still NOT in custody. The DPA said the defendant will have a tough time getting out of jail as bail jumping is very serious. The DPA said the prosecution of this case will be suspended until the defendant has been arrested on the warrant. The next time we speak with the DPA I will ask him about "the other guy". A detective told us they found "Ronnie" by finding "the other guy" first. "The other guy" gave them Ronnie's info. The detective indicated they found "the other guy" by doing a property search in the area and investigating from that information. It looks as though the other guy was the property owner and "Ronnie" was visiting "the other guy". We will find out why charges are not being pressed on "the other guy". Quote
+shunra Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 We spoke with the deputy prosecuting attorney, he has insisted the defendant is prosecuted guilty as charged. No plea bargain. He told us that he would have a deputy find the defendant and honor the bench warrant, bringing the defendant to jail, they know where he lives and where he visits. We do see that he is still NOT in custody. The DPA said the defendant will have a tough time getting out of jail as bail jumping is very serious. The DPA said the prosecution of this case will be suspended until the defendant has been arrested on the warrant. The next time we speak with the DPA I will ask him about "the other guy". A detective told us they found "Ronnie" by finding "the other guy" first. "The other guy" gave them Ronnie's info. The detective indicated they found "the other guy" by doing a property search in the area and investigating from that information. It looks as though the other guy was the property owner and "Ronnie" was visiting "the other guy". We will find out why charges are not being pressed on "the other guy". Thanks for the update about the other half of the story - I appreciate it! Quote
The Good Stuff Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Ronnie Hartgrove is still at large. The prosecuting attorney Steve Penner told us that all precedings would stop until he was back in custody. We are checking daily for him to be captured. Quote
+Zartimus Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Man what an interesting post. I hope they bring the guy in soon. Quote
koz Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 (edited) but did you f ind the cache????? Edited August 24, 2004 by kosarin Quote
+EraSeek Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Shunra had a bit of a problem this last weekend too. They came across some 18 yr old riiffleing their car. The guy jumped back into his own car just when Shunra caught up with him. Shunra was dragged down the road (apparently with his arm in the window). The guy got away and is on the run. Shunra evidently had some minor injuries, and he, his friend, and daughter are pretty emotionally shaken up by all of it. Stay safe out there. Stay aware. Quote
+Bull Moose Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Shunra had a bit of a problem this last weekend too. They came across some 18 yr old riiffleing their car. The guy jumped back into his own car just when Shunra caught up with him. Shunra was dragged down the road (apparently with his arm in the window). The guy got away and is on the run. Shunra evidently had some minor injuries, and he, his friend, and daughter are pretty emotionally shaken up by all of it. Stay safe out there. Stay aware. OK, I think this cache needs to be upped to a 5 star. The specialized equipment? A 45 and a carry permit. (How's that WA law again about not needing a carry permit for use during outdoor recreation?) Quote
+WeightMan Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Shunra had a bit of a problem this last weekend too. They came across some 18 yr old riiffleing their car. The guy jumped back into his own car just when Shunra caught up with him. Shunra was dragged down the road (apparently with his arm in the window). The guy got away and is on the run. Shunra evidently had some minor injuries, and he, his friend, and daughter are pretty emotionally shaken up by all of it. Stay safe out there. Stay aware. What cache was it that Shunra had the problem with? I checked his found caches and don't see a log. Quote
+Dagg Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Shunra had a bit of a problem this last weekend too. They came across some 18 yr old riiffleing their car. The guy jumped back into his own car just when Shunra caught up with him. Shunra was dragged down the road (apparently with his arm in the window). The guy got away and is on the run. Shunra evidently had some minor injuries, and he, his friend, and daughter are pretty emotionally shaken up by all of it. Stay safe out there. Stay aware. Shunra did you get his license plate#? Hope you are ok. Quote
+EraSeek Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 It was at Milltown crossing up along the skagit delta. Yes they got a licsnce plate. He hasn't logged yet but his friend has. Quote
+WeightMan Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 For those looking for a link, here it is. Quote
+Zartimus Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 (edited) For those looking for a link, here it is. I hope they nail that little b@5t@rd too. What's the world coming too. Kid needs some shock therapy. Edited August 24, 2004 by Zartimus Quote
+The Jester Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 WOW! Shunra, I'm glad you doing OK, that was a horrible thing to have to go through. So we don't take anything away from the on-going Buck's Crossing should we start another thread to follow this punk's fate? Quote
The Good Stuff Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 I emailed the prosecuting attorney last night to ask why he has not been picked up yet, no response yet! Let you know as soon as we hear something. Quote
CurmudgeonlyGal Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 So we don't take anything away from the on-going Buck's Crossing should we start another thread to follow this punk's fate? Yes. Quote
+shunra Posted August 26, 2004 Posted August 26, 2004 WOW! Quite a story! Buck's Crossing Mill Town Crossing Could that be a coincidence? Quote
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