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Holy Smokes! Cccooperagency Busts 5000 Finds!


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Anytime a "score" is kept--and the stats are a score to many folks--some people are going to be attracted by the competitve aspect of it. The hobby is many things to many people and if the stats aspect is of no interest to you, that's fine; you're free to ignore them.


However, it does exist--at least if for cachers who log finds to this site. And without question, CCCooperAgency is undeniably top of the stats.


If other cachers want to congratulate them, great! They deserve it--in fact, since we're relative newcomers to the forums, we'd like to do so as well.


It sounds as though you may have personal issues involved here. That's your business as well. We've had nothing but the most positive experiences every time we've met them.

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What other criteria would you suggest for the top cacher?

Ok, I have some other thoughts on criteria that "Top" cachers should have other than high stat totals:


1. CITO attendance and Trail Maintenance.

2. Quick response to cache maintenance when requested.

3. ALWAYS adhearing to THE rule that signing the logbook is required in order to get credit for a find?


I hope these aren't too personal.


Frankly, I'm in awe at the numbers myself. I just don't want this game to be all about numbers of finds and hides. There are many attributes to being a "top" cacher. High numbers of smily faces is only one of them.


A fine accomplishment Lynn!




edit: Duh!

Edited by Salvelinus
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Ok, I have some other thoughts on criteria that "Top" cachers should have other than high stat totals:


1.  CITO attendance and Trail Maintenance.

2.  Quick response to cache maintenance when requested.

3.  ALWAYS adhearing to THE rule that singing the logbog is required in order to get credit for a find?

I hardly ever sing while signing a logbook.

You should try it, it's quite liberating.

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I hardly ever sing while signing a logbook.

You should try it, it's quite liberating.

No, I don't think I'd agree with that, since I spend my entire work week making music. When I'm out hiking (or geocaching), I prefer hearing the aleatoric music produced by nature. It's those extremely rare moments of absolute silence that I find truly awesome and liberating.

Edited by Bassoon Pilot
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