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No Response From Bug Holder


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One of my bugs was picked up from this cache GC2047 ( Venice Beach Bug )

by Norbie on March 20th. I have e-mailed a couple of times asking them to log the bug out of the cache with no response. ;)

How have others handled this type of situation? ;)


Ken / Pezcachers

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many cachers don't understand that TBs need to be logged. Assuming they don't just eat your TB (or whatever those sorts do), your TB will get moved eventually and someone responsible will find it and deal with it. Don't get your hopes up tho.

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As owner of the bug you can and should move the bug to the "unknown" status. This is a choice from the dropdown menu on your tb page. Only the owner can move it to "unknown" status.

What Sagefox wrote and wait. They should have logged the find, but you have contacted them, so that and marking it missing (moving it to unknown) are the two things you can do. Under two weeks is nothing, like jbhooker3 wrote.

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There's a cache near me that supposedly has three bugs in it. I found the cache. There are no bugs in it. I emailed the cache owner and the owners of all three bugs to tell them they should be moved to an unknown location -- no response or action.... sooo many orphan bugs.



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:rolleyes: I had my first bug stuck with a cacher for a couple of months,but a nice email and a couple of forum posts and he contacted me apologized and moved the bug along. I myself have held some bugs for several weeks. If I do not come across a nice cache to place in I'll wait. Just not toooooo long.
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