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Any Good Ideas For Tbs

Team Flying Dachshund

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I have had a blast watching my two tbs in Germany that went there with an international Cache exchange. Might look into this. Send a couple of TB's to a different country. Give each a mission to go to some list of prominent features/cities/sites in that country and sit back and see if they are successful.

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bugs that want to just go someplace are a pain in the butt. they usually wind up orphaned at airport bug hotels. bugs that just travel around are much more popular and much more fun.


I have a few good ideas. But I'm not giving them to you. Get your own ideas. That's part of the fun.

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What objects (vehicles, animals, etc) do you like? If you could travel anywhere (hmmm, mainly in the US), where would you go? Send one of those to one of those, or just have it roam.


Look through some bugs that are out there. The gallery is one place to start.


Keep in mind that most things have been done and keep it simple.

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Something I read in one of the other forums and I thought a great idea:


Write your TB's goal on a card and laminate it. Attach it to the TB chain.


Now, if someone picks up finds the cache and hadn't read up on your TB, they will know what your goal is and either leave it for another or send it on it's proper way.


For example, I go caching and find a TB. I take it and go south on vacation and place it in a cache there. Say Aruba or something. Meanwhile, your TB goal is to hit every traditional cache in your home state. Since I didn't read the TB description online, I just fouled up your fun.


I wish I could remember whose idea this was. A quick search would probably tell you, but I am too lazy. :D

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We picked up a TB last weekend that I thought was pretty funny. It was a stuffed mouse (from www.spicemice.com) that "talks" -- Miguel Raton was his name.


It was setup similar to what New England n00b spoke of above in that it had the goal with it. It was in a zip lock back with a piece of paper with info about travel bugs in general and about the goal for this one. It said that Miguel is a big fan of Mexican food and wants to visit Mexican restaurants and have his picture taken in them. The kids enjoyed the pictures we took of him when we went out to eat and we posted them in the log for the bug.

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About a year ago my mother in law passed away. She was known to her grand kids as Nana. She was very much into the american indian culture and her ashes were spread in the cherokee indian reservation in North Carolina. In her honor my wife and I made a TB called Cherokee Nana. Cherokee Nana's goal is to travel to as many american indian reservations as posible collecting pictures of the area that it is visiting. Also as many pictures with real american indians from the reservations as possible. This bug will be launched in the next 2 weeks with a new geocach of ours near Newark Ohio.

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One thing about travel bugs is that your going to want to get lots of photo's on them....


I would suggest you have it as a goal to have the bug pic's taken with very common items/events such as ....


your hometown cop car, baseball field, city hall, out shopping, stupid sign on the road, local beach, with kids, with pets, geocaching events, somebody's birthday party, with another TB, Tavern, etc.....

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I have two travel bugs that I am prowd of. One is "Do a good turn daily". It is a mini compas with a laminated not asking the person to do an act of service before forwarding the bug. The second is "Geobaby's story book". It is a little childs story book. When one logs on it is his job to add a paragraph. Many locak cachers have writain themselfs into the book.

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