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You Know You're A Geocaching Addict When...


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You know you're a geocaching addict when ... your kids ask you "are we almost there?" and you proceed to give them distance, ETA, routings, nearby restaurants and 'velocity made good.'




You know you're a geocaching addict when ... your idea of a work day consists of planning caching routes and printing off cache pages and maps.


I've just read every list provided by Sparky-Watts' links (what else could there possibly be to do on a beautiful Saturday afternoon??) and have compiled a list of "You Know You're A Geocaching Addict When..." greatest hits.



when you name your kids Transverse Mercator


If you automatically attempt decrypting e-mail before you realize it's spam!


>From: Miguel Mcnabb [mailto:leanoradrowne@v-sexi.com]

>Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:51 PM



>krxbnl:cayrq oewslextn fewh iwxfpdmm?x


>4200304 Live the life you only dreamed about.



Cache Viking:

You tell your kids who are wanking & whining to quite that UPINYACHITIN


...when you peek out the window of a Boeing 737 at 30,000 feet and think, "Man, I'm probably actually looking at a hundred geocaches up here!"


You know when your are addicted when the permanent crease in the back of your neck from staring at a computer screen for 25 years heals itself from looking down at your GPS all the time. (I feel better all ready!)


Even the sound of gunshots doesn't stop you.


...the address printed on your checks is N 32° 55.608 W 097° 13.992 (WGS-84)


...your a guy wearing miniature GPS earrings.


...you wear a Geocaching decoder ring instead of your wedding ring.


- the people at the Dollar Store know you on a first name basis and show you where all of the new stuff is upon your arrival.


*You mark/capture the coordinates of all your favorite hangouts, just so you can know their coordinates (not like you'll ever use them or anything).

*you no longer talk to your friends about geocaching -- none of them will allow it.

*Your dog is no longer excited to jump into the car with you.

*You go to geocaching.com and position your mouse pointer on the link you want - before the page is drawn.

*And friends who cant read a GPS display just arent as good of friends anymore...

*Your kids wonder where all their stuff went.


...every time you get home, your cat comes up to you like she was never going to see you again... and it's almost justified.


...the "local" section on your caching TODO list includes te entire state of Louisiana.


...you know at least twenty-five people who have said, "Oh, cool! I wanna come," and so far you've actually been accompanied by three of them.


...you look for fellow geocaching enthusiasts as a date qualification

...you go geocaching on your first (and second, and third) dat


When the gals down at the 99 cent store call and tell you when the latest shipment got in, and what was in it on your REQUEST list.


Your driveway is covered with cache box silhouettes where you spray-painted them.


You spot some interesting places to hide a cache....while watching Shrek

This one was linked to another thread, but unfortunately the link no longer works... must have been an interesting one, though:



...when you name your GPSr .


...when you take your family to a deserted location 50 miles from home in the dark, in the woods, with a flashlight that's going out, it's 40 degrees, the kids are whining, your wife twists her ankle, and when they turn to go back to the car, you shout "QUITTERS!"


I think I'm on the sofa tonight...

Prime Suspect:

You request in your will that your headstone should read:


Congratulations, you've found my grave!

Intentionally or not!

What is this hidden container sitting here for?

What the heck is this thing doing here with my remains in it?

It is part of a worldwide game dedicated to ...


After your funeral you have travel bugs attached to containers of your ashes so you can continue to play the game...even in your afterlife

And my personal favorite (even though I know that at least one person here now really does have a geocaching tattoo:



What, nobody has a tattoo yet? I was thinking of getting my "mom" one redone with "geocaching".



To quote Homer, "It's funny because it's true!"


There, now you don't have to read them all! I think I need a nap. :huh:

Posted (edited)
...spend twenty minutes putting together a post in response to a post. 


Common Sparky, live and let live.  Not everyone's been here for years.

Well, I found all of those in the 7 extra days I was a member before the OP.......


EDIT: ....not to mention that I've got all the dead-horse topics pasted on my clipboard for easy access, so it only took me 10 seconds to reply... :rolleyes:

Edited by Sparky-Watts

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