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Using Mymeridian To Modify Sportrack Color


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Use this trick in your mapsend software instead.

This is how I did my Sportrak Map.


30) Upgrading the "Copyright" screen

Some versions of Mapsend have a “Woodall’s” copyright screen that appears during power on. To change the

copyright screen, go to the Mapsend program directory, navigate to the ‘MAP’ subdirectory and look for the

Export.cfg file. Open it in Notepad and look for the lines:


1=Woodall's ©

2=All rights


To keep these old lines but not show them place a semicolon before the number, and add the new lines. For



;1=Woodall's ©

;2=All rights


1=My Name

2=My Address.

3=Nowhere, NY 12345


Remember, the lines with the semi -colon don't count and don't show up anywhere.

Bonus: the lines will print in numerical order (for whatever that's worth).

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YES - I did this with my STColor, but it's all for naught if you're using DirectRoute maps. The DR maps invoke a different "lawyer" screen. I believe that there are people who successfully changed that screen, but not with MyMeridian.


You need to modify the MyMeridian.ini file to recognize the ever-so-slight differences between the Meridian-series and the ST-series firmware. My .ini file looks like this:




;Magellan GPS types supported

;  0 = Meridian Gold, Platinum, or Marine

;  1 = Map330 series

;  2 = Meridian Green (firmware split at V3.12 (April 17, 2002)




Message=Craig Doerrmann\nAddress1\nAddress2\nPhone\nEmail\nThank you.










English=All data is provided


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I'll have to check for the "Woodall's screen on my Sportrack since i am uploading and downloading maps anyway. i never noticed it before. I really didn't want to reload the firmware anyway. i haven't used Direct Route yet. Does it work well on the ST Color? I've heard it modifies a lot of settings and was wondering what that would do to my caching screens (routing with map and compass). Thanks for the help.


Mapsend sure makes the GPS a lot more useful and fun. It also adds a lot of detail to the lake shorelines, rivers, and creeks which is what I was after more than than the street POIs. Works great, thanks again RockyRiver.




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