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How often do you cache?


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That is a good number in one day. My son and I are going to possibly go out by ourselves this weekend and see what we come up with. We went to do one last night. All 4 of us. and we got stumped. Actually according to the GPs we were about 130 off of it, but we were stopped by a very steep hil. Wasn't sure if it was up there. Went up about 15 or 20 feet but it was getting very difficult with the thorns and brush and all and was a little muddy from the rain in the previous days. Add the fact that the mosquitos were very bad, we called it quits on that one. Came home and saw others logs that it was on top of the hill. So hopefully he and I can go get that one this weekend for sure if not sooner. Will be easier without the toddler.


Brian Wood

Woodsters Outdoors


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I won't do more than five per day, nor spend more than five hours caching. (So on a day I do "easy caches," I might do the five in an hour or less ... but on a "hard cache" day, I might use up all five hours on one hike. I'll "go overtime" for a truly excellent hike. icon_wink.gif )


A nice average to aim for at the end of each month is one find per day.

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I/We don't go out nearly as much as I would like. We have been at this for 15 months and only have 37 Finds and 3 DNF's. This averages 2.5 per month which is not a whole lot icon_frown.gif


Some days I/We can hit 5 or 6 and then go a month without hitting any. I wish I could set a goal for 30 a month, but not all caches around me interest me, and the ones that do are getting further and further away.






Krs, Kar & Na

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It varies. I think I average about about a cache a week. Sometimes more and more often less. My record was 8 finds in a day, but that was when a bunch of us local geocachers got together for a group hunt.


I own a good number of caches, so maint trips cut into my hunting time, as do scouting trips to look for new places to hide caches.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"

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I go out alone through the week if the mood hits me. I usually make one of my children go with me on the week-ends. My husband has gone a few week-ends, but I try to choose those hikes accordingingly as he has rheumatoid arthritis and he needs to "build up" for the longer hikes. I'm in no hurry to find every cache in my 100 mile radius. Lately I have been eyeing some hide sites, (I haven't hidden one yet).


As for your "not found", may I suggest that you took the wrong trail? There may just be another way up that hill? I'm saying this from experience. I once gave up after climbing up a thorny hill, but the second try I realized that there was a trail on the other side of the hill.


Good luck and happy caching!



Prophetically Challenged

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I have just started but I have been looking for close caches to do at lunch. If I get stumped then I usually go back after work and find them. When they start to get further away then I plan to hit them on the weekend and make a nice trip out of it.


- GoatSniFFer


"Don't you hate it when the toliet paper rips?"


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We found 305 caches in our first year of geocaching. An average week is about four caches. But, when we travel out of town, or if Daddy is hunting caches on his own, then the numbers rack up quicker... seven to twelve per day. We have not yet attempted to do a day that is absolutely dedicated to finding the maximum number of caches possible. More typically, we will choose a few "destination" caches, like a multicache or a cache rated 3 or higher for terrain, and then do all the easier caches on the way to the destination caches. Or, we will choose a new park or a new town and visit there for the day, finding all the caches in that area as well as enjoying a playground, bike trail, restaurant or shopping.



Some mornings, it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips

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We go out when we can. Both of us have busy schedules so it's hard to coordinate time to do it together more than a couple of times a month so far. I go out on my own more, but not too much more. I'll go out looking for micros on my own and hold off on full sized caches until me and Willow can search together. So far I've found 2 micros in one day. That's my record, haha. There's a cache that I've wanted to drop a TB in for over a week now but haven't had a chance to make it there yet. Just too busy *sigh*



Team Kender - "The Sun is coming up!" "No, the horizon is going down."

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Well, I've finally slowed my pace down...getting house ready to paint, March I got 138 finds, 84 in April, and close to 100 in May. June is on slower pace. 760 finds in just over a year.


Excluding Yak cache machine (61 caches in one day), my binge days are usually around 10 caches. Best solo day total is 17 caches. I'm going to Wenatchee solo s9ometime this summer so I should break that total wide open when I do.


My excel spreadsheet reveals that I average 40.75 caches a month.

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I try to cache a few times each week. Sometimes its just grabbing one on the way home. About once per month, however, I spend the entire day and find 10-20+.


This week has been the exception. Yesterday, I found ten at lunch. Today at lunch, my numbers were 11 finds, 1 no-find, and 2 aborts because mundanes were loitering in the area.

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I'm going out an average of a couple of times a week. At first I thought I'd be caching only on the weekends, but I find I am attempting many of the urban micros that are close to me in the early a.m. before I go into work. I have yet to do a traditional, out-in-the-desert, up on a mountain cache, but I am looking forward to it!

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im pretty new at this still but i have over 70 finds my imediate area is now pretty much done for me and the two closest towns arnt much better i would cache 3-4 days a week if there were enough caches to sustain me because it is a great way to see places i havnt been to mostly because i didnt even knkow half theese places existed. theese days i find my self revisiting old sites to trade travel bugs. if i cant get my cache count up i can get my bug count up.. and still get my exersise.

Originally posted by mozartman:

I'm going out an average of a couple of times a week. At first I thought I'd be caching only on the weekends, but I find I am attempting many of the urban micros that are close to me in the early a.m. before I go into work. I have yet to do a traditional, out-in-the-desert, up on a mountain cache, but I am looking forward to it!


Hard in Easy Out![8D]

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I'm in Chicago metro ... which is cache rich, numbers wise.


I've been going out at lunch and hitting 1 with coworkers 2-3x a week and hitting one on or near my commute route as I can.


Weekends I've been trying to do one or two with the kids ... I don't really see myself doing that many in a day unless they are on top of each other in the same park system ... I like to enjoy the destination area if it's someplace I've never been before.


On the other hand, I'm off today and printed off 5 that are within 1.5 miles of each other in the same forest preserve that I plan to chase today; so I guess it depends, but overall I'd rather enjoy the destination than chase pure numbers. .... though an odd contradiction was last week when I went at lunch with a coworker found stage 1 of a multi which was a historic landmark that needed date math ... we both did the math and neither of us read the plaque :D

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Originally posted by ZingerHead:

Ten at lunch? Huh? Isn't there a .1 mile rule where you are? Or do you take 8 hour lunch breaks? ...

It wasn't a hurculean effort and I'm hardly an ubercacher. This area has recently spawned a ton of micro caches. Once I lined them up, it was pretty easy to knock them down.
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This topic is a couple of weeks old, we realize, but we were looking back through the message forum and thought this was an interesting question. We live about 35 miles northwest of Atlanta, so there is no shortage of caches in our vicinity. However, our approach so far has been to do 1-2 at a time. We have yet to dedicate a whole day or even anything approaching a half day to caching. That way, we still have plenty of local caches to search for and we don't have to travel too far for now. I am sure our caching will pick up as time goes on. When the weather cools down in the fall, we will probably do longer excursions. Right now, it is just too fetched hot to stay out for too long...

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You guys are too much...I love it!


I havn't found one cache yet and I can't wait to even to start looking. The closest cache to me is 110 miles away, by way of the only road out of here. I know the area well and can picture it in my mind. Its http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=b332047f-3ca6-4d9b-aa69-35cd1b873202 .


I got my eye on Tazlina View as my first find. And its absorbing a lot of my time and I love it!


I love reading all your great adventures, too. Especially enjoy the lunch ones. Cracks me up icon_biggrin.gif

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We generarlly cache once a week and usually go for 4 or five hides so we can enjoy the hikes and the ride. Somnetime if we cache both days of the weekend we will do between 9 and 12. Our most in one day was 9. We are slow pokes who read the logs and have a whole system when we get to a cache. Now if we go a few weeks without caching we get cache crazy like when we remodeled in May and didn;t cache for a while.


Wags, Russ & Erin

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I am also a "binge cacher", sometimes my binges will last 4 to 14 days and I will average 25 or more a day... Then I will go a month or so and only do a little caching and get only 25 or so in a month. Overall, I have averaged about 4 a day for the 22 months I have been caching.

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I thought I was absolutely crazy. Some of you make me feel sane. I've done 52 in 5 1/2 weeks. I try to do 4 on a weekend now that it is getting hot and I try to find something I can do at lunch at least every other day. Sometimes I have to go back due to time restrictions, etc. I've gotten into the hiding also. That actually takes longer than the caching. I'm fortunate to live in a large Metro area where there are alot of caches.

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I travel on my job, so when my caching partner and I get together on a weekend we pretty much plan for the whole day. Sometimes starting while it is dark and finishing when it is dark. The caches are pretty well spread out so it takes time and gas to get to them. We always have a good time, but unfortunately our wives are less then impressed. Can't win them all I guess.

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I try to get out every day or two to get at least a little in. The temp is getting such that I don't want to spend too much time out, but I have a 14 cache day planned just before I go on vacation where I have 53 caches planned. icon_smile.gif


Sad thing is, there's a number of caches on my vacation that I will likely get first find on.



Team A.I.

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We started caching on Dec. 27, 2002. In 6 short months, we have found 205 caches. We have found as many as 14 in a day, other days are numbered with 2 hard ones in a day. It gets us out of the house, however, with the Las Vegas heat, those numbers are sure to go down. We cache mostly on the weekends, but often, go out for a couple of hours after work. We have cached in Nv, Az, Ut, and Ca.

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Are we trying to find out where the point of total addiction is ?????


Having just started I can't seem to get enough time to go hunting.


Since I travel to job sites during the work week I have been searching cache locations near the jobsites. There goes my lunch hour.


Skipping lunch and hiking all over the place may pay off with a slimmer waistline.

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we started in March and have about 50 finds at this point. We normally go once a week or so. However we are planning a full day in the next few weeks with a goal of 21 caches.


We have the maps ready and we are planning our routes at the moment. Has anyone had any full day cache trips? And if so, how many were you able to get?



Searching through the cave. Team VaxCave.


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I find about three caches every other day or so -- sometimes in binges of 5-12 in a day, othertimes not any in 3-4 days. Working on #500 by my first anniversary. You can look at my profile to see when I've hit each 50 mark to get a feel for my caching frequency.


I keep roughly 500 to 700 caches loaded up in my GPS and my Palm Pilot covering San Jose, Sacramento, Monterey, Central Valley or wherever I happen to be within about 100 miles from home -- data refreshed every other day.


I never know when the fever will hit! icon_biggrin.gif

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