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As you may or may not know- it looks as though there is going to be a return to the moon by NASA within a decade or so. With this in mind- wouldn't it be awesome if somehow we could collectively lobby NASA, or whomever would be more appropriate, to place a geocache on the moon. ( i guess it would have to be a lunar cache- or something of that sort...) I don't know exactly how you would log the coords (as GPS is earth based), or even how anyoneone else would log a visit- BUT wouldn't that be cool?!!?




Yeah, that would be pretty cool, and geocaching would get a lot of publicity if something like this happened, even though it'd be highly unlikely. But it would be even cooler (depending on one's point of view) if astronauts on the next trip after the geocaching hide tried to find it....AND IT WASN'T THERE!!! Dun, dun, dun....


Um... It couldn't really be a geocache, as a geocache by definition can be located with a GPS. So basically you're suggesting that NASA put a box of stuff on the moon just to put a box of stuff on the moon. I doubt they'll be convinced. :D


True, it would not technically be a geocache- but the moon does have a navigation coord. system. I would be willing to bet that if, for some miraculous reason, there ever was a cache placed on the moon, there would be exceptions made to the typical geocaching rules. A question to pose to fellow readers: If you could place something in a cache to go on the moon- what would it be?


I guess in response to my own question, I think i would try to send a sort of solar powered radio beacon- that puts out a regular beep on a specific freq. that given the right time of day you could hear with a radio. I think that way, you could actually log it.

If you could place something in a cache to go on the moon- what would it be?


Hmm... a CD full of classical masterpieces ranging from Hildegard von Begin to John Williams. What better way to introduce all those alien cachers to the human race?


Actually GPS does work on the moon (at least I have been told it does)(only on the earth side) but it will give you earth coords and a really big altitude so it really isn;t helpfull as the earth coords it is over will change constantly

Yeah, that would be pretty cool, and geocaching would get a lot of publicity if something like this happened, even though it'd be highly unlikely. But it would be even cooler (depending on one's point of view) if astronauts on the next trip after the geocaching hide tried to find it....AND IT WASN'T THERE!!! Dun, dun, dun....

I like the way you think wray-clan. On a similar line, what if some abnormal act of astrophysics occurs, say the moon breaks its orbit and flies off into space and the earth is sucked into the sun along with all satelites, the hubble telescope, etc... The "lunacache" would be one of a few surviving evidences of human intelligent life.... think of that!


But it would be even cooler (depending on one's point of view) if astronauts on the next trip after the geocaching hide tried to find it....AND IT WASN'T THERE!!! Dun, dun, dun



What if the next astronayts found it and the log was signed by ALIENS!


"Coords are way off, found it sitting out in the open so I moved it to a better spot. With all those footprints in the dirt, I kept a close watch for muggles.


Took solid gold Nasa logo'd time tablet, left keychain pocket knife and BadAndy travelbug"

"Coords are way off, found it sitting out in the open so I moved it to a better spot. With all those footprints in the dirt, I kept a close watch for muggles.


Took solid gold Nasa logo'd time tablet, left keychain pocket knife and BadAndy travelbug"

good point, all the footprints would make it really easy to find it could be the first 1/5

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