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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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Hard to say whether the fake finds stopped because people could no longer find the zip tie, or because of the log by cacher who refused to log a zip tie as a find.....


Needs Archived

04/08/2016 This cache has not been found for over a year.


Didn't find it

03/14/2016 :(


Didn't find it

12/01/2015 Add me to the list of those who couldn't find the cache...

Didn't find it

04/04/2015 Sorry but we don't claim zip ties and we don't drop New containers. Needs checked by owner. Thanks for the quick and easy series. Thanks for showing us more of an area we have been past many times.


Found it

04/04/2015 Like all of the previous cachers, found the ziptie but did not have a similiar sized cache to replace. Thanks for the work on this series.


Found it

03/29/2015 found zip tie, container missing. looked all around in weeds no luck. CO should check


Found it

03/21/2015 Found the zip tie ..the container is gone.


Found it

03/18/2015 Out caching with Team TFTC. Actually found only the zip tie cache container missing. Needs repair.


Found it

03/18/2015 Found hanger no container needs attention


Found it

03/18/2015 Found the hanger but no container


Found it

03/18/2015 Team found hanger. CO needs to check this one.


Didn't find it

03/15/2015 Couldn't find today. .. will give it a try another day.


Found it

03/10/2015 Found empty hanger at GZ. Needs a new container.


Found it

03/10/2015 823 0 1:35 PM - D - Found empty hanger. Cache needs maintenance.

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One of the caches we visited yesterday and logged a DNF (+NM) for was also visited by a newbie on his quest for his 100th find. A goal that he achieved because of a log like this:


Een prachtige lentedag die uitnodigt om op cacheavontuur te gaan. En vandaag zijn we supergemotiveerd want cache nr 100 staat op het menu :-). We hervatten dit toertje voor een nieuw deeltraject die rekening houdt met onze jongste cachebeentjes.


Hier hebben we de klassieke klip van de container gevonden maar de container is verdwenen! We loggen toch als gevonden omdat we de klip hebben gevonden ... Needs maintenance...



Nice spring day to go on a cache adventure. Supermotivated to find #100 today. We continue this tour taking our youngest cachelegs into account.


We found the classic fixture but container is gone. Logging as a found because we found the fixture. Needs maintenance.

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Hard to say whether the fake finds stopped because people could no longer find the zip tie, or because of the log by cacher who refused to log a zip tie as a find.....


Needs Archived

04/08/2016 This cache has not been found for over a year.


Didn't find it

03/14/2016 :(


Didn't find it

12/01/2015 Add me to the list of those who couldn't find the cache...

Didn't find it

04/04/2015 Sorry but we don't claim zip ties and we don't drop New containers. Needs checked by owner. Thanks for the quick and easy series. Thanks for showing us more of an area we have been past many times.


Found it

04/04/2015 Like all of the previous cachers, found the ziptie but did not have a similiar sized cache to replace. Thanks for the work on this series.


Found it

03/29/2015 found zip tie, container missing. looked all around in weeds no luck. CO should check


Found it

03/21/2015 Found the zip tie ..the container is gone.


Found it

03/18/2015 Out caching with Team TFTC. Actually found only the zip tie cache container missing. Needs repair.


Found it

03/18/2015 Found hanger no container needs attention


Found it

03/18/2015 Found the hanger but no container


Found it

03/18/2015 Team found hanger. CO needs to check this one.


Didn't find it

03/15/2015 Couldn't find today. .. will give it a try another day.


Found it

03/10/2015 Found empty hanger at GZ. Needs a new container.


Found it

03/10/2015 823 0 1:35 PM - D - Found empty hanger. Cache needs maintenance.


Yeah technically if they found a "zip tie" then they DIDN't find the cache. I think we definately need a "Report phony log" button so people aren't logging caches as "found" when it was really a DNF.

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Based on the string of DNF's I came equipped with a replacement container and hid it where my best guess was for where it might be good to hide based on the clue. The CO is welcome to remove this cache if it isn't where the original was, or, God forbid, if the original is still there and I just didn't see it. Beautiful day to be out walking around, found all the others on this trail as well.
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Premium Member

[Caches Found] 9403

Found it


Out and about this morning in the showers to find a few caches.

I have noticed I have a small puzzle streak happening so I had better find one for today.

Having done that I might as well find a few more.

After getting soaked at the last cache I detoured to this one on the way home.

Like others before it seems to be missing .. but I have a small cache with log book available so I replaced this cache. So a new container and log book in a zip bag is now in place.

Thanks for the cache.


Premium Member Caches Found 1839

Needs Maintenance


As others have noted, the cache appears to be missing.


Premium Member

[Caches Found] 657

Didn't find it


After picking up the nearby XXXXX Point cache early this afternoon, we ventured out again after dinner to find another cache. Unfortunately a DNF for us - found the location and had a good look further afield, but no cache found on our visit this evening.

We will be back next time we visit the area - thanks


Premium Member

[Caches Found] 665

Didn't find it


Staying at Manning Park for a few days with Team xxxxxx.

After dinner the opportunity arose to make another find. So we headed out in the dark with GPS and coordinates in hand to locate the cache xxxxx Point Park. Parking nearby we then on foot walked a short distance to GZ. Once finding our bearings we found the likely hide location but there was no cache was found. We made a claim for a DNF and headed back to our dwelling for the night. We will be back another time.


Premium Member

Didn't find it



First day of DNF..

Definitely spot, took me half hr, no cache there...

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:) Found It!

12,000+ finds

.........and made the grab on this. Of course, with help from the CO since I could have climbed the tree IF my shoulder wasn't in such distress and IF I hadn't walked so darn far today and IF I didn't have so much gray on my old muzzle ...............TFTH!!

One of a handful noticed recently, all higher terrain hides.

..."If" only they'd do 'em themselves... :laughing:

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[Caches Found] 399

Found it


Found a enty cachcontainer without a cover o It

View Log


Charter Member

[Caches Found] 8158

Found it


I didn't realize that this had been inactive since I loaded my GPS before I left USA. The cache container is not there, but there is a log paper.

View Log



Premium Member

[Caches Found] 1179

Write note


Miejsce zmugolowane, ale wartościowe. Zastanawiam się, co z tym fantem zrobić :/

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After reading these posts, the only thing that goes through my mind is *Facepalm, Facepalm, Facepalm!* :blink:


Whats the point? If I go miles for a cache and it looks like it's going to be a DNF then it makes me look harder, it's the whole excitement and challenge of it. I've even decided to learn to climb with harness and rope to that I can tackle some cheeky T5 caches. DOH!!! :unsure: :unsure:

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After reading these posts, the only thing that goes through my mind is *Facepalm, Facepalm, Facepalm!* :blink:


Whats the point? If I go miles for a cache and it looks like it's going to be a DNF then it makes me look harder, it's the whole excitement and challenge of it. I've even decided to learn to climb with harness and rope to that I can tackle some cheeky T5 caches. DOH!!! :unsure: :unsure:


What's the point? If the cache is missing, log a "DNF" and move on. The point of the thread is to show how many cachers forget or just don't give a feck about the one and *only* published rule of geocaching: you must sign the log.


I've been caching for 14 years and this thread is still alive. Nice.

Edited by 9Key
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Premium Member

Caches Found 581

Found it 04/04/2016

So sad....no smiley....down to 50% on this series!! Lots of time spent but no cigar!! or log!!!


Thanks, CO, for allowing our thorough search where it should have been!! Great series!! We'll try to come back next April on way home from AZ to BC and find that elusive Number 1!!


Premium Member

Caches Found 1028

Found it 04/04/2016

AAAAaaargh!!! XXXX and I looked and looked....I was kinda thinking there was something to do with the bike lock and the word SLOW high-lighted in the text, but after trying several letter to word conversion ideas, were unsuccessful unlocking the lock, to see if log was tucked there....don't know that XXXX and I not knowing anything about bicycle mechanics hindered us....just not clever enough cachers today, but enjoyed working on this series!!! We're off home to Vancouver Island early tomorrow morning, so no second chance now to try again!!!

Thank you, CO. for allowing us a find, as we had looked in the correct spot!! Hope you get it back into service...very fun and clever series!!

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I generally delete caches with the last two logs as DNF from my GPX files. So went looking for this one today:


Found it 05/14/2016

Found the top


Found it 05/14/2016

Missing the rest of it, bummer


Found it 05/03/2016

Found cache, only the top part, no bottom or log sheet


Found it 04/29/2016

Well, we found 1/2 of it!! Couldn't sign log. TFTC.


Needs Maintenance 04/12/2016

We found the cache, but upon finding it we noticed the bottom half of the cache was missing. We tried looked around the area we found it in thinking it may have fallen off. But it looks like it may have been stolen.


Found it 04/07/2016

Found it, but the bottom half of the container and the log are missing. Looked around a little bit and couldn't find them.

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I don't have a specific log to cite here, but I do have an experience as a CO to share. I recently compared the paper logbook in one of my hides to the online logs. I was shocked at how many claimed a smiley without signing the actual log. "I took a photo because I didn't have a pen." No sign = no find. Those are the rules, don't cry or whine when you get caught not playing fair. You're welcome for deleting that shaming log that dishonors you and disrespects me and all other cachers that play the game.


I am now facing a dilemma, and I would like your feedback. If I continue to hide new caches, I will be compelled to check for these "phantom finders" and delete their unearned logs. I abhor cheaters. Given that, should I continue to publish new caches?


Thanks in advance!

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I don't have a specific log to cite here, but I do have an experience as a CO to share. I recently compared the paper logbook in one of my hides to the online logs. I was shocked at how many claimed a smiley without signing the actual log. "I took a photo because I didn't have a pen." No sign = no find. Those are the rules, don't cry or whine when you get caught not playing fair. You're welcome for deleting that shaming log that dishonors you and disrespects me and all other cachers that play the game.


I am now facing a dilemma, and I would like your feedback. If I continue to hide new caches, I will be compelled to check for these "phantom finders" and delete their unearned logs. I abhor cheaters. Given that, should I continue to publish new caches?


Thanks in advance!

This would be best in a new thread. This one is long enough without adding discussion. :)

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Premium Member


Found it



With the DNFs I knew it was not there even after a lot of looking. I had a replacement cache (log in a plastic bag). I have placed it as a temporary unto it can be replaced. This is too nice of a beach not to have an active cache.

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Premium Member


Found it



With the DNFs I knew it was not there even after a lot of looking. I had a replacement cache (log in a plastic bag). I have placed it as a temporary unto it can be replaced. This is too nice of a beach not to have an active cache.


A log in a bag.... definitely my favourite type of find! dry.gif



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Found it


will log this as found but CO can delete log if they don't feelit is legit.

Cache seems to be missing spent 20 minutes looking for the cache itself but no go,

But as per the description logging online is acceptable after emailing the info from the plaque to the CO which I have done so I would class this as a legal found log. If CO disagrees feel free to delete log.

thanks for bringing me to this piece of history


Two DNF before this found, one 6 months before, the other 5 weeks.

Edited by on4bam
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Found it


will log this as found but CO can delete log if they don't feelit is legit.

Cache seems to be missing spent 20 minutes looking for the cache itself but no go,

But as per the description logging online is acceptable after emailing the info from the plaque to the CO which I have done so I would class this as a legal found log. If CO disagrees feel free to delete log.

thanks for bringing me to this piece of history


Two DNF before this found, one 6 months before, the other 5 weeks.

Sounds like an NA is in order if the CO made this a virtual.

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Found it


will log this as found but CO can delete log if they don't feelit is legit.

Cache seems to be missing spent 20 minutes looking for the cache itself but no go,

But as per the description logging online is acceptable after emailing the info from the plaque to the CO which I have done so I would class this as a legal found log. If CO disagrees feel free to delete log.

thanks for bringing me to this piece of history


Two DNF before this found, one 6 months before, the other 5 weeks.

Sounds like an NA is in order if the CO made this a virtual.


CO hasn't been online for more than a year.

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Found it


will log this as found but CO can delete log if they don't feelit is legit.

Cache seems to be missing spent 20 minutes looking for the cache itself but no go,

But as per the description logging online is acceptable after emailing the info from the plaque to the CO which I have done so I would class this as a legal found log. If CO disagrees feel free to delete log.

thanks for bringing me to this piece of history


Two DNF before this found, one 6 months before, the other 5 weeks.

Sounds like an NA is in order if the CO made this a virtual.


CO hasn't been online for more than a year.


Even more reason then....

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Found it


will log this as found but CO can delete log if they don't feelit is legit.

Cache seems to be missing spent 20 minutes looking for the cache itself but no go,

But as per the description logging online is acceptable after emailing the info from the plaque to the CO which I have done so I would class this as a legal found log. If CO disagrees feel free to delete log.

thanks for bringing me to this piece of history


Two DNF before this found, one 6 months before, the other 5 weeks.

Sounds like an NA is in order if the CO made this a virtual.


CO hasn't been online for more than a year.


Even more reason then....


Not my fight. Just happened to come across this cache while preparing for our upcoming holiday (still months away).

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Sometimes, people put down "Throwdown" caches to say they found it, but the owner never checks to see whats really going on, so if the cache ends of being missing legitimately, even a "throwdown" An NA log is in order to stop people from "Finding" caches that aren't there.

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Found this listing GC5F0MH, cache went missing in 2015, I looked exactly where the hint said and it was gone and others DNFd it too, owner says they replaced it, but they didn't. a couple users posted found it logs but indicated they didn't find it. another user said "was it a "shell" ??? "


Good example of 4 logs where Found It = Didn't Find It.

Edited by Pond Bird
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Found this listing GC5F0MH, cache went missing in 2015, I looked exactly where the hint said and it was gone and others DNFd it too, owner says they replaced it, but they didn't. a couple users posted found it logs but indicated they didn't find it. another user said "was it a "shell" ??? "


Good example of 4 logs where Found It = Didn't Find It.


In this thread, we do not point out the individual cache or cacher. We just quote the log, such as:

Found it 12/26/2015

No luck here. Looked at the hint, still nothing.

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I have seen experienced catchers do this. Maddening because a bunch of people go look after that and no one finds them. I flagged one for archive. Another thing I have seen is a cache that no one can find, an interstate team comes through, writes a standard log for all the caches they find on the trip, and no one can find it after them. Guess there is a reason they have such a high log number?

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Another thing I have seen is a cache that no one can find, an interstate team comes through, writes a standard log for all the caches they find on the trip, and no one can find it after them. Guess there is a reason they have such a high log number?


Or they throwdown a pill bottle and claim their find with the standard, "Out with mega-geoteam-of-the-day. We found lots of geocaches today. Thanks to all the cache owners for hiding and maintaining their caches."

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on a local cache



[Premium Member] Premium Member

[Caches Found] 1654

Found it Found it


As others found, only engine there. Took photo





[Premium Member] Premium Member

[Caches Found] 877

Found it Found it


found remains of cache but like others have said nothing to sign,didnt have spare log or paper with me,next time i'm passing if this hasen't been repaired i will leave a log....


View Log




[Premium Member] Premium Member


[Caches Found] 88

Found it Found it



Out for a aftrrnoon walk for a few caches in local area no log book with this one just the train so took a picture tftc


View Log



[Premium Member] Premium Member

[Caches Found] 1301

Found it Found it


Found while out with the geohound, As others have said log is missing as is the camo-bag the cache it's self seems to be in need of repair. Have added extra stickaflauge so it is less obvious to passing muggles! Thanks for bringing us here really ought to use this path more frequently!

View Log



[Premium Member] Premium Member

[Caches Found] 2088

Needs Maintenance Needs Maintenance


Found bits of train



[Premium Member] Premium Member

[Caches Found] 1189

Found it Found it


Sorry to report that perhaps, this site needs re-assessing.

<br /> <br />

Having arrived and parked up, then, after making my usual schoolboy mistake, which meant climbing a very steep bank, I arrived at the cache site. However, before even beginning to search, I found the remains of the cache scattered over the path. I gathered it up, but not knowing where it should go, I re-cached it under the almost horizontal bow of a multi trunk tree. With no scroll to sign I merely initialed the hide feature.

<br /> <br />

Many thanks.

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Found it 06/01/2016

Yes I know it is missing, but I found where where it should have been and would have sign the log it it had been there.


The best thing to do for that person is log an NA saying "the cache appears to be gone, the owner isn't maintaning it...people are logging this as found although they didn't actually find the cache, and its time to get this one off the list so somebody else can hide a cache here that actually will maintain it and monitor the logs so people aren't logging fradulent finds."

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Found it 06/01/2016

Yes I know it is missing, but I found where where it should have been and would have sign the log it it had been there.


The best thing to do for that person is log an NA saying "the cache appears to be gone, the owner isn't maintaning it...people are logging this as found although they didn't actually find the cache, and its time to get this one off the list so somebody else can hide a cache here that actually will maintain it and monitor the logs so people aren't logging fradulent finds."


That is DEFINITELY NOT the case for a NA log. You have no idea what the state of the cache is. Maybe the CO is aware that the cache is missing and just hasn't had the chance to replace it? There is definitely no way anyone should post a Needs Archived log for this. It is up to the CO whether or not they decide to delete a log such as this. Maybe they gave specific permission to this person to log it as a find. Needs Archived logs should be used wisely and not put on caches just for logs such as this.

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Found it 06/01/2016

Yes I know it is missing, but I found where where it should have been and would have sign the log it it had been there.


The best thing to do for that person is log an NA saying "the cache appears to be gone, the owner isn't maintaning it...people are logging this as found although they didn't actually find the cache, and its time to get this one off the list so somebody else can hide a cache here that actually will maintain it and monitor the logs so people aren't logging fradulent finds."


Actually no. The cache does not need an NA. The CO is very active in the community and had already disabled the cache explaining the situation, prior to the found it note. Maybe I should have explained that, but this thread was about false found it logs, not if a cache needs an NA. There is another thread floating around about that.

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