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Stealth & Creative Caches

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I made a plug, a barrier pole, a sprinkler, a giant sign, a fake light, etc.. Copy them all.

A plug, as in outlet?

Tell me about the barrier pole. One of those 3" posts painted yellow?


(will share/trade container pics with non-Sandy Eggans)

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I have just hidden a multi where one part is a cat collar i.d. container 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch hidden in the woods. I also have two ready to hide with a steel fishing leader attached so they can be hung in small places. If anyone wants some ideas for these little containers e-mail me.

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I'm working on a couple for some local parks. One will resemble the yellow parking barriers( the ones that have chains stretched between them). The other one is meant to look like a gaspipe coming out of the ground. I don't know if you have them where you're at but we have them everywhere here. I'll e-mail a picture if you're not sure what I'm talking about.

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I just purchased a hide-key thermometer. Looks like an ordinary thermometer, but if you slide the face up, there is a compartment that will fit a film canister behind it.


Now the only issue is finding a spot where it would not look out of place. Maybe attached to a park's info kiosk?

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I've thought about using a roof ventilator as a cache. The trick will be finding the right place for it. Sometimes little leagues use those cargo shipping containers in the park. Its something a gutsy cacher might climb.


Imagine "hiding" something that big in plain sight!

Edited by Dan-oh
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I hid one in a haunted cache theme that was a styrofoam head with a wig on it. We hollowed out the back of the head (the whole was then covered by the wig), and a large freezerbag with the swag was placed inside. We used makup on the head for maximum eeriness. It was in a place that was relatively protected from the elements. The cache has received great reviews.


We have also been planning a pretty extensive multi to be posted in the next week or so. One of the containers is going to be a phone box. No, not a telephone booth. One of those green boxes that stick out of the ground usually next to telephone poles. We acquired one from a local co-op.

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I hid one in a haunted cache theme that was a styrofoam head with a wig on it. We hollowed out the back of the head (the whole was then covered by the wig), and a large freezerbag with the swag was placed inside. We used makup on the head for maximum eeriness. It was in a place that was relatively protected from the elements. The cache has received great reviews.


We have also been planning a pretty extensive multi to be posted in the next week or so. One of the containers is going to be a phone box. No, not a telephone booth. One of those green boxes that stick out of the ground usually next to telephone poles. We acquired one from a local co-op.

my brother did the one with the wig. he said it was creepy. :rolleyes:

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My GF and I found a cache recently that had an interesting extraction method. It was about 2 feet long by 2 inch diameter PVC pipe mounted vertically on the back of a sign post. It had a cap glued to the bottom. We look inside and saw something way at the bottom. Having some clues and seeing quarter inch weep-hole at the bottom. We figured what to do. She blocked the weep-hole with her finger while I proceeded to dump the water out of my CamelBak. Watching and pouring carefully, into the top of the pipe, I could hear the tube getting filled near the top, when out jumps a lizard in my face! Scared the **** out of me! :lol: I shouted *What's that!* As it lands at her feet and didn't move at first. I continued to pour the last of my water and the waterproof cache floats out the top. I pointed to the lizard at her feet. The lizard scurries around her, she screams and lets go of the hole, releasing water all over my pants. :rolleyes: Yes, I assure you, it was only water! <_<

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Here is a "prototype" container where I was testing different "fillers". I thought expanding insulation foam would be a great idea.... Until the nozzle broke. I must stress how hard it was to explain why I had bald spots all over my arms where I needed a razor to remove this stuff.. The final product is much nicer, has hair, and weighs in at an authentic 12lbs from using plaster. Its incased in a nice camo "box" behind a cemetary.


The cache page is here > GQ's Headcase




Edited by Geek-Qualizer
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For the truely evil cache hiders out there. Going nuts yet?

I would say that linking to it here for all of the geocaching world to see might diminish the container's value, but on second thought, if that type of cache were placed in my area, I'm not sure I'd be able to find it even after knowing that such a container exists! It almost seems like it would be too challenging to be a fun search, but if I ever did find it, the feeling of statisfaction would certainly be incredibly high.

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I just purchased a hide-key thermometer. Looks like an ordinary thermometer, but if you slide the face up, there is a compartment that will fit a film canister behind it.


Now the only issue is finding a spot where it would not look out of place. Maybe attached to a park's info kiosk?

I was the Pool Manager at a City Park where I live for quite a few years. If the clocks and other things were visable and not nailed down they were taken. You might wish to think of that before placing it in a park.

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For the truely evil cache hiders out there. Going nuts yet?


There is a cache very similar to this in our area. It is definitely a stumper!!


I like hides like this. Espcecially here in Las Vegas, it would be fun to hide something like that in a crowded area.


I am working on another stealthy hide. I'll post a pic after a few people find it. :rolleyes:



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I have a multi cache in which the final stage is in my front yard. I took an empty gallon container of windshield washer fluid and cut the top off and punched some drain holes in the bottom. I then counter sunk it into my flower bed next to the sidewalk. I then took 4" PVC about 15" long and glued a end cap to one end and used a "test plug" for the other end. I then painted the container flat cammo brown to match the mulch and placed it into the counter sunk container already in my flower bed end cap facing up. Most people think it's a utility pipe or some kind of water pipe. One guy even took it to his car and was still unsure as to wheather or not it was the cache. It's a great cache and we have fun wathcing people find it in our front yard.

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I Hid a cache in the cliffs close to where I live, The container was fitted inside a 4 inch wide by 18 inch length of water pipe , underneath the container was a 12 volt battery powered actuator, the switches that started the actuator to raise or lower was connected via a cable to a brick with open & close printed on each switch,the brick was then turned over to hide the switches, the lid of the cahe container had a piece of wood screwed to it so that all you saw was a piece of wood on the clifftop,when someone found the brick and pressed the open switch the cache container moved out of the ground exposing the container.This got quite a few people visiting the cache. I have just collected it this week so as the batteries can be changed and it should be back in opperation soon. But it was great fun making it.

Major tom :rolleyes:

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I have a multi cache in which the final stage is in my front yard. I took an empty gallon


some kind of water pipe. One guy even took it to his car and was still unsure as to wheather or not it was the cache. It's a great cache and we have fun wathcing people find it in our front yard.

Hi Team Lyons!


Yes that is a very cool cache! And it's true that I wasn't 100% sure what it was even after I got it into the car, and said so in the log. But you can't have been watching TOO carefully.




-- Carolyn (not a guy....)

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I really looooove those creative caches, found 3 recently that were quite creative, logged them with great respect for the creators!


I'm planning to place one of those wonderfull caches myself in the future, i'm still working on some ideas... :rolleyes:


Keep up the good work everybody!

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For the truely evil cache hiders out there. Going nuts yet?


We actually did a cache tha used a bolt in the Bowling Green Ohio area. What a toughy. It was brialliant, found on a rail system that had other bolts around it.


Loved it


Finding Fraggle Rock


Also did a cache that was part of a multi, the final cache was tied to a rope and lowered down an old gas or oil line about 20-25 feet down. That was interesting too. I could not see the bottom and was not sure what was going to be on the end of that rope.

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