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Hiking Medallions

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This past weekend, my family and I drove up to Blowing Rock, NC and that area and I saw those hiking medallions that others have talked about. This was the first time I had seen them in person and I bought one. I don't have a hiking stick to put it on yet. I would like to start collecting them, but I don't want to put them on a hiking stick that I would use. Mainly just someway to display them. Does anybody do this already? If so, how. (post pictures if you have them). Any ideas? I've thought of going to somewhere like Lowes and getting a dowel rod or broom handle type of thing. Staining it and then place them on it. Then I thought about perhaps making a stand of some sort that would hold the rod straight up as well. Perhaps as a I collect more, I can build stands that will hold all of the multiple dowel rods. It might look good on a hiking stick as well. I know hte same place that makes the medallions (www.hike-america.com) sells hiking sticks for around $20 each, as well as others that make and sell them.


So give me some ideas here...


Woodsters, I like to make my own hiking staffs. Just find someone who'll let you cut a straight poplar sapling (I like 1.25 to 1.5 inches on the big end) and skin the bark off. While it's still green work the nubs where the limbs were down to your liking. Any carving you want is easier while it is green or semi green too. Then lay it outdoors in a dry place (I use my covered back porch) to dry. In a week or two, depending on the humidity, it will be dry enough for you to do any other decorating you want and you can seal it all up with shellac or a clear spray. These are very easy to make and have much more character than a factory turned dowel.

Why not put them on a Hiking staff?

Depends on the staff...many that I have seen that you buy are decorated of some sort and there is not a lot of space to put the medallions. As Old Joe Clark mentioned, making my own is possible and I agree a natural looking stick gives more character.


I was thinking of a dowel type thing because of cost of buying a hikin stick/stacff.


A lot of people like to use ash broom handles to make hiking staffs. They're strong and relatively light weight. They're also easy to cut to just the right length for ergonomic hiking. Personally, I'm emotionally attached to a broken hoe handle that I fit with a rubber tip from an old crutch; that hoe handle and I have covered a lot of miles together. Yeah, I know it's heavy, but it gives me a feeling of superiority over the rich folks and their trekking poles.


As for the medallions, I'm getting quite a collection of them (and patches for various trails), but I just keep mine in a tupperware box. Perhaps one day it'll be a theme cache.


I have a collection of the medallions on my hiking staff, and even use one for my signature item (see my avatar). If you are interested in the staff, or collecting more of the medallions, check out the Hike America website. I think they are the people that make and distribute most of those. Also, Lil Devil makes some wonderful staffs. Haven't seen one for myself except for pictures, but people are always raving about them. He could probably do up something custom for you to display them.

I have a collection of the medallions on my hiking staff, and even use one for my signature item (see my avatar). If you are interested in the staff, or collecting more of the medallions, check out the Hike America website. I think they are the people that make and distribute most of those. Also, Lil Devil makes some wonderful staffs. Haven't seen one for myself except for pictures, but people are always raving about them. He could probably do up something custom for you to display them.

I had not seen that site before -- neat! Thanks! :)


Lil Devil makes hiking staffs? What are the odds that 2 devils make hiking staffs? :)


Anyways...back to the subject at hand. I think you will be much happier with a natural staff Woodsters. I would be happy to sell you one or walk you through the process of making your own, just drop me a line. :)


El Diablo

Lil Devil makes hiking staffs? What are the odds that 2 devils make hiking staffs? :D


Anyways...back to the subject at hand. I think you will be much happier with a natural staff Woodsters. I would be happy to sell you one or walk you through the process of making your own, just drop me a line. :)


El Diablo

:D My mistake! El Diablo makes the hiking staffs. (Could never keep the devils straight :) Sorry about that El Diablo. Couldn't remember who it was last time I mentioned them, and then this time I mentioned the wrong name. Maybe next time I will get it right. Apologies to all. But that is the right site for the medallions, and I always like working with him.


I have a 4 foot rattan hiking staff that I have had for years. Very stong and light.


I have 4 Boy Scout hiking medallions on it:

Two are the BSA symbol (2 different styles)

The Eagle Scout symbol (I am)

The Order of the Arrow symbol




Yeah the medallions are neat. They are even cheaper on the website than where I bought mine. This was the first time I had seen the medallions being sold in a shop. I think I paid like $3.98+tax for the medallion and he sells them on the site for $3.45 and that includes shipping. Once I get a staff made and some moeny, I will probably purchase some others from him through his website at www.hike-america.com .

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