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You Know You Are An Obsessed Geo-cacher If....


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1. You can successfully squeeze in a cache or two on your lunch break

2. Your kids can tell others what the co-ordinates to the house but have no idea as to the actual address

3. You purchase your new car based on its potential caching abilities

4. You wouldn't dream of going on a vacation without first checking the local TB hotel to see if you can help any on their way.

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You ask your spouse to bury you with your favorite GPS'r, if you die.


You ask the care taker at the cemetary when you make your final arrangements

not to bother the external antenna glued to your tombstone and the wire ran down beside it to your coffin.


You ask the groundskeeper at the cemetary not to move your flower vase, because there is a cache hidden inside of it.


You get your wife to set up your grave as a mystery cache after your dead.

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OMG! Those are really good.

I keep a small day pack in the car with all my geo goodies. It has GPS, compass, flashlight, leatherman, cache page print-outs, trash bags, pens, small notebook, extra batteries, carabiners, and small trade items. This way I'm always ready to go find one. I'm such a dork!

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Your next trip is planned for Nashville and you don't even like country music! :o

True Story.

I just had to laugh because three of us here in Erie, Pa, just did this! We found 301 caches and non-cachers we tell about the trip now think we're nuts! :)


...'course maybe they always thought we were nuts. :)

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You can change the batteries in your GPS without stopping on your hike to the Cache.

You cache day or night

You check for new caches in your area 3-4 times a day

You check the forums 3-4 times per day

You have a shelf or cabinet set aside just for cool things you have found in caches

You have run out of signature items several times

When you buy a new toy for your child they have to trade with you for it

You know who Dave Elmer is

One of your major goals in life is to visit cache #1

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You get really good at estimating the value of junk and can trade items to within pennies of their value.


You can perfectly reseal tupperware and ziplock in a flash.


You can look at GPSr information and mentally project yourself to that point in space and long for the day when you can do it physically.

Edited by dutchmaster
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You land in the hospital for 3 days and make the nurse move your bed closer to the window so you can get a lock.


You have your son bring your modem for the ipaq to your room so you can approve caches from the bed while you are there.


You keep looking at all the really tiny bottles the "Nitro" comes in and think that they would make a really evil micro.

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1. You can successfully squeeze in a cache or two on your lunch break

2. Your kids can tell others what the co-ordinates to the house but have no idea as to the actual address

3. You purchase your new car based on its potential caching abilities

4. You wouldn't dream of going on a vacation without first checking the local TB hotel to see if you can help any on their way.

Wow! 3 out of 4, and only because I don't have kids!

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You Know You Are Obessed With Geo-Cacher If............

Your husband calls you and tells you to meet him in town to look for a new printer. BTW Bring the GPS too. And you say OK.

Your mom is in the hosptial, you have a job interveiw in the afternoon. Your husband says, Hey a new cache has just been approved let's go. And you say. OK. OH Yeah, Ironman 114 was the first to find on that cache, so it wasn't a bad day. And I still went to see my mom and went on my job interveiw too.

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You know your obsessed with GeoCaching when:


1. your car is littered with McToys and you don't even have kids..

2. 95% of the numbers in your cell phone belong to other cachers...

3. You spend hours walking up and down the aisles of Home Depot looking for the next best cache container.

4. your on the way home from work. Home is only about 18 miles but you end up 40 miles in the oposite direction from home because you were just following the arrow to the next nearest cache.

5. the vehicle you just purchased 5 months ago with only 4 miles on it already has over 12,000 miles (mostly spent doing u-turns)

6. you have had the police called on you (michelle) because you were spotted disapearing in the woods with two small children in the rain. (true story)

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You have insta-notify emailed to your home email address, with filter set up in outlook to automatically forward it to your work address...with a filter set up there to alert you about it.


You have an auto-hide toolbar at the top of your computer screen with all of your really important work shortcuts....and a link to the Groundspeak forums.


You see a comment about checking the forums 3-4 times a day and think....'rookie'

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-Everyone in your family calls it a "GPSr"


-You carry a GPSr to go to the mailbox.


-You plan your whole day around getting at least one cache.


-Actual conversation.....

<me> It's 6:00....if we eat somewhere fairly quick....

<wife> we'll have 15 min. to go to the park and....

<me> still make it to church by 7:30...


Matt :lol:

Edited by Lizooki
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Newbies think your a mod because you post so much.


You can rember peolple by thier username better than thier real one.


You demand that no used container may enter the garbage can without first being inspected for cache worthiness.


You can't pass a graveyard without thinking, "maybe I could put one there..."

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If your cell phone contact list is mostly geocachers and you entered their caching names instead of their real names.. if they have a real name. :)

Zoiks! Geocachers outnumber other numbers on my cellphone by a factor of more than 2:1. And yes, they're all entered by geocaching handle. As I scrolled through the list, it dawned on me that I'd better not lose track of my cellphone at an event cache. People would pay good money for some of the numbers in that book! For $200 I will sell you Hydee's number.

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If your cell phone contact list is mostly geocachers and you entered their caching names instead of  their real names.. if they have a real name.  :)

Zoiks! Geocachers outnumber other numbers on my cellphone by a factor of more than 2:1. And yes, they're all entered by geocaching handle. As I scrolled through the list, it dawned on me that I'd better not lose track of my cellphone at an event cache. People would pay good money for some of the numbers in that book! For $200 I will sell you Hydee's number.

So if 20 of us all chip in $10.... Hmmm

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