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Bigcall Hits 900!


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I feel like a kid in a candy store in Chicago. Thousands of caches - just pick a direction and go find a bunch.


I wish I could have made the event the other day, sounds like it was the usual good time.


GLM's comment is right one the mark though. My current hypercaching spree is temporary since when the family gets out here I'll return to mostly "normal" geocaching (i.e. out with the kids and/or the occasional weekend).

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I guess I have to resign myself to the fact that there's no catching up to you anytime in the foreseeable future (unless I move to a new area as well); however, I'm glad that one of the premier NoVA cachers has found new territory to explore and will have many fun adventures to look forward to. Given your current circumstances, I figure we'll be sending you another round of congratulatory notes in just a couple of weeks. :D


Happy trails and good hunting! :o

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