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Online Chat


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Here's an idea. How about an online chat area where those of us online can chat with other users? I've seen this done on other websites.


I do use MSN Messenger (Vexorg_Atlanta), but, too many "pornobots" and pop-up adds spoil the fun of chatting with other people....


How about it?


Strip Mining PREVENTS Forest Fires!


I would also like to see a chat here on the Groundspeak fourms, or on Geocaching.com


I've been to Clayjars chat several times and will not go back. No offense to Clayjar he's a great guy. The chat there is unmoderated and contains a wealth of offensive language.


Once again no offense to Clayjar. He had the right idea. It just seems that the chat there is dominated by a few cachers...I guess they are cachers...I've never heard caching discussed there. Well I take that back. The last time I was there they were making fun of a few admins with the word F**K thrown in every other sentence.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



Originally posted by El Diablo:

Once again no offense to Clayjar. He had the right idea. It just seems that the chat there is dominated by a few cachers...I guess they are cachers...I've never heard caching discussed there. Well I take that back. The last time I was there they were making fun of a few admins with the word F**K thrown in every other sentence.

The last person I heard speaking like that was *permanently* banned. It would be far more productive to tell *me* than to air it out here. If you have a log, please e-mail it to me, since obviously I've missed something.


If you want on-topic only chat, you can always go to the alternate channel, #Geocaching, instead of the main just-a-bunch-of-cachers channel, #Geocache. If you're using the java chat, you can either type "/join #Geocaching" once you're in, or you can just use an alternate URL:




Of course, there will always be fewer people in the geocaching-chat-only alternate channel than there are geocachers chatting around the geocache.


Anyway, there's no reason to be rude and insulting to the regulars. I've been all around the country visiting events and meeting chat regulars, and I find them far more polite than you have been here. I'm sure this is just an oversight on your part, of course, since you seem to be a decent fellow (nice hiking sticks and all), but I have seen a very large amount of caching discussion in the chat.


Anyway, if you want a *moderated*, on-topic chat, you really need to come by the chat for the Official Weekly Geocaching Chats. They're every Monday evening at 8:30pm Central (US). I will be looking for you on Monday; I hope you come.


[[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System


I have not seen the language problem on IRC. Most seem to watch their tongue (or is it fingers?) while in the channel. I would not go there if the swearing was constant as well, but this has not been my experience.


Guess you stopped by at a bad time or something. If I remember right, some IRC programs have language filters that you can turn on as well.


I have gotten some good advice and ideas from the chat. Good group of addicts in there. Even Hydee stops by from time to time.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


It just seems that the chat there is dominated by a few cachers...I guess they are cachers...I've never heard caching discussed there. Well I take that back. The last time I was there they were making fun of a few admins with the word F**K thrown in every other


I've periodically visited the chat and have seen none of the language you're referring to. Is geocaching the only topic being discussed? No. It's more geocachers chatting, than chatting about geocaching. So what? It's an interesting group of people, who have interesting things to say.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by El Diablo:


I've been to Clayjars chat several times and will not go back... The chat there is unmoderated and contains a wealth of offensive language...It just seems that the chat there is dominated by a few cachers...I guess they are cachers...I've never heard caching discussed there. Well I take that back. The last time I was there they were making fun of a few admins with the word F**K thrown in every other sentence.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.




The last time I was present in clayjar's chat, with you i seem to remember the following occurance. We were talking about geocaching logos and the terms of use for the Geocaching.com logo. We were discussing the public domain logo which many people worked very hard on. You expressed sentiments that the public domain logo was a shoddy idea. Little did you know at the time, that the idea for a public domain logo was MY idea, which was put forth by Leprechaun in the forums. The actual idea for a public domain logo was conceived in clayjars chat room. My remebrance of the two or three threads about the public domain logo was, that it was a well received idea.


Further, I then expressed my displeasure with your tone. You left the chat room. If you never come back, i wouldn't care very much.


Finally, no one uses the word F**k in every other sentance.


I think your just a big mouth and a coward to come into the forums to poo poo clayjars chat room, when in fact you are afraid to discuss your true issues in the chat room with us. I talk to people in that chat room often. I have met and geocached with some of the people i have met in that chat room. I consider them friends.


You, sir, are a cad and a bounder.




p.s. the admins that i bash in clayjars chat room, i have also met and consider friends. two of them put their lives in my hands when i took them geocaching in central park, nyc at night. i bash them for three reasons. one, i can. two, its done in fun. three, they deserve it.


SR and dboggny.




I gave up IRC many many years ago... too chaotic. Wouldn't mind trying the chat on Clayjar's site except its a bad night for me to get free... Will give it a try when I can.



Free your mind and the rest will follow action-smiley-076.gif

And may no Admin bricks 19490_2600.gif fly your way


This thread is taking a bad turn from a general discussion of online chat options, to a debate about a specific experience with one visitor to one chat channel. Please keep the discussion focused on the stated topic or the thread will be closed.


Danny, I will not do anything to your post, mainly because I don't have time to look up "cad" and "bounder" in the dictionary, but like "big mouth" and "coward", I suspect they aren't complimentary words. The rebuttal argument that you posted did just fine on its own without those words. Tone it down. [2nd EDIT: Apologies like the one below go a long ways.]


El Diablo, your post painted the chat channel with a rather broad brush. You've been taken to task for that, so I won't add to it. Tone it down. [EDIT: Apologies like the one below go a long ways.]


Thanks everyone for playing nicely in the sandbox. That is especially important in the "Getting Started" forum.



smile.gif Signal says, "Drink the Kool-Aid!" smile.gif


[This message was edited by Keystone Approver on September 19, 2003 at 07:58 AM.]


Originally posted by ClayJar:

other sentence.

The last person I heard speaking like that was *permanently* banned. It would be far more productive to tell *me* than to air it out here. If you have a log, please e-mail it to me, since obviously I've missed something.


Anyway, there's no reason to be rude and insulting to the regulars. I've been all around the country visiting events and meeting chat regulars, and I find them far more polite than you have been here. I'm sure this is just an oversight on your part, of course, since you seem to be a decent fellow (nice hiking sticks and all), but I have seen a very large amount of caching discussion in the chat.


_[[[ http://clayjar.com/ ]]]_

Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System


First of all... I alpologize. Your are right...I should have brought it to your attention, rather than air it here.


Like you I've been to a lot of events and have met a lot of cachers, and I've never met one I didn't like.


Also in all fairness I will say that I've been in your chat several times and I only saw the one incident that I mentioned. Maybe I was there on a bad night.


Once again I apologize.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.





Group hug time!!!!!!!!



Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own.

Sydney J. Harris


/me has seen Harrald's "group hugs" and shuffles discreetly over to the other side of the room.




El Diablo and others, please do come visit chat. I like to think of it as a caching cafe that fills up on Monday evenings for Open Mic. If someone says something that offends you, you can certainly leave. OR, you can pipe up and say "Yo! Schmuck! What's that all about??"


Usually you will find that the typed conversation doesn't convey all the nuances of one's idea and the misunderstanding can be cleared up.


Or you'll find you're talking to fuzzy, who really is a schmuck.


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)


MiGO has a chat on Wednesday nights at 8:30pm MiGO I don't live in MI but I do have ties there and they are a great bunch of people. I'm sure they wouldn't mind out of staters dropping in.


Also it wouldn't interfer with Clayjars chat which is on Monday nights. The link to his is posted several messages above.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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