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Can The 'west And Southwest' Forum Be Split?

2oldfarts (the rockhounders)

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If it is not too much trouble and you (TPTB) have some spare time perhaps the 'West and Southwest' forum could be split into 2 new forums. One for California and one for the rest of the Southwest.


When you look at the current forum most of the threads are intended for California. It would be nicer if we (the rest of the southwest) didn't need to scroll through all of California's threads to find something that applies to us.


Anyone else agree with me? Or is the Oldfart just howling at the moon? <_< hooowwling




2oldfarts (the rockhounders) ...


I wish you the best on getting an answer on that one. I asked for the same thing for the "GPS Units & Software Forum" and it remained a dead letter.


I am curious to see how this thread fares...




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