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How Old Are Most Geocachers?

AJ of Dunbar

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Well how old are most geocachers? Im 18 and i nthe proccess of getting a new magellan sportrak map GPS. Im selling my blazer12 on a auction site, theres a rebate for the sporttrak out now till june, and i got some other money coming in from another project so i will hopefully only have to pay $60 or less (out of my pocket) <_<



Posted (edited)

There are a wide variety of ages from small children up to ancient people like my parents (this will be a test to see if Mom reads all of my posts). That is one of the nice things about caching, it appeals to such a wide variety of people.


Edit: I didn't actually state my age. I will be 37 in April.

Edited by carleenp
Posted (edited)

I'm the primary cache-r in my family and I'll be 44 in May (I.m also the geekiest in the family)

The whole family likes to take part though, when their schedules permit.


Wife: 40

Son: 14

Stepson: 14

Stepdaughter: 11


If my mom's health permitted, she said she'd like to try it.

She'll be 70 nest month.

Edited by mihiker

I'm at the ripe old age of 24. My fiancee and I are almost always the youngest people at events (not counting kids brought by their parents), but it doesn't bother us or anyone else.


I'll be 35 in a couple months and my son is 7, though he shouldn't count because I need to drag him out of the house kicking and screaming to get him to go Geocaching. :D


Oh . . . I know how old Mopar is but he might slap me if I revealed his age. :blink: I might just have to talk. <_<


I'm 20, but my birthday is in 3 days. I'm planning on setting up a special memorial cache: The Keg Cache


note: Don't worry, it will be with in guidelines! <_<


Old enough to know better, but too young to quit....


As if it really matters, I'll be 40 in October.........going on 60..............but I'm still 10 years younger than Sunshine! :blink: She'll be 50 in two weeks! <_<

Posted (edited)

38 years old . . .


or 2028 Weeks old

or 465 Months old

or 14201 days old

or 340824 Hours old

or 20449474 Minutes old

or 1226968495 Seconds old



Edited by timg
44 years young and recently feel younger!!!

Chronological age in 2004: 43

Relative age in 1996, immediately before divorce: 55

Relative age in 1997, shortly after divorce: 33

Relative age in 2004, well after discovering geocaching: 25

I'm 13

Did you just have a birthday? I didn't realize you were a teenager already.

No, but on forums like these I don't like to tell my true age (11) as I'm afraid it would provoke bad things.


We are talking about mental age right? <_<


Gizmo = 45

Brazin = 42

Daughter = 21

Son = 17 (This Friday)

Blitz = 4

Rachet = 3

Gizmo jr = 5 months

Itchy = 14

fish = 2 years

Frog = 4 years


hmmm....I think that's the entire family! (Three dogs, a cat, two fish & 1 frog. And oh yes... <_< two children!)

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